Empathy and RA Archives | Rheumatoid Arthritis Warrior

When Our Strength Works Against Us

Last month, I called your attention to an article that truthfully presented the reality of Rheumatoid Disease, asking you to thank the site – and many of you commented there. One exchange reminded me of many I’ve seen over the years. Carly made a tricky point that seems like a catch-22 (no-win situation). Norma’s response...Continue reading      44 Comments » Read more

What RA Is Like: Heavy Armor Hindered Medieval Warriors

Researchers at Leeds in the UK studied how medieval soldiers were affected by the weight of the armor (approximately 40-50 kg or 80-90 lbs). Researchers wore replicas of European armor while monitoring oxygen usage. The subjects’ breathing was more frequent and shallow as they used twice as much energy just to move around. “Being wrapped in...Continue reading      22 Comments » Read more

You’re Not Lost and Michael Bublé Video

“You are not alone.” I don’t think I can put into words what I want to say. Fortunately, this song Lost sung by Michael Bublé already did. God is good and things come at the right time, like this song that I listened to all weekend. And like the way “the light comes pouring through many of...Continue reading      21 Comments » Read more

Rheumatoid Arthritis Support: My Nicest Examples

Rheumatoid Arthritis support: 3 sources This blog is about the nicest thing that someone has done for me since I became ill with Rheumatoid Arthritis. It’s not tough to decide, but it’s tough to talk about. First, there are some honorable mentions. 1) There’s that first good doctor who confirmed my diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Support from the...Continue reading      50 Comments » Read more

Living with a Spouse with Chronic Illness, part 2

Understanding a spouse with Rheumatoid Arthritis This is the second part of a story about a spouse with Rheumatoid Arthritis. In Living with a Spouse with Chronic Illness, part 1, Michael described the surprising process of learning to recognize the amount of chronic pain that Rheumatoid Arthritis brought his wife Deborah. He explained that it was...Continue reading      21 Comments » Read more

Sympathy and Living with Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms

Are there any sympathy rules for living with Rheumatoid Arthritis symptoms? The other night, one of my boys said to another, “I’m not doing that. You do it. I’m sick.” Nothing serious – there have been several courses of cold and flu in my household recently. But, I raised my eyebrow. Of course you can think faster...Continue reading      54 Comments » Read more

The Rheumatoid Arthritis Curriculum

Back to school: Rheumatoid Arthritis education There are so many things that Rheumatoid Arthritis teaches us. We wish the whole world could be educated the way that we have been. That is why many of us write blogs about Rheumatoid Arthritis. Imagine others could receive that same education directly. Imagine you could loan out your RA the way...Continue reading      29 Comments » Read more

Some Answers for Rheumatoid Arthritis Just Bring More Questions

If stress weakens my immune system, why doesn’t that cure me? And other weird questions about RA no one will answer… Many people advise me to avoid stress since it can weaken the immune system. I’m sorry, but there’s just something funny about that. I’ve been sort of afraid to ask, but don’t I WANT my immune system...Continue reading      29 Comments » Read more

The Me Before Rheumatoid Arthritis

Let me introduce you to the me you can never meet: The Me Before Rheumatoid Arthritis If you have RA, you spend lots of time adjusting to change. For me, the biggest adjustment has been to the disability. First, there is frustration that I cannot do what I still want to do. But the “old me” is still...Continue reading      73 Comments » Read more

Empathy for Rheumatoid Arthritis Support

  Empathy for Rheumatoid Arthritis: Zero to 60 in 15 Seconds Wouldn't it be great if someone could understand how we're doing and have empathy for rheumatoid arthritis? Imagine describing how RA makes you feel in 15 seconds flat. We lament the fact that there is a wide world out there that just “doesn’t get it.” My own world is the...Continue reading      3 Comments » Read more

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