Painless Meme for Rheum Mates | Rheumatoid Arthritis Warrior

Painless Meme for Rheum Mates

Kelly at Washington MonumentOften, I begin a presentation explaining “being an RA patient doesn’t define me.” Then, I share some things that do.

Like being a mother of five amazing young people.  Growing up near D.C. and still loving all things Washington, especially the Redskins. Rainbows, rockets, and running on the beach. Bee Gees. Tobymac. Chicago. Margaret Becker. I miss seasons, snowmen, and my own cooking.

Let’s learn a little more about each other with this painless meme.

In many cases, this disease is the reason we met, but it’s definitely not the only thing that holds our community together! We have shared laughter, pain, hope of a cure, and determination to make that happen sooner.

Here’s our easy-going rheum meme

What’s a meme? It’s just a set of questions that we each answer. Put your answers to the questions in the comment box below or post them in your own blog and leave a link to that here in a comment.

  1. What is one thing that defines who you are, regardless of RA? My faith that God loves me and will cause all things to work together for the best.
  2. What’s one food you know they must have in heaven? Peaches. Fresh fried fish. Ok, 2.
  3. Name a song that takes you to a happy place? So many! How about Dancing in the Moonlight? Or Tonight (below).
  4. What’s your favorite city and why? Washington. My childhood.
  5. Name 1 thing that you have learned by living with Rheumatoid disease? Deep. Long. Patience.
  6. What medication has helped you the most with RA symptoms? The least? Most: 800 mg ibuprofen with Lortab. Least: Biologics being like apple juice.
  7. What do you most wish health care professionals understood about RA? How constant disease activity is.
  8. What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about you? I don’t stress over anything very often.
  9. What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about your RA? Everything is easy compared to RA.
  10. What is something that you want to be remembered for? Never giving up.

Almost two years ago, we had an amazing response to our first Warrior meme about living with RA – click here to read. You can still reply to that one too! Or maybe you just want to read what other warriors said about living with RA.

Important note: I’m sorry. If you get my blog in your email box as many of you do, the last post was missing something. Apparently, when Google sends out the emails, videos are not included so you didn’t get to see the new video interview I mentioned! Please take a moment to click here to watch the video on RA Warrior or click here to watch the same video on Johnson & Johnson’s YouTube channel. Or both! Increasing the number of views of legitimate RA videos is very important for RA awareness and we can each count for several views. ALSO, please leave a quick comment on the J&J YouTube channel thanking them for having real patient voices there.

Recommended reading

Kelly O'Neill

Kelly O'Neill (formerly Kelly Young) has worked about 12 years as an advocate helping patients to be better informed and have a greater voice in their healthcare. She is the author of the best-selling book Rheumatoid Arthritis Unmasked: 10 Dangers of Rheumatoid Disease. Kelly received national acknowledgement with the 2011 WebMD Health Hero award. She is the president of the Rheumatoid Patient Foundation. Through her writing and speaking, she builds a more accurate awareness of rheumatoid disease (RD) aka rheumatoid arthritis (RA) geared toward the public and medical community; creates ways to empower patients to advocate for improved diagnosis and treatment; and brings recognition and visibility to the RA patient journey. In addition to RA Warrior, she writes periodically for newsletters, magazines, and websites. There are over 60,000 connections of her highly interactive Facebook page. You can also connect with Kelly on Twitter or YouTube, or LinkedIn. She created the hashtag: #rheum. Kelly is a mother of five, longtime home-schooler, NASA enthusiast, and NFL fan. She has lived over fourteen years with unrelenting RD. See also https:/

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63 thoughts on “Painless Meme for Rheum Mates

  • July 23, 2012 at 6:54 am

    1. What is one thing that defines who you are, regardless of RA?
    Trying to be as good a person I can be, for myself, my family, my friends, and my loved ones.
    2. What’s one food you know they must have in heaven? Pizza
    3.Name a song that takes you to a happy place? I agree with so many. Runaway Train, My Girl, or If I were a Carpenter.
    4.What’s your favorite city and why? New Orleans, there is something about the Garden District that says Home, even though I’ve never lived there.
    5.Name 1 thing that you have learned by living with Rheumatoid disease? Letting someone else run the show.
    6.What medication has helped you the most with RA symptoms? The least? Most: MTX, though it kills me for a day/weekend. The other five are usually pretty good. Least: Biologics, I break through them and have side effects with almost all fo them.
    7.What do you most wish health care professionals understood about RA? I hurt all the time. Show some compassion, a little tenderness. It goes a long way. Also, I am the one living with this disease. Trust in my knowledge; it is my constant companion. I know it better than you do.
    8.What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about you? I am terrified of dying. Leaving my man, my children….scares the bajeesus out of me.
    9.What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about your RA? The fatigue is worse than the pain. Pain I can handle, get through, cry through, find a way through. Fatigue saps my life.
    10.What is something that you want to be remembered for? Being a good mom.
    Thank you, Kelly, for giving us this opportunity to share about ourselves. I needed this, this morning.

  • July 23, 2012 at 7:29 am

    1. I am kind
    2. Blueberries.
    3. Life is a rock but the radio rolls me. Girls in summers clothes… Orleans. We rise up.
    5. How to prioritize
    7. How to diagnose it
    8. I have RA
    9. It isn’t the hardest thing I’ve done. I buried a husband at 30.
    10. I had my priorities straight.

  • July 23, 2012 at 10:30 am

    1. I am a Father, being able to provide for my Family, not talking about money, but everything else. Taking them to the Parks the beach and on Vacations, etc. and still remaining “active ” in there lives. Even if my rest times are a bit longer now……

    2.Eggplant Parm. my wife makes it the best….

    3. Lately its been Jessie J Domino, for sure my girls have something to do with planting that song in my head.

    4. London, Home of the Arsenal Worlds greatest Football Club, also known as soccer. No I am from New York not England….

    5. To have a sense of humor. Cant let this RA stuff get you down, always keep fighting and Refuse to Lose.

    6. Nothing yet but not giving up, Oh maybe Ultram but thats just a pain killer. The worst has to be Enbrel, found out I’m alergic to it the hard way….

    7. I have been very lucky my 3 main Dr ( Rhuemy, Heart, Spine) always but RA at the Front of their thinking. God is looking out for me 😉

    8. I consider RA a blessing from God. This disease has made me appreciate all the little things in life. Those that I can do and those that I no longer am able too

    9. The only easy day was yesterday, borrowed that from the Navy Seals…..

    10. That I Refused to Lose to this Disease. RA won’t beat me exhaustion will….

    • July 23, 2012 at 2:22 pm

      I am changing my “song” to Wild Horses (Rolling Stones)
      This time for sure.

