The Real Rheumatoid Disease Archives | Page 2 of 11 | Rheumatoid Arthritis Warrior

10 Misconceptions About Chronic Disease Many People Believe

You can’t understand illness by just looking at a person Very soon after being diagnosed with RA, I learned that most people have beliefs about chronic illness that are hard to overcome. When one neighbor, friend, and family member after another dismissed me, I did the same thing most people with Rheumatoid Disease (PRD) do: I...Continue reading      55 Comments » Read more

Inside Story of a Young Person Living with Juvenile Rheumatoid

Today’s blog is my response to an email from a reader about an appointment with her daughter’s rheumatologist. This family travels for hours to see an expert pediatric doctor in one of the best hospitals in the country. Hi Kelly! I guess when they say all good things must come to an end, IT'S TRUE :( I can't...Continue reading      52 Comments » Read more

Xeljanz (Tofacitinib) Rheumatoid Arthritis Commercial

Xeljanz TV commercial puts new kick in RA ads? “Arms were made for hugging. Hands for holding. Feet, kicking. Better things than the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis.” So begins the new Xeljanz direct to consumer TV ad. It’s rather different from the other Rheumatoid Arthritis drug commercials: It is black and...Continue reading      50 Comments » Read more

What is Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) / Rheumatoid Disease (RD)? 10 Facts Every Doctor Needs

What is Rheumatoid Arthritis? All of the other questions about Rheumatoid Disease (RD) hang on this. After we truly know what it is, we can diagnosis it early, treat it successfully, and cure it! Remember the ancient elephant story? Just like the blind men describing the elephant, numerous aspects of RD have been described, but a comprehensive...Continue reading      28 Comments » Read more

What Is Crepitus in Rheumatoid Arthritis / Disease?

Crepitus is a sound-word – like crash or splash Crepitus is one of those words I don’t think I used before being diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis (like discrepancy). Crepitus is a general term for noise in the body like the grating, popping, or cracking sounds produced by joints or supporting tissues or the crunching sound in...Continue reading      56 Comments » Read more

Livedo reticularis diagnosis – she knelt next to me with a medical textbook

See PART 1 to learn more on Livedo reticularis in rheumatoid disease Last week was one of those professional patient weeks, with three doctor’s appointments and a lab visit. “Professional patient” is not something I happily say. It started out in 2009 as a tongue in cheek way to make the most of an annoying phenomenon –...Continue reading      23 Comments » Read more

RPF White Paper Indicates Patient Experiences Differ from Typical Perceptions of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Patient Experience and Rheumatoid Disease This site has always been dedicated to “presenting the patient story in a way that may increase understanding of the disease by doctors and researchers” as one of its three goals. The Onset Story project has been an important part of that, both for patients and for healthcare professionals searching to...Continue reading      18 Comments » Read more

Does Rheumatoid Arthritis Affect Tendons?

Studying the effect of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) on tendons As early as 1968, tendon involvement in Rheumatoid Arthritis was recognized and investigated as seen in the abstract “Tendon Involvement in Rheumatoid Arthritis” in Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases: Tenosynovitis is one of the common features of rheumatoid arthritis in the hand. It affects both the extensor and...Continue reading      56 Comments » Read more

Hang 10: Is the Jury Still Out on Rheumatoid Arthritis Feet?

This is part 2 of a series on RA feet. Yesterday, I conveyed my skepticism about failing to “count” Rheumatoid Arthritis forefeet when measuring disease activity. “Individuals with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) experience debilitating foot pain and deformity, which in turn contributes to the substantial physical disability well-documented in this population. More than 70% of all individuals...Continue reading      29 Comments » Read more

How Many People Have Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Counting how many people have Rheumatoid Arthritis (UPDATED) Do we know for sure actually how many people have rheumatoid arthritis? How many are being treated for RA in the U.S.? Or how likely a person is to be diagnosed with RA in his or her lifetime? Not really. Apparently, it’s a slippery target. In 2009, Gabriel and Michaud indicated that “a...Continue reading      12 Comments » Read more

Rest in Peace, Danita

In the past year, three people I knew of passed away due to causes related to Rheumatoid disease. We’ve known for a long time that statistics on rheumatoid related deaths are under-reported because the disease is often not mentioned in death records. But statistics are not the point of this post. It is about one...Continue reading      28 Comments » Read more

Livedo Reticularis & Rheumatoid Arthritis: Nothing Rash about It

Does livedo reticularis have anything to do with Rheumatoid disease? Livedo reticularis is a purplish-colored lace pattern under the skin. There is no raised or itchy rash on the surface of the skin, but the light and dark areas resemble a net-like pattern. The causes and treatments for livedo reticularis are not fully understood, however it...Continue reading      85 Comments » Read more

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