The Real Rheumatoid Disease Archives | Rheumatoid Arthritis Warrior

RA Public Service Announcement Video

Announcing a new RA public service announcement Please watch my second-ever RA public service announcement, below! My mom always said to “make it short and sweet”—well this is short and serious. But hopefully you’ll feel the passion of my heart: 1) For people to recognize rheumatoid disease is more than arthritis—it’s a serious disease. 2) For people to recognize early testing...Continue reading      1 Comment » Read more

Rheumatoid Disease Awareness Expands

Years ago, texts with my daughter MK prompted me to dream of billboards for rheumatoid disease awareness. Wouldn't it be incredible to lay out the truth for people to see as they just drove by? I have a huge surprise for you if you have just a moment for rheumatoid disease awareness memory lane. It’s #RheumDay—a...Continue reading      20 Comments » Read more

Trigger Finger in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Trigger finger in rheumatoid arthritis / rheumatoid disease Trigger finger in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a common visible effect of the disease. Fingers, to varying degrees, become stuck in a bent position, as in pulling a trigger. The joints are not actually fused when this occurs. But the tendons get caught in a tendon sheath (or...Continue reading      21 Comments » Read more

What Causes Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain?

Why ask what causes rheumatoid arthritis pain? Today we answer a letter from a reader that raises key questions about living with rheumatoid disease (RD). Why is it so painful? Why doesn’t treatment take away pain? Why isn’t the pain dealt with? In part, the answer is found in another question: What causes rheumatoid arthritis pain? Until...Continue reading      22 Comments » Read more

5 Rheumatoid Arthritis – RA Flare Facts

RA Flare – fact or fiction? If you want to laugh out loud, just Google RA Flare. No, not right now. Finish this first. Anyway, the topic of RA flare produces some very silly and contradictory discussions. For example Web MD offers How to Prevent Rheumatoid Arthritis Flares. If only. So today we approach one of the most...Continue reading      88 Comments » Read more

5 RA Facts Everyone Needs to Know

Driven to uncover RA facts My search for facts about Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) led me to build this website. So many questions. So much misinformation, blame, and confusion out there. It all contributed to my passion for uncovering RA facts and making them clear. I didn’t feel ready when I started writing this blog in 2009. There...Continue reading      16 Comments » Read more

5 Reasons Disease Awareness Matters

Disease awareness matters because people just don’t know Disease awareness for “invisible illnesses” like rheumatoid disease (RD) can be pretty dismal. I’m the first to admit I had no idea what RD was when I was diagnosed. And, I’ve actually been stunned a few times by how little people with other invisible illnesses know about RD. Once...Continue reading      17 Comments » Read more

15 Early Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis

The significance of early symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis In 2009, I asked people with rheumatoid disease (PRD) to list the first symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis they had experienced. Over 800 people have commented, simply listing their first symptoms. There are also dozens of Onset Stories on RA Warrior. Our experiences with early symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis...Continue reading      37 Comments » Read more

Rheumatoid Disease Thriller: Mystery of the Injured Thumb

“Mysterious” experiences like these can be common with rheumatoid disease and I hope you’ll share some of yours in the comments. Now, on to my rheumatoid arthritis thumb... Several months ago I reached out with my right hand to grasp the handle of a rolling suitcase, and my thumb did not grip. I was met with...Continue reading      24 Comments » Read more

What Does Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Look Like?

Common myths about RA linger in college classes In an immunology teaching lab class this semester, my daughter Katie Beth (KB) learned how to perform a rheumatoid factor test (latex agglutination). Prior to that lecture, KB read through the professor’s slides in the syllabus. She noticed the material included several common errors about Rheumatoid Disease (RD)....Continue reading      31 Comments » Read more

Can Bones Hurt? Bone Pain and Rheumatoid Disease

 The main misconception about bones then, is that they are made up of dead tissue. This is not true, they have cells, nerves, blood vessels and pain receptors.1 Ever hear that bones can’t hurt? Did you ever have the flu or a fever and your bones just ached? It can be enough to make you forget all...Continue reading      22 Comments » Read more

Should We Just Call It Pink Puffy Paw?

(Have you discontinued Cimzia? See note below blog.) One of the biggest problems with getting care for rheumatoid disease is that symptoms do not look exactly the same every day. Of course along with that is the fact that many symptoms aren’t clearly visible anyway, hence the term “invisible illness.” Anyway, it seems like it would...Continue reading      27 Comments » Read more

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