  • July 23, 2012 at 10:30 am

    1. Consistent and Dependable
    2. Ice Cream
    3. Cocaine (Jackson Brown)
    4. Traverse City Michigan (July, August only)
    5. To understand what matters in life.
    6. Enbrel (most) Celbrex (caused GI bleeding)
    7. To be quicker to refer to Rheumatologist.(went
    undiagnosed for many years under the care of PCP
    and several orthopedic specialists)
    8. I am in constant fear that my meds will lose
    effectivness and the “bad” pain will return.
    9. How long I was able to block out the pain and function
    10. This may be a selfish attitude, but not concerned about
    how or if I am remembered.

  • July 23, 2012 at 10:37 am

    1.I know God is with me and nothing is too difficult for Him.
    2. All kinds of fruit and they will taste so fantastic and I will be able to eat them off the tree.
    3. I am Woman by Helen Reddy.
    4. Blavagraod, Bulgaria. I love Bulgaria. I’d live there! We adopted our sweet 11 year old Magdalena from this town in Bulgaria and I just love this city and this country. The coffee is incredible.
    5.I don’t have a limitless amount of energy and it is okay to say no and not do what others expect me to.
    6.The methotrexate seems to be helping a bit. My RA hasn’t gotten any worse anyway most of the time. Do I feel incredible? No. That’s all I take so probably that is what has helped the least too because it only does so much.But at least it is doing something. Thankfully it really doesn’t make me sick or anything.
    7. I wish they understood how constant the pain is. And when they ask “Is it helping?” that there is no simple answer.
    8. I love to dance (which I haven’t done for years). I love to actually perform as a dancer — haven’t done this for over 20 years.
    9. How darn tired I am so often. And how much it hurts at times.
    10.Loving Jesus and loving others.

  • July 23, 2012 at 10:54 am

    What is one thing that defines who you are, regardless of RA? My love for my family. They, especially my 5 year old, are the ones who make me get out of bed every day, even if it hurts so much it puts tears in my eyes.

    What’s one food you know they must have in heaven? Calorie-free Ben & Jerry’s

    Name a song that takes you to a happy place? Cecelia by Simon & Garfunkel.

    What’s your favorite city and why? Savannah, Ga. Although I live in Chicago and absolutely could NEVER leave, Savannah just has a pull for me. Something just keeps bringing me back again and again, and I have no idea why.

    Name 1 thing that you have learned by living with Rheumatoid disease? Life goes on…. even if it hurts and you have no support, the earth isn’t going to stop turning. I’ve learned that when the hard times hit, I CAN do things that I tell people I can’t, simply because they have to get done. I am stronger than I think I am.

    What medication has helped you the most with RA symptoms? Nothing. They still can’t figure out if I have RA or not, or a combination of RA and something else. Therefore, they won’t prescribe anything until they know…. which will probably be never.

    Least: ibuprofen. lol

    What do you most wish health care professionals understood about RA? That it’s not a game. This is my LIFE. I should not have to wait 3 years for you to figure out what’s going on and give me something to help ease the pain and the PERMANENT damage. Every day you make me wait means that more and more damage is being done. You can go home pain-free and do whatever your heart desires. I leave your office, go lay in bed with my heating pad and cry my eyes out because you are robbing me of the ability to be a mother and life a normal life because you make me wait for a diagnosis that seems like it will never come. What’s the hold-up? I’m sure if you had pain like mine, you would have made that diagnosis after the first week.

    What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about you? It is not in my blood to give up. I WILL find the answers. I WILL get a diagnosis, and I WILL find treatment that works, or I will die trying. Kick me and knock me down as many times as you want, but as long as I have breath in my lungs, I will keep getting back up.

    What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about your RA? How painful it is, and the silly “little” things that can cause me such intense pain. They have no idea how much time I spend in bed, curled up and sobbing because it hurts THAT bad and there’s nothing I can do about it.

    What is something that you want to be remembered for? My strength, and the fact that I never gave in to this disease. I play with my daughter even though it hurts. I visit family even though it takes me 20 minutes to get down the front steps. I will NEVER give up or give in!

  • July 23, 2012 at 10:57 am

    1. What is one thing that defines who you are, regardless of RA? My family
    2. What’s one food you know they must have in heaven? Cupcakes
    3.Name a song that takes you to a happy place? To Make You Feel My Love
    4.What’s your favorite city and why? Adelaide, South Australia, a beautiful city, relaxed lifestyle, friendly people
    5.Name 1 thing that you have learned by living with Rheumatoid disease? Patience, patience, patience.
    6.What medication has helped you the most with RA symptoms? The least? Most: Enbrel. Least: Plaquenil.
    7.What do you most wish health care professionals understood about RA? “Atypical” RA, isn’t. Almost everyone I’ve met in support groups worldwide over the last year have the same story and symptoms as me. So how is my RA atypical?
    8.What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about you? I have a terrible temper that I keep well hidden
    9.What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about your RA? How bad it really makes me feel. That it has taken away my interest in almost everything at the moment. That if I didn’t have a family that loves and needs me I would probably not bother fighting and just lie in bed and sleep through the rest of my life.
    10.What is something that you want to be remembered for? Being largely responsible for my children being the worthwhile, beautiful human beings they are.

  • July 23, 2012 at 11:04 am

    What is one thing that defines who you are, regardless of RA? Curiosity about every corner of the universe
    What’s one food you know they must have in heaven? Peaches. If they don’t have everything it is not heaven
    Name a song that takes you to a happy place? Any Bossa Nova
    What’s your favorite city and why? The next one I visit for the first time
    Name 1 thing that you have learned by living with Rheumatoid disease? Focus on the important stuff and ignore the trivia
    What medication has helped you the most with RA symptoms? The least? On MTX I can walk again. And ride bikes. And hike. And…
    What do you most wish health care professionals understood about RA? RA — heart disease connection
    What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about you? ???
    What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about your RA? That I have it at all
    What is something that you want to be remembered for? I don’t get enough credit for being nurturing

  • July 23, 2012 at 11:15 am

    1 What is one thing that defines who you are, regardless of RA? Art

    What’s one food you know they must have in heaven? Cheesecake

    Name a song that takes you to a happy place? Beth by Kiss, I sang it to my daughter as a lullaby

    What’s your favorite city and why? Galveston the beach

    Name 1 thing that you have learned by living with Rheumatoid disease? Patience

    What medication has helped you the most with RA symptoms? The least?Most Ibuprofen Least:Sulfasalizine

    What do you most wish health care professionals understood about RA? That fatigue is horrible

    What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about you?I am an optimist

    What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about your RA?That it is literally killing me

    What is something that you want to be remembered for? Always being there for the people who need me.

  • July 23, 2012 at 11:17 am

    The one thing that defines me…Being as good a mom as I can and wife and friend.
    If there is a heaven I hope there is french fries
    SOng that keeps me going these days. And Into the Mystic makes me happy.
    I have no favorite city. I only like the country.
    The thing I’ve learned about living with RA: I never really knew how bad it was for my mother when she had it. If only she were still here so I could tell her that.

