Comprehensive RA Care Archives | Rheumatoid Arthritis Warrior

Rheumatoid Arthritis Unmasked

RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS UNMASKED: 10 DANGERS OF RHEUMATOID DISEASE Ending the confusion that Rheumatoid Disease is a type of arthritis.      WHAT IF...? What if no one confused rheumatoid disease with just arthritis? What if the world understood that people with rheumatoid disease (RD) are not hypochondriacs because they have so many health problems? What if all of the...Continue reading      Make a Comment » Read more

The Cricoarytenoid Joint and Rheumatoid Disease

Speechless… the cricoarytenoid joint is commonly affected in Rheumatoid Disease Recently a small study from Brazil raised the topic of cricoarytenoid arthritis (CA), a little-recognized aspect of Rheumatoid Disease. In 2009, RAW first discussed CA with patients who expressed amazement that their vocal cord / larynx problems were related to their Rheumatoid Disease. There are a...Continue reading      49 Comments » Read more

20 Essential Medication Safety Tips

Essential medication safety tips (UPDATED) For those living with a chronic disease, safe medication storage and use is more than following directions on an occasional antibiotic or treatment for an acute illness. Both the types of medications and the number of different medications present additional challenges and put people at greater risk for adverse drug events...Continue reading      22 Comments » Read more

Inventory of Rheumatoid Disease: One Patient’s Experience

Ok, this brief awkward moment of my life is called “Inventory” Many with Rheumatoid Disease are more severely affected than I am; others are milder. I am one woman. This is my experience. You may remember this article on happiness inspired this list, but I put it aside for a few busy months. Now, I’ve come back...Continue reading      48 Comments » Read more

What is Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) / Rheumatoid Disease (RD)? 10 Facts Every Doctor Needs

What is Rheumatoid Arthritis? All of the other questions about Rheumatoid Disease (RD) hang on this. After we truly know what it is, we can diagnosis it early, treat it successfully, and cure it! Remember the ancient elephant story? Just like the blind men describing the elephant, numerous aspects of RD have been described, but a comprehensive...Continue reading      28 Comments » Read more

Happy Birthday RAW! The Day I Could No Longer Stay Silent

This week the British Medical Journal published my article which they titled: Doctors’ understanding of rheumatoid disease does not align with patients’ experiences. But first, today is a very special day. Today begins year five of RAW Four years ago today, RA Warrior was born. I’d been studying, writing, and talking to patients for a few months....Continue reading      35 Comments » Read more

Where the Rubber Meets the Road or What If Only the Cancer in Dave’s Kidneys Was Treated?

Measuring disease activity: where rubber meets the road Recently a rheumatologist friend told me of needing to prove ACR20 (a measure of 20 percent improvement) in order for a patient to continue receiving a biologic treatment. I don’t know whether it was private or government insurance, but something bothered me about it. Of course, 20 percent improvement...Continue reading      21 Comments » Read more

Why Rheumatoid Disease Patients Still Fall through the Cracks

“Well, at least it’s nothing serious.” How many rheumatoid patients have heard that, some even from doctors? Last week, after Danita’s story, I wanted to share with you this letter to the editor of Musculoskeletal Network, but health issues and life and a board meeting delayed me. The letter below is my response to the Musculoskeletal...Continue reading      69 Comments » Read more

The 10 Fundamentals of Care for Rheumatoid Patients

Click here to download the printable PDF version of this important statement. What would appropriate rheumatological care for RA patients look like? The ACR tells us that the majority of Rheumatoid patients do not receive treatment that follows their recommendations. What are some specific requirements for good rheumatology care for RA patients? “Although the outcome of RA...Continue reading      17 Comments » Read more

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