Mayo Clinic Contest! 5 Ways Patients Can Make a Difference! | Rheumatoid Arthritis Warrior

Mayo Clinic Contest! 5 Ways Patients Can Make a Difference!

1) Rheumatology patients are teaching medical students in Britain!

The biggest difference patients can make is to help the medical profession understand their conditions better. Patient instructors in rheumatology are instructing undergraduate and postgraduate medical students are viewed as “an excellent, relatively under-utilised, resource.” “They are especially effective at enhancing students’ understanding of the impact of living with a chronic condition.” This program is in the UK, but prospects are increasing elsewhere.

2) Donate your photo to the Rheumatoid Patient Foundation

The Rheumatoid Patient Foundation (RPF), the non-profit patient organization working to improve the lives of Rheumatoid disease patients through education, advocacy, and research wants to use real patients in its publications instead of just cheap stock photos. New brochures will be printed in the next few weeks that will then find their way into doctors’ offices to help newly diagnosed patients! This is the most requested product of RPF from doctors – materials to help their patients manage RA.



  • Be sure to use the most clear & high resolution photos you have.
  • Send photos with smiling faces or warm embraces! Outdoors or with pets too!
  • We also need portraits of pregnant moms or new moms & babies for a pregnancy brochure.
  • Go to this link to upload your photos:
  • Please don’t crop them down! Let us trim to needed shapes!

Golden Gate Bridge toll

3) Scholarship from Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media

MCCSM is offering a scholarship contest for patients and caregivers to attend its Social Media Summit and related events Oct. 15-19, 2012, in Rochester, MN. This scholarship is for those who have been engaged as a patient or caregiver demonstrating a strong commitment to enhancing health and healthcare delivery via patient empowerment; but have not, because of financial constraints, been able to attend this type of conference previously. To enter: Download and complete the Official Application here at this link. More on the official contest rules here at this link.

4) Poll of how RA has affected you or the one you care for

Where has RA affected you (or your loved one)? Check any answers that apply.

“Feet, Hands, Knees, Elbows, Spine (back), Spine (neck), Jaw, Eyes, Shoulders, Hips, Vascular (veins), Heart, Lungs, Digestive system, Voice /vocal cords, Sternum (chest / ribs), Wrists, Ankles, Other – Joints, Other – Non-joint…” Click here to participate in the poll.

5) Print some information about RA to share!

Some of the most important resources from RA Warrior are being collected on this page – click here. You have permission to print any of the resources there as long as this site is credited as the source. Keep the link because we’ll be adding more items in the future.

Recommended reading

Kelly O'Neill

Kelly O'Neill (formerly Kelly Young) has worked about 12 years as an advocate helping patients to be better informed and have a greater voice in their healthcare. She is the author of the best-selling book Rheumatoid Arthritis Unmasked: 10 Dangers of Rheumatoid Disease. Kelly received national acknowledgement with the 2011 WebMD Health Hero award. She is the president of the Rheumatoid Patient Foundation. Through her writing and speaking, she builds a more accurate awareness of rheumatoid disease (RD) aka rheumatoid arthritis (RA) geared toward the public and medical community; creates ways to empower patients to advocate for improved diagnosis and treatment; and brings recognition and visibility to the RA patient journey. In addition to RA Warrior, she writes periodically for newsletters, magazines, and websites. There are over 60,000 connections of her highly interactive Facebook page. You can also connect with Kelly on Twitter or YouTube, or LinkedIn. She created the hashtag: #rheum. Kelly is a mother of five, longtime home-schooler, NASA enthusiast, and NFL fan. She has lived over fourteen years with unrelenting RD. See also https:/

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9 thoughts on “Mayo Clinic Contest! 5 Ways Patients Can Make a Difference!

  • July 6, 2012 at 7:22 am

    Is there a non Facebook link to the survey?

    • July 6, 2012 at 10:07 am

      Hi Lisa,
      This particular survey is a Facebook “Question” only, but don’t worry! You won’t miss out. We have some important surveys coming that you can participate in here or on the site. I don’t usually use FB for our surveys, but this was a quick poll to see what folks would say & it helps us to learn about how to do the next survey too.

  • July 6, 2012 at 9:06 am

    The link to submit a photo does not work! I tried searching the site with no luck as well.

  • July 6, 2012 at 9:49 am


    I HAVE PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS & dangerously severe Palmo / Planter Psoriasis and ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS (and a pituitary tumor & 9 thyroid cysts and perhaps Crohn’s Disease).


    I was on Humira, but it lowered my immune system so severely (URI’s, fungal infections & then BELL’S PALSY) that my dermatologist discontinued it. My dermatologist then wanted me to start Methotrexate, but I decided against it (we’re in the wine business).

    My rheumatologist doesn’t think I have RA, or PA, she only looks at blood tests – NOT ME! I was bawling the last time I left her office and she could care less. I’m trying all natural / holistic medicine now, but I would appreciate some real medical help also.

    • July 6, 2012 at 10:04 am

      Dear Susan,
      The Mayo Contest is for ANY patients or caregiver! You don’t have to have RA or any other specific dx!! I hope that lots of patients who work hard to learn about their conditions will enter the contest. Good luck!

      • July 30, 2012 at 11:34 am

        Thanks for your encouragement, Kelly!

        Here’s a follow-up on my new, recent diagnosis:
        I saw a new Rheumatologist last week; his name is Dr. Roy Fleischmann. He is the head of Rheumatology and Inflammatory Diseases at UT Southwestern Medical School here in Dallas, TX. He doesn’t take many new patients, but my Endocrinologist was able to get me in to see Dr. Fleischmann.

        After taking my history and before even ordering one blood test or x-ray, Dr. Fleischmann said, “Of course you have Psoriatic Arthritis; you’ve had it since you were a child! What was Dr. (so&so) thinking?” Before I could utter a word, he answered himself, “Obviously, she wasn’t thinking at all!”

        Dr. Fleischmann then said he was starting me on Enbrel that day and ordering blood work, including DNA testing (my previous dr never tested me for FLA-B27 or any other DNA) and lots of x-rays to see what damage has already occurred.”

        I will go back to see Dr. Fleischmann in 2 weeks. I’m praying Enbrel will be the answer for me without all the infections that I had while on Humira.

        Thank you so much for your blog and your facebook page. You are a great encourager for me and obviously for many other people too!

        God bless you & yours!

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