    Med most helpful: narcotics and Mobic. Least: all the rest.
    I wish Dr’s knew that we aren’t just whining about pain. Noone will get it unless they have it.
    People would be suprised that I considered taking my life over this. But I’m ok now.
    People would be suprised at the severity of my RA because of the fact I hide it so well.
    I want to be remembered for always being there when someone was in need.

  • July 23, 2012 at 11:24 am

    1. My determination and positive attitude.
    2. Mint Chocolate chip ice cream
    3. The Dog Days are Over by Florence and the Machine
    4.Okrakoke Island, Outer Banks NC
    5. It’s okay to ask for help.
    6. Tramadol
    7. My disease is more than my blood work numbers
    8. I hate answering the question, “How are you?” I don’t want to lie and I don’t want to tell the truth either. I hate talking about my disease.
    9. I’m always in pain. There are times I can manage the pain, but there are times the pain manages me.
    10. My silliness and sense of humor.

  • July 23, 2012 at 12:03 pm

    What is one thing that defines who you are, regardless of RA?
    It’s a tie between faith and tenacity.
    What’s one food you know they must have in heaven?
    Watermelon as a food, but as a DRINK Coca-Cola.
    Name a song that takes you to a happy place?
    Victory In Jesus, b/c of the 2nd verse and its tie-in to the day I walked for the first time in nearly 3 yrs and the day after.
    What’s your favorite city and why?
    It’s not really a city, but Spencer, IN, pop. approx 2200 county seat of Owen Co., IN pop approx 21,000. It’s where I grew up and where some people I love dearly live still. I wish I could go back but winter may make it miserable for me.
    Name 1 thing that you have learned by living with Rheumatoid disease?
    Be knowledgeable enough about RA to self-advocate for yourself and other people with RA.
    What medication has helped you the most with RA symptoms? The least?
    It’s a tie between Arava and prednisone as to which has helped me the most. Taking one without the other means I have less of a response. As for what’s helped me the least, I’d have to say that is also a tie. It’s between MTX, NSAIDs and anti-TNFs. Not only did these not help me, all of these have caused me more problems. MTX does nothing for me and causes 4-5 days of extreme fatigue and 2-3 days of nausea/vomiting. NSAIDs give me nausea/vomiting/diarrhea. The anti-TNFs do nothing for me really. Humira doesn’t harm me unlike Enbrel or Remicaide. Enbrel gives me such bad injection site reactions despite taking Benadryl and using hydrocortisone cream (and being on 20mg pred/day) that I knew where I’d given myself the last 4-5 shots. The older ones were only slightly faded compared to the new ones. As for Remicaide, it destroyed my immune system to the point I had a UTI, cellulitis, sepsis, and an infection on my skin going from one side in my underarm area across my chest to the other underarm area (it was finally determined to be yeast and took over a year to get rid of). I also acquired C-Diff and VRE while in the hospital and developed shingles a total of 6 times in the same area. Yet while I stay away from MTX, NSAIDs (taken long term, when used PRN for headaches etc I don’t get sick) and anti-TNFs, I know these are very helpful for others and so I don’t think they are “evil” meds as some people do when they almost die because of a medication or med side effects.
    What do you most wish health care professionals understood about RA?
    That it’s a constant cycle of good and bad days and for some, there are more bad days than good days and that informed patients are not a negative as some docs make them out to be. Some docs seem to fear an knowledgeable patient. I quickly fire those docs. My pediatric rheumy and Mom ensured I’d be a knowledgeable patient and I’ve had many docs (usually GPs) who seemed to be threatened by a patient who knew something. Possibly because the patient knew more than they did about RA? IDK if that’s it but many GPs and other PCPs are not that knowledgeable about RA and so it’s possible a patient does know more than they do about their condition, their meds, etc.
    What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about you?
    I’m such a what you see is what you get type that anyone who knows me or has read posts I’ve made knows a good bit about me. But I guess for a stranger on the street, it might surprise most people that I’ve been in a nursing home as young as I am. I’m 35 and spent from age 32-34 in two hospitals and a nursing home.
    What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about your RA?
    That despite RA being the more serious of my problems, it is less bothersome at times than the secondary conditions I have. The secondary conditions can’t kill me as RA can but they’re more of a problem. I think this is because I was diagnosed at 7 and don’t really remember life without the pain of JRA/RA. That quickly became normal for me and I’d accepted and adapted to that ever changing new normal. But once I became an adult, I had a harder time adjusting to the secondary things that I found out about because as an adult I had my life mapped out and it was changed completely by the secondary conditions. I’ve lived with RA so long that dealing with it is second nature. Dealing with the “new” issues represents change from what I’d accepted as my normal.
    What is something that you want to be remembered for?
    Helping others become educated about their disease and helping them learn to become a self-advocate as well as providing support for others. Having had RA for 28 yrs I’ve learned a lot over those years and want to share that with others.

  • July 23, 2012 at 12:10 pm

    1 What is one thing that defines who you are, regardless of RA? That I love my pets more than anything.
    2 What’s one food you know they must have in heaven? Strawberries
    3 Name a song that takes you to a happy place? Sugarland’s “stuck like glue”
    4 What’s your favorite city and why? Biloxi, MS, befre Hurricaine Katrina. it was so pretty, with dolphins jumping out of the water next to the tour boat..
    5 Name 1 thing that you have learned by living with Rheumatoid disease? that Pain does not kill you
    6 What medication has helped you the most with RA symptoms? The least? Most: Humira, Least: tramadol
    7 What do you most wish health care professionals understood about RA? that the RA factor isn’t the end all…
    8 What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about you? I’m afraid of flying insects… even butterflies
    9 What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about your RA? That I have it, and 3 other AI diseases. Because heaven only knows that I don’t look sick.
    10 What is something that you want to be remembered for? I most want to be remembered as an animal activist, the fights we go to to try to get people to spay and neuter their pets.

    • July 25, 2012 at 9:09 pm

      Years ago I visited/worked in Biloxi and stayed at the Broadwater Hotel. They had a water level mark of where Hurricane Camille did it’s damage. I remember driving down the gulf and seeing the beautiful old mansions and then empty lots of where Camille took out homes. I guess they’re all gone now. I loved Biloxi, haven’t been back since the casino’s or Katrina.

  • July 23, 2012 at 12:49 pm

    What is one thing that defines who you are, regardless of RA? My family & my humour.
    What’s one food you know they must have in heaven? Anything Italian
    Name a song that takes you to a happy place? Amazing Grace on the bagpipes.
    What’s your favorite city and why? Anywhere but a city, I’d rather live in the country.
    Name 1 thing that you have learned by living with Rheumatoid disease? I can’t do it all.
    What medication has helped you the most with RA symptoms? Mtx and biologics so far, I just hope it keeps working. Least? Ibuprofen
    What do you most wish health care professionals understood about RA? That i’m not making up how much it hurts. And it doesn’t just effect my joints.
    What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about you? I’m looking into getting a cane and wheelchair 🙁 just to get around easier.
    What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about your RA? Nothing else has changed my life so drastically.
    What is something that you want to be remembered for? Doing the best I could as a parent and making people laugh.

