Diet and Rheumatoid Arthritis Archives | Rheumatoid Arthritis Warrior

Why We Need More Potassium and How to Get It

Recent studies show potassium supplementation may reduce pain for some patients. The use of corticosteroids is another reason people with chronic illness may need more potassium. First some very basic background information. If you’re trying to lower sodium, you may need more potassium In order for cells to function properly, potassium must be higher in concentration inside...Continue reading      6 Comments » Read more

Can Potassium Reduce Pain in Rheumatoid Arthritis / Disease?

Could potassium reduce pain in rheumatoid disease? “Oral Potassium (K+) Reduces Pain in RA: A Randomized Active Control Study of Diet Based K+ Intervention” A poster presented at the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Annual Scientific Meeting earlier this month described how potassium may be important in rheumatoid arthritis / disease. Researchers in India randomized 172 people...Continue reading      13 Comments » Read more

Does Diet Influence the Risk of Developing Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)?

“The Mediterranean diet, rich in fish, plant food, mono- and polyunsaturated fat, and including moderate wine consumption, has been suggested to protect against e.g. cardiovascular disease, but its effect on RA development has only been studied to a limited extent.”[1] Do Mediterranean or vegetarian diets impact Rheumatoid Arthritis risk? The Swedish Epidemiological Investigation of Rheumatoid Arthritis (EIRA)...Continue reading      31 Comments » Read more

Rheumatoid Arthritis and Hair Loss

Does RA Disease cause hair loss? Hair loss is one of the things you frequently hear about in the RA community. Patients have two questions: What’s causing my hair loss? What can I do about it? Hair loss can be a side effect of Rheumatoid Arthritis treatment Some DMARDs (disease modifying antirheumatic drugs) list hair loss as a possible side...Continue reading      85 Comments » Read more

I Fight My Pain and Blog

My daughter Mary Khris texted me from a tennis tournament a couple weeks ago. She said, “Momma, this is worse than Woman’s Day.” She texted me this image and read aloud to me the article which had upset her. She ended, “It sounds like it was her mom’s fault. RA is not anyone’s fault.” It was...Continue reading      82 Comments » Read more

Rheumatoid Arthritis News, Vol.5: Men & Mortality, Vitamin D Research, New RA Meds

Here are a couple of the Rheumatoid Arthritis news articles that have caught my eye recently or, in some cases, caused me to roll my eyes. More Rheumatoid Arthritis news worth mentioning 1) Big news w/Rheumatoid Arthritis in men:methotrexate fights mortality A study published last month found “men with rheumatoid arthritis were more than twice as likely to...Continue reading      12 Comments » Read more

Consumer Reports’ Dangerous Supplements List

I was in the grocery store a couple of weeks ago and I picked up the latest Consumer Reports magazine since the cover story on dietary supplements looked so intriguing. Consumer Reports revealed some startling facts about vitamins and supplements sold in the United States. 1) “What consumers might not realize, though, is that supplement manufacturers routinely,...Continue reading      2 Comments » Read more

Quick & Healthy Snacks & Sides

Recipes on this page: Frozen Blueberry Smoothie Crunchy Kale Chips RA Easy Hummus Veggie Berry Salad Frozen Blueberry Smoothie by Kelly Place these ingredients in a blender or large cup for stick blender: ½ cup vanilla (or plain) yogurt ½ banana 2 Tablespoons flaxseed meal 2 Tablespoons oat bran 1 - 1 ½ cups crushed ice ½ cup frozen blueberries 1 cup orange juice optional: 1 serving of favorite protein...Continue reading      1 Comment » Read more

Rheumatoid Arthritis Weight Loss

Several readers have asked me Rheumatoid Arthritis weight loss questions. Is this confusing? Weight loss is actually a symptom of Rheumatoid Arthritis. There are several reasons. There is the typical appetite loss of RA, the anemia, and the fever that accompany RA. Also, methotrexate and other RA medicines can interfere with food absorption.   Rheumatoid Arthritis, weight loss, and confusion RA patients...Continue reading      48 Comments » Read more

Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment Debate

To treat or not to treat RA: that is the question We’ve talked a bit about Diet and RA recently on RA Warrior. There is even a new section of the blog dedicated to RA / food related topics called RA Kitchen after Food Network’s Hell’s Kitchen. Dietary adjustments can be important to those living with...Continue reading      35 Comments » Read more

Rheumatoid Arthritis Diet, Part 2: Ten Easy Tips

What would a diet for RA look like? Is there a diet healthy for Rheumatoid Arthritis? Diet seems to be one way we can impact our health for the good. If you read the last blog post with the crazy medicine cabinet, you know that there is not a Rheumatoid Arthritis diet cure.  However, we examined...Continue reading      44 Comments » Read more

Rheumatoid Arthritis Diet: 3 Key Questions

There are dozens of books & hundreds of websites for RA diet cures, so one of them must be true... One of the most bewildering topics in the ocean of RA information is nutrition. There are so many selling their cure for RA that the water is muddied between myth and fact. Search online for “Rheumatoid...Continue reading      45 Comments » Read more

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