  • Pingback: A Rheum Meme « Carla's Corner

  • July 23, 2012 at 12:59 pm

    Here’s a link to mine:

    Also below:
    1.What is one thing that defines who you are, regardless of RA? My dedication to being the best wife, friend, and employee that I can.
    2.What’s one food you know they must have in heaven? Neuhaus white chocolate truffles with strawberry filling.
    3.Name a song that takes you to a happy place? Enya’s “May It Be” if I need to mellow out. Bon Jovi’s “We Weren’t Born to Follow” if I need some uplifting.
    4.What’s your favorite city and why? London, England because it has all the vibrancy of New York (and is much more polite).
    5.Name 1 thing that you have learned by living with Rheumatoid disease? Life isn’t fair. But then I tend to learn that lesson a lot.
    6.What medication has helped you the most with RA symptoms? The least? I feel the best when I’m on some prednisone — regardless of what other medication I’m taking, but that’s not a solution. Simponi probably worked the best, but it would wear off quickly. I hate methotrexate. Refuse to take it. It makes me feel worse than RA (if that’s possible).
    7.What do you most wish health care professionals understood about RA? It’s a complicated disease that affects us as people — not just as patients. Our entire lives and those around us are impacted. And that not everything shows up in neat columns of test results.
    8.What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about you? The great unfulfilled desire of my life is that I always wanted to go to medical school.
    9.What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about your RA? That I have it, because I don’t have any visible indicators and most day I do pretty well.
    10.What is something that you want to be remembered for? Always trying to do things the right way.

  • July 23, 2012 at 1:39 pm

    1. What is one thing that defines who you are, regardless of RA?
    Seeking out the joy in life
    2. What’s one food you know they must have in heaven? Real cream ice cream.
    3.Name a song that takes you to a happy place? ‘Live Like You Were Dying’ Tim McGraw.
    4.What’s your favorite city and why? Florence, Italy. For the vibrancy of life, beauty, food and the part of myself I discovered there.
    5.Name 1 thing that you have learned by living with Rheumatoid disease? Listening to my gut.
    6.What medication has helped you the most with RA symptoms? The least? Most: hmmmmm, prednisone by far. It makes me feel like I can do anything again! Humira too. Imuran helped like crazy for two whole years!!! Least: Methotrexate made me feel like death was calling loudly. Leflunomide did not take either.
    7.What do you most wish health care professionals understood about RA? That the textbook cases are not a reality. Atypical is typical in this disease.
    8.What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about you? My extreme faith in humanity.
    9.What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about your RA? I am thankful for it. I have taken it as a message from the universe that I was not on the right path. Now I am on my way…my true way.
    10.What is something that you want to be remembered for? Laughing and loving through it all.

  • July 23, 2012 at 4:02 pm

    1.What is one thing that defines who you are, regardless of RA? My enthusiasm for learning new things.

    2.What’s one food you know they must have in heaven? Don’t believe in heaven, but fresh fruit should have a place in every afterlife location (whatever you believe in!)

    3.Name a song that takes you to a happy place? Children’s songs.

    4.What’s your favorite city and why? San Francisco. Explored it with my husband before kids when we lived in the Bay Area.

    5.Name 1 thing that you have learned by living with Rheumatoid disease? The disease is always changing. As soon as I get a handle on one thing, something changes.

    6.What medication has helped you the most with RA symptoms? The least? Biologics and narcotics. Least: all the meds that haven’t worked for me (a very long list).

    7.What do you most wish health care professionals understood about RA? How extreme the pain can be.

    8.What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about you? That I sometimes curl in a ball and cry because I can’t take the pain at the moment. I seem tough to most people.

    9.What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about your RA? That I almost went blind due to RA.

    10.What is something that you want to be remembered for?
    Always being interested in life.

  • July 23, 2012 at 4:28 pm

    1. I try to see the good in every one.
    2. Cheesecake
    3. Knee Deep – Zac Brown Band
    4. Newport RI – its beauty, history and the ocean.
    5. How many people are suffering in silence.
    6. Most: So Far Cimzia. Least: Enbrel – didn’t tolerate.
    7. We are all individuals and should be treated as so.
    8. I’m not as confident as I appear.
    9. How painful it can be and how it seems to change without warning.
    10.Being a caring, loving human being.

  • July 23, 2012 at 5:01 pm

    1. What is one thing that defines who you are, regardless of RA? I am kind, compassionate and creative.
    2. What’s one food you know they must have in heaven? Coffee
    3. Name a song that takes you to a happy place? Magic Carpet Ride by Steppenwolf
    4. What’s your favorite city and why? Lake Tahoe. The air is crisp, clean and the water is delicious.
    5. Name 1 thing that you have learned by living with Rheumatoid disease? That some things are NOT mind over matter.
    6.What medication has helped you the most with RA symptoms? Blasted steroids.
    7. What do you most wish health care professionals understood about RA? That just because it is a chronic illness with no cure, it is NOT a waste of time to try.
    8. What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about you? The lengths I go to to accomplish tasks. I don’t wait for inventions.
    9.What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about your RA? That I did NOT cause this.
    10. What is something that you want to be remembered for? No backing down, no matter what.
    Here’s a song that tells my story of RA. It’s not a happy one, but it is truth.

  • July 23, 2012 at 7:10 pm

    1.What is one thing that defines who you are, regardless of RA? My sense of humor.

    2.What’s one food you know they must have in heaven? Fresh pasta made with garden grown veges.
    3.Name a song that takes you to a happy place? Red Red Wine

    4. Favorate city and why?
    Santa Fe NM bcause this is where my family lives.

    5.Name 1 thing that you have learned by living with Rheumatoid disease? Learning who my real friends are and what true friendship means.

    6.What medication has helped you the most with RA symptoms? The least? I don’t know yet..still too new to RAD Least: .

    7.What do you most wish health care professionals understood about RA? That we are true human beings suffering through very difficult pain.

    8.What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about you? My alter ego is a bycicle Mama

    9.What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about your RA? The depth of pain.

    10.What is something that you want to be remembered for?
    My devotion to my family and as an advocate for all children.

  • July 23, 2012 at 7:16 pm

    1.What is one thing that defines who you are, regardless of RA?
    My wicked, twisted sense of humor.

    2.What’s one food you know they must have in heaven?
    Bacon, without the risk of a flare

    3.Name a song that takes you to a happy place?
    Once Upon a Dream (from Sleeping Beauty)

    4.What’s your favorite city and why?
    El Centro, CA. Hometown.

    5.Name 1 thing that you have learned by living with Rheumatoid disease?
    I can’t do it all by myself.

    6.What medication has helped you the most with RA symptoms? The least?
    Not sure about most as I am still adjusting to Simponi. The least was Enbrel.

    7.What do you most wish health care professionals understood about RA?
    How much it screws with your daily life.

    8.What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about you?
    I like to sew.

    9.What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about your RA?
    It hurts more than I let on.

    10.What is something that you want to be remembered for?
    My love for my family.

  • July 24, 2012 at 5:18 am

    1. My spirit most defines who I am…
    2. Oh Lord, Please let there be chocolate in heaven…
    3. My song is Journey by Journey. This is the song that taught me , yes I can.
    4. San Francisco. There is a tranquility to that city that I loved.
    5. Sometimes it is possible to override the pain. Most things can wait a little longer.
    6. Methotrexate the most and tylenol the least.
    7. That RA encompasses every facet of my life.
    8. At times I am only tough on the outside.
    9. I don’t think that most people even know that I am sick. I wanted to be an actress, and so it goes.
    10. I hope that I am remembered for caring and giving to every living creature that that crossed my path. I did/do the very best that I can.

  • July 24, 2012 at 9:22 am

    What is one thing that defines who you are, regardless of RA? The core of what makes me who I am. Loving God, my husband, my pets and family and my wit, intelligence, and creativity. That’s kind of cheating – not exactly one thing but this is true.

    What’s one food you know they must have in heaven?
    Chocolate. The end. XD

    Name a song that takes you to a happy place?
    Right now it’s the South Korean pop band 2NE1’s I am the Best.

    What’s your favorite city and why?
    Millbrook, where I live. It is my adopted home town and I’ve never lived anywhere that was more comfortable. We might change houses in the future but I don’t think we’ll ever be leaving this town. It’s a small town where people know one another within 15 minutes of one large city and an hour and a half away from a major metropolitan area.

    Name 1 thing that you have learned by living with Rheumatoid disease? Patience.

    What medication has helped you the most with RA symptoms? The least? Remicade has helped the most although it is not a complete cure all. Plaquenil was and is useless in my opinion but I still take it because the rheum said to.

    What do you most wish health care professionals understood about RA? It hurts. Even when it looks “under control” to them there is still a considerable amount of pain.

    What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about you? I majored in vocal performance in college and play several instruments. Music is my second language.

    What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about your RA? I’m usually always dealing with some kind of pain from it even if it doesn’t show on the outside.

    What is something that you want to be remembered for? That I really listened and was there for people when they needed me.

  • July 24, 2012 at 9:34 am

    What is one thing that defines who you are, regardless of RA? My faith and family….
    What’s one food you know they must have in heaven? Peaches. Fresh fried fish. Ok, 2.
    Name a song that takes you to a happy place? Laura Storey…”Perfect Peace”
    What’s your favorite city and why? I am a country girl…don’t like cities
    Name 1 thing that you have learned by living with Rheumatoid disease? Patience, I have learned to communicate with medical professionals, I have also learned to tune into my body and become more aware of what it’s telling me…
    What medication has helped you the most with RA symptoms? The Most: Prednisone, Methotrexate, Tylenol 3….The Least: Biologics
    What do you most wish health care professionals understood about RA? How constant disease activity is…and how much pain is really involved with RA…and despite what Biologic manufacturers advertise, Biologics are NOT the miracle drug for a large group of patients!
    What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about you? How much paini really am in on a daily basis…
    What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about your RA? The constant pain…
    What is something that you want to be remembered for? Never giving up, courage, the support I can give others…remembered for being a good mother and wife, under tremendous odds….and sharing my faith of a greater purpose despite everything…

    • July 24, 2012 at 9:36 am

      Whoops…I forgot the food part…it still has Kelly’s FAV foods…Whoops…What’s my favorite food that I know must be in heaven? Fresh STRAWBERRIES! Sorry Kelly!

  • July 24, 2012 at 4:52 pm

    1. What is one thing that defines who you are, regardless of RA? My family and knowing that God has blessed me with soooo much and even RA has been a blessing to wake me up and help me find my life and purpose- living for God and being the best mother that I know to be.
    2. What’s one food you know they must have in heaven? Chocolate!!!
    3. Name a song that takes you to a happy place? Definitly My Girl by the Temptaions, I sing it to my baby girl who is 4 now, but it sounds sooo much sweeter when she sings it. Another would have to be I Hope You Dance performed by Leann Womak. Another favorite that I share with my daughter and being able to Dance with her brings sooo much Light and Life to my fight against RA.
    4. What’s your favorite city and why? I love Clearwater, FL!!! It has become a destination favorite for my family. Many wonderful memories!
    5. Name 1 thing that you have learned by living with Rheumatoid disease? I have learned many, many things… that I don’t have to be wonder woman and I can ask for help when I need it and to appreciate life every morning I wake up and thank God for blessing me with another day of life here on Earth.
    6. What medication has helped you the most with RA symptoms? The least? A combination…Prednisone has been a life savor, even though I know it is horrible for me and hope to be off of it permanently soon. But the best cocktail so far has been Embrel and Plaquinil.
    7. What do you most wish health care professionals understood about RA? How to better diagnose people early on and to help with the non-textbook cases like myself most of all to find a cure!!!
    8. What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about you? That I am really a very serious person when it comes to my faith in Jesus, but I still have a fear of dying too young.
    9. What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about your RA? During a successful treatment, you can feel brand new and have all the energy you need but the next day could be completely different and you have to start all over again to get your strength.
    10. What is something that you want to be remembered for? Being strong on the inside, even though physical strength may not be there on the outside. Fun-loving and dedicated to my family…they are my world.

  • July 24, 2012 at 5:46 pm

    What is one thing that defines who you are, regardless of RA?

    The relationship/patience/bond I have with my partner and the support I give her for living with depression.

    What’s one food you know they must have in heaven?

    First I would have to believe in heaven…but if it does exist I would know grilled haloumi salad with olives and plum tomatoes lived there.

    Name a song that takes you to a happy place?

    Nessun Dorma

    What’s your favorite city and why?

    York…I used to love walking the walls.

    Name 1 thing that you have learned by living with Rheumatoid disease?

    That there are a lot of people out there worse than me.

    What medication has helped you the most with RA symptoms?

    Enbrel to suppress immune response and dihydrocodeine for pain.

    What do you most wish health care professionals understood about RA?

    I have no problems with my health care professionals understanding my disease, I appreciate and trust them from my rheumatologist to my GP. I could not wish for a better set of people.

    What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about you?

    I write erotic short stories.

    What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about your RA?

    Even though I am only 37 and have had RA for 11 years, I take a pee pot to bed so if I wake up in the night needing the loo and my joints are so stiff and painful they make me cry getting to the bathroom I use it. Yes, I use a potty so I hurt less!

    What is something that you want to be remembered for?

    Eventually I would like to get either a novel or a series of short stories published.

  • July 24, 2012 at 6:46 pm

    What is one thing that defines who you are, regardless of RA? The work I do in health IT and my relationship with my husband and family.
    What’s one food you know they must have in heaven? Chocolate cake
    Name a song that takes you to a happy place? Way too many to list but I listen to lots of rock music 60’s through 90’s and I love 80’s pop.
    What’s your favorite city and why? Portland, it’s just so hip.
    Name 1 thing that you have learned by living with Rheumatoid disease? Unfortunately not as much as I should about speaking up when I don’t feel good. That’s what I’m working on, not being a trouper.
    What medication has helped you the most with RA symptoms? The least? Most: Currently a low dose prednisone taper while we wait to see if Humira does better than the Enbrel did Least: Methotrexate just made me more fatigued.
    What do you most wish health care professionals understood about RA? That it hurts a lot of the time and makes you really tired so stop trying to find other reasons for symptoms you don’t think are the disease cuz they are.
    What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about you? I’m not nearly as tough inside as I appear on the outside.
    What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about your RA? It gets me down a lot but I try not to let that show.
    What is something that you want to be remembered for? Being good and helping other people.

  • July 24, 2012 at 8:20 pm

    1. My ability to appreciate the joys in life, including hubby, friends, family, kitties, travel, music.
    2. Potatoes – baked, mashed, fresh cut fries, au gratin, or any other way. And Coca Cola to drink.
    3. Can’t stop at one song! Some favorite artists that stir my soul: Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder, Janelle Monae.
    4. New York for diversity and excitement, music, museums, theater, food. I always feel immediately energized. New Orleans for its unique and wonderful culture, the music, the food, the people, even the humidity.
    5. It is very difficult, but very important, not to lose hope.
    6. Most (by far) – Enbrel and Prednisone. Least – many meds completely ineffective including Plaquenil, Remicaide, Humira, Orencia.
    7. Looking well can be extremely deceptive. I greatly appreciate it when I report how I am doing and feeling, and my report is believed and accepted without question or doubt.
    8. I’m pretty transparent, not many surprises.
    9. That severe fatigue is for me as much a problem as pain and stiffness.
    10. Caring and compassion, in both my personal and professional lives.

  • July 24, 2012 at 11:31 pm

    What is one thing that defines who you are, regardless of RA? Love, I have a lot of love in my life!

    What’s one food you know they must have in heaven? Spaghetti.

    Name a song that takes you to a happy place? Take me to the River.

    What’s your favorite city and why? Boston, I loved visiting when I was a kid, and I miss it.

    Name 1 thing that you have learned by living with Rheumatoid disease? The Phrase “you’ll sleep when you’re dead” has a new meaning. Sleep has become very very important in my RAD (Rheumatoid Autoimmune Disease, and death will come sooner than I once thought.

    What medication has helped you the most with RA symptoms? The least? Most: Prednisone & Pain Meds, Least: Asulfadine, and Methotrexate

    What do you most wish health care professionals understood about RA? You hurt all over, constantly, even with narcotics, and you always feel like you have the worst flu of your life. Always. Yet, we learn to live with it and get out of bed eventually. When we say we don’t feel good or we’re hurting, we’re really really serious about it.

    What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about you? I’m really good at hiding my discomfort and pain. It’s something I’m learning (slowly) how to communicate.

    What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about your RA? Everything is easy compared to RA. You can try to pretend it’s not there, but the moment you move, or take a breath, or eat, etc it’s there again. I don’t think people get that’s it’s always on, it’s always there. You don’t know how lucky you are to be able to yawn and stretch in bed and not jerk to a stop because of the pain.

    What is something that you want to be remembered for? Smiling and laughing, even while knowing what RAD really means, and knowing that almost no one in my life understands what RAD really means.

  • July 25, 2012 at 12:59 am

    1. What is one thing that defines who you are, regardless of RA?
    Being a good mother, wife, family member, and friend…
    2.What’s one food you know they must have in heaven? Cheeseburgers, big juicy cheeseburgers with all the fixings including a bun made with gluten containing flour!
    3. Name a song that takes you to a happy place?
    Don’t worry be happy- I know kinda corny but it’s a great family memory
    4. Name 1 thing that you have learned by living with Rheumatoid disease?
    I am never going to be a super mom or wonder woman- what I could do without RA flares I cannot do now, I must ask for help and let someone help.
    5. What medication has helped you the most with RA symptoms? The least?
    So far Prednisone and narcotics are have been the only thing that has worked. I am waiting for the Mthx to work, Plaquenil has done nothing. But by far, when someone (worse a dr) says take some motrin or tylenol…right like that would come close to helping my RA pain!
    6. What do you most wish health care professionals understood about RA?
    Slow down and pay attention, notice I am in pain, exhausted, and scared to death you won’t help.
    7. What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about you?
    Every day I wake up and can’t do what I want I am angry and frustrated…not lazy and stubborn.
    8. What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about your RA?
    It would probably surprise most people to know that most of the time I hurt beyond words and am not as happy as I act.
    9. What is something that you want to be remembered for?
    My empathy and understanding for others. Everyone is fighting some kind of battle, no matter what their life looks like on the outside. I hope my children are able to see life this way and not judge others.

  • July 25, 2012 at 9:40 am

    1. What is one thing that defines who you are, regardless of RA? My tenacity. Even if I fail, I will meet a challenge head on and try and try and try until it gets done. Even if it takes awhile.

    2. What’s one food you know they must have in heaven? Fried fish!

    3.Name a song that takes you to a happy place? Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfeld(field?)

    4.What’s your favorite city and why? Lebanon, TN. Why? PEKING! I love that place!

    5.Name 1 thing that you have learned by living with Rheumatoid disease? That I don’t have to be superwoman. It’s okay to put things off until I am able to physically do them.

    6.What medication has helped you the most with RA symptoms? The least? I can’t really answer this question. I’m newly diagnosed and they’re still trying to figure out my meds.

    7.What do you most wish health care professionals understood about RA? It HURTS! All the time, and I’m so tired of them telling me if I would just exercise, or find something to do, the pain would go away. I exercise EVERY DAY and it definitely does not make my pain miraculously disappear.

    8.What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about you? I would lose my mind if my best friend died. Of all the people in the world the most important to me….she’s the one I could not ever cope without.

    9.What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about your RA? I. do. not. give. up. My family expected me to roll over and just toss my hands in the air and say “Okay, let it do what it wills.” That’s not me. I will never give in. (4 years of struggle before formal diagnosis.) I exercise, every day, even when I’m hurting (not in a flare, of course). I get a lot of funny looks when I say I have RA and I’m walking my way around the block, or the pool.

    10. What is something that you want to be remembered for? That I tried. Maybe not so much what I accomplished, but that I never gave up trying to accomplish MUCH.

  • July 25, 2012 at 11:45 am

    1.Knowing that God loves me and that this disease is not a punishment from God – it is just my life.

    2. Ice cream. (And Pizza.)

    3. Dixieland Delight – Alabama

    4. My hometown. Because it is my home.

    5. I can survive anything.

    6. Nothing but large doses of Prednisone – which induce Prednisone Psychosis in me. So, nothing yet.

    7. Just because I don’t look swollen does not mean that I am fine or just have fibromyalgia of the joints.

    8. I am not a doormat. I just pick my battles and when I choose to fight – I always fight to win.

    9.Just because I am smiling and or laughing does not mean I am feeling well. I have just learned that if I wait to smile or laugh until I feel well I never will do either.

    10.Honoring the legacy left by my pioneer ancestors.

  • July 25, 2012 at 1:08 pm

    1. What is one thing that defines who you are, regardless of RA? I am a happy wife, mom, friend, artist, writer and photographer. Never just one thing!
    2. What’s one food you know they must have in heaven? Mounds of Godiva truffles.
    3. Name a song that takes you to a happy place? September (Earth, Wind and Fire)
    4. What’s your favorite city and why? Paris. It’s a city you live FOR, not in.
    5. Name 1 thing that you have learned by living with Rheumatoid disease? Live each day to your full potential and when you need to have a pity party…have a good one and then move on.
    6. What medication has helped you the most with RA symptoms? The least? Most: Prednisone Least: Everything else.
    7. What do you most wish health care professionals understood about RA? That it’s a lot worse than they can imagine. We learn to tolerate tortuous pain and fatigue, so more compassion and understanding is needed. Because this is a long-life disease, it requires mental treatment as well. I like to call it Package Treatment.
    8. What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about you? Every once in a while I feel like my family would be better off without me.
    9. What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about your RA? I live in constant pain and exhaustion…..Even when I am smiling and look “normal”. Just because I have lipstick on one day doesn’t mean it wasn’t painful to put it there. It means I needed a smile with some pizazz.
    10. What is something that you want to be remembered for? Making life beautiful and adventurous.

  • July 25, 2012 at 1:26 pm

    1. Never giving up.
    2. Asparagus, and vanilla ice cream
    3.You Raise Me up sung by Josh Groban
    4.Destin, Florida because of the ocean
    5.Every day is a new day
    6.Methotrexate Least. Plaqneil
    7.Regular docs don’t always recognize the difference between osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid
    8.I can be painfully shy and unsure of myself
    9.It really does hurt me
    10.Being kind to all

  • July 25, 2012 at 1:53 pm

    1. That I am still “ME” despite the RA and its symptoms, and the knowledge the God “has my back”.
    2. Boiled peanuts!!!
    3. Don’t Stop Thinking about Tomorrow – Fleetwood Mac
    4. Jackson, Mississippi – hometown, still live here
    5. That there is no such thing as “just” arthritis, of any kind!
    6. Still newly diagnosed, but so far Enbrel and methotrexate.
    7. The aggravation that “we patients” experience when trying to explain that, yes, we know we have to go to work, if at all possible, but some days, I just cannot make my body go!!!!
    8. I’m usually very laid back and cool and calm….until you press my buttons!!
    9. The way I “look” does NOT indicate the way I “feel”. I hurt like heck; the makeup just helps to cover up and make me appear to feel great. I still hurt.
    10. Keeping my “chin up” and doing my very best to get up and go about the normal daily activities that non-RA’ers often take for granted.

  • July 25, 2012 at 3:31 pm

    1. Being a mother.
    2. Chocolate
    3. Amarillo By Morning
    4. Amarillo, because it’s home.
    5. I’ve learned what it means to slow down.
    6. Celebrex, Rituxan (until I had a bad reaction) and Orencia.
    7. That I go to bed at night, and awaken to discover what kind of day I’ll have. I cannot count on feeling well tomorrow, next week or next month.
    8. I come from a town called Needmore.
    9. I’ve had RA for 13 years.
    10. I want to be remembered for loving my children fiercely, and my long happy marriage to my hubby.

  • July 25, 2012 at 3:31 pm

    1.What is one thing that defines who you are, regardless of RA? Someone who cares about others no matter how much pain I’m in I will reach out to help.
    2.What’s one food you know they must have in heaven?
    Macaroni and Cheese, it makes me happy!
    3.Name a song that takes you to a happy place? Most of the Gipsy Kings love the latin guitar
    4.What’s your favorite city and why?Redstone, Colorado. It’s a town not a city. Cities represent pain to me. Redstone is Heaven on Earth.Beautiful skies,a river runs through it,buildings are historic,not pretentious,relaxing, looks like the Alps, has a castle, horses, fresh air, cool in the summer, natural springs,beautiful snow in the winter.
    5.Name 1 thing that you have learned by living with Rheumatoid disease? I have a breaking point.
    6.What medication has helped you the most with RA symptoms? Prednisone The least? Most others.
    7.What do you most wish health care professionals understood about RA? Even on my good days I’m in pain, even if I smile I’m in pain, even if the numbers say I’m not inflammed I am in pain!
    8.What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about you? I hurt all the time and don’t look like it.
    9.What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about your RA? How systemic it is, how many locations in my body the disease tortures me.
    10.What is something that you want to be remembered for? Giving love,being kind, having empathy and fighting for those who are needy.

  • July 25, 2012 at 3:54 pm

    Love your comment “letting someone else run the show” I’m just learning that hard lesson, I hate to give up that show! Thanks, Janette

  • July 25, 2012 at 7:39 pm

    1-my faith, patience and optimism
    2-peanut M & M’s
    3-It’s a Beautiful Morning (by the Young Rascals)
    4-NYC- the musicals
    5-Take it slow
    7-You can’t put a number on the pain
    8-I have a sense of humor
    9-It is hereditary
    10-Being strong

  • July 26, 2012 at 1:18 pm

    1. What is one thing that defines who you are, regardless of RA?
    My sense of humour. It’s something I’ve always been known for and despite RA, it still is.
    2. What’s one food you know they must have in heaven? Clotted cream
    3.Name a song that takes you to a happy place?
    Hallelujah (Choir of Hardknocks)
    4.What’s your favorite city and why?
    Cardiff Wales UK. I have so many happy memories of shopping there with my Mum and Grandmother as a young child. Those memories are as strong as they ever were.
    5.Name 1 thing that you have learned by living with Rheumatoid disease?
    That I’m far tougher than I ever thought.
    6.What medication has helped you the most with RA symptoms? Possibly Humira which I actually failed, but it had the greatest effect on my flares and bloods too. So far nothing else has had any effect at all.
    7.What do you most wish health care professionals understood about RA?
    Firstly that they did understand it. That they understood how much it hurts and when you say exhaustion you mean exhaustion that is all consuming.
    8.What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about you?
    That I can get deeply sad at the impact that this disease has had on my entire life and allow myself to cry in private if I need to. I’m terrified of being the last one in my family left alive and alone.
    9.What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about your RA?
    That the exhaustion is all consuming and there is nothing I can do about it. There is not one day in the last 6 yrs + that I have been pain free
    10.What is something that you want to be remembered for?
    For being me – for being there for others to talk to and simply someone who is worthy of being remembered.

  • July 26, 2012 at 5:08 pm

    1. What is one thing that defines who you are, regardless of RA? My family
    2. What’s one food you know they must have in heaven? Chocolate
    3.Name a song that takes you to a happy place? Ho Hey by lumineers
    4.What’s your favorite city and why? I am a Jersey Girl forever but I love Denver CO. It is where I live now and the weather is usually kind to my body.
    5.Name 1 thing that you have learned by living with Rheumatoid disease? Just one thing-I have learned many things but I gues the big one is…Patience.Patience with myself and with other people who just don’t get it.
    6.What medication has helped you the most with RA symptoms? The least? Most: Methotrexate. Least: Predisone.
    7.What do you most wish health care professionals understood about RA? There is so many different complex feelings every day.
    8.What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about you? No one knows I have RA because I don’t look like I do and I don’t complain to anyone about it.
    9.What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about your RA? How no matter how much you may think I am fine I am not. I am super tired; I have aches and paines head to toe. Even if I am smiling right at you.
    10.What is something that you want to be remembered for? How much love, patience, and listening I have done for them and my family. And that I tried to take the best care of myself so I could take care of them.

  • July 26, 2012 at 8:50 pm

    1.What is one thing that defines who you are, regardless of RA? My compassion for others and making people happy.
    2.What’s one food you know they must have in heaven? Homemade cinnamon rolls.
    3.Name a song that takes you to a happy place? My favorite things by Julie Andrews.
    4.What’s your favorite city and why? San Antonio, TX. I love to visit there and hit the river walk and flea markets.
    5.Name 1 thing that you have learned by living with Rheumatoid disease? Always be kind to others because everyone is fighting a battle of some kind.
    6.What medication has helped you the most with RA symptoms? Enbrel, until I began having allergic reactions to it. The least? Methotrexate.
    7.What do you most wish health care professionals understood about RA? That it is not just about your swollen joints. Your whole body, mind and life are affected by RA.
    8.What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about you? I love to watch fantasy movies.
    9.What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about your RA? I knew I had it in college but I was not diagnosed until 20 years later.
    10.What is something that you want to be remembered for? Being kind, helpful, happy and strong.

  • July 27, 2012 at 8:29 am

    1. My christian faith, positive, uplifting attitude/personality
    2. Fried chicken & mashed potatoes w/all the yummy trimmings. This was always the meal I asked my mom to make…my favorite!!!
    3. I love too many to just pick one…contemporary gospel, country, classics, etc…
    4. New Smyrna Beach, Florida….my favorite vacationing place…at the beach w/my family!!
    5. I’m still learning…but patience & endurance are at the top of my list
    6. I’m taking mtx injections & remicade…but when i hurt i take naproxen…it knocks me out & helps me sleep
    7. How some days I hurt constantly…even to do the simplest tasks
    8. I love to cook & bake when I’m feeling stressed or depressed
    9. That when I smile & say “i’m fine” i’m really not!! It’s just easier to say than to have to explain & have them look at uou and think otherwise
    10. Being a good christian woman who never gave up!!!

  • July 27, 2012 at 9:11 am

    What is one thing that defines who you are, regardless of RA?
    My children, being a mother. Knowing that someone else will always take lessons from the things I’ve taught them while growing up and beyond.

    What’s one food you know they must have in heaven?
    Chocolate of course!!!

    Name a song that takes you to a happy place?
    Snow Patrol, Chasing Cars.

    What’s your favorite city and why?
    London, UK. I have so many memories of it while growing up. I always love going back, going home.

    Name 1 thing that you have learned by living with Rheumatoid disease?
    Patience with myself and patience with others.

    What medication has helped you the most with RA symptoms? The least?
    Most: The dreaded Methotrexate I guess!
    Least: Sulphasalazine.

    What do you most wish health care professionals understood about RA?
    I wish they understood just how much it affects our daily lives, and how it feels to always feel ‘sick’.

    What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about you?
    How angry I feel about certain things, doctors that don’t listen, insurance companies that don’t care, governments that don’t care. I’m very quiet on the surface but I do blow up occasionally when these things anger me and then watch out!!

    What is something about you that would probably surprise most people about your RA?
    How constant the pain is and how debilitating the fatigue is.

    What is something that you want to be remembered for?
    Being a good friend, mother, wife. Caring about others and how they feel.

  • July 27, 2012 at 12:07 pm

    1. Being a Christian and singing and writing Christian music.
    2. Strawberries
    3. “How Beautiful Heaven Must Be”
    4. Gatlinburg, Tn with beautiful mountains and music. God’s country.
    5. God’s grace is sufficient and I’ve learned that he puts people in our lives to helps us when we need them.
    6. Remicade and MTX. The least would be Plaq.
    7. I wish they understood the need to listen to us better and that we need pain relief. I wish they weren’t too arrogant to admit that what they are doing is not working for some pt’s.
    8. Even though I am on disability now, I am educated, a Licensed Optician, and a publish, Licensed Christian Songwriter and recording artist with my own website.
    9. I’m fed up with people treating me like there is nothing wrong with me just because I look fine. No one knows how scared I am a lot of the time.
    10. Loveing my Lord, Family, Country, and Friends.

  • July 27, 2012 at 1:16 pm

    1. My RA definitely defines me, after 27 yrs, I’m not sure what else.
    2. Reese’s peanut butter cups in heaven for sure!!!
    3. My song is You Can’t Always Get What You Want, The Rolling Stones (of course)
    4. My favorite city, Whittier California, born and raised, and live in the city next door!!
    5. One thing Ive learned from my RA, I can get through horrible times, but no matter how many people you have supporting you, you are still alone with your disease at the end of every day.
    6. Med. that helps the most, prrednisone, the least, arava and methotrexate .
    7. I wish the nurses and reg. drs knew the re al facts of RA, but I have the best rheumatologist that I would never ever trade for the world!!
    8. What would surpris people most, that I have a disease that is painful 24/7.
    9. What would surprise them about my RA, that it is killing me.
    10. What id like people to remember about me, is that I really tried to be a good friend, mom, wife, and sister. Not sure Im doing it though.

    • July 27, 2012 at 4:05 pm

      Kim, I’m always so touched by what you say & feel connected to you over the past years reading your posts. I agree with you because we are alone at some point every day the same way my daughter and son are with their deafness. I can forget they are deaf for a moment but they cannot. This is why it’s so valuable to connect with someone else who has the disease at least sometimes and be understood for a moment anyway.

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