Genetics and RA Archives | Rheumatoid Arthritis Warrior

RA Runs in Families

RA runs in families: Part 1 I’ve always heard RA runs in families I have always said that the people you meet when living with this disease—or because you do—are the greatest side effect. That’s one of the things I would not change even though I hate rheumatoid disease. Some of my best friends connected with me first through RAW...Continue reading      14 Comments » Read more

Genetics & Rheumatoid Disease: More Complicated Than Cancer?

No one wants complicated answers, of course. But some answers are complicated, with multiple layers or causes. Like Rheumatoid Disease and childhood hearing loss. Instead of differing experiences of patients being  suspect, they should be valuable clues to answers we all seek. Answers and more questions The past few months have been a slow process of diagnosis...Continue reading      10 Comments » Read more

Hints of an Immunity Fingerprint: Bee Stings, Peanuts, and Colds

What if each immune system is unique, so none respond exactly the same? Almost two years ago I told you about a phrase I’d coined, the immune fingerprint, to describe the unique way each person’s immune system responds to a similar or identical stimulus. I hope you’ll read that original post explaining it’s only logical that...Continue reading      17 Comments » Read more

Prednisone Versus Prednisolone: the Same for Everyone?

Whether medicine is personalized or not, patients are It’s fascinating how drugs are metabolized differently in different people, with different side effects and varying levels of benefit. But, prednisone is one thing we hear works the same on everyone. Is that right? Prednisone works well enough on most Rheumatoid patients that it’s used by some doctors as...Continue reading      96 Comments » Read more

What Causes Rheumatoid Arthritis to Trigger?

What causes Rheumatoid Arthritis? (UPDATED) I never asked “why me?” when diagnosed with RA because it’s not my way of thinking. Yet people do ask me “HOW did this happen?” or “What triggers RA?” What causes rheumatoid arthritis - that's the multi-billion dollar question! Here’s a summary of what is known at this point. There are a...Continue reading      92 Comments » Read more

Predicting Response to Rheumatoid Arthritis Therapy

The problem of varying responses to RA therapy If you’re following comments on the blog, Twitter, or Facebook, you might have noticed some patients recently have been told by their doctors that that likely don’t have RA because they have not responded well to TNF-a therapies. Sometimes, this comes after a few years of RA treatment. “My...Continue reading      12 Comments » Read more

Fundamental Studies of Rheumatoid Arthritis Genetics & Genomics

RA Genetics 101: Glass half-full or half-empty? Part 3 This is Part 3 of a guest series on RA genetics by Robert West, Jr, PhD. Part 1 provided the introduction to RA genetics and Part 2 described the direct to consumer (DTC) genetics of RA. Here, I describe a dissection of the complexity of the heritable component of...Continue reading      5 Comments » Read more

Direct to Consumer Genetics of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)

RA Genetics 101: Glass half-full or half-empty? Part 2 In part 2 of this guest series, I present results of my own genotyping analysis provided by the direct-to-consumer (DTC) genetic testing company 23andMe, specifically with respect to the estimated lifetime risk of acquiring RA. To provide a somewhat balanced perspective, I also show the corresponding results of...Continue reading      14 Comments » Read more

An Introduction to the Genetics of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)

RA Genetics 101: Glass half-full or half-empty? Part 1 Please welcome Professor Robert W. West, Jr, PhD as a guest on the subject of Rheumatoid Arthritis and genetics. Professor West uses his expertise in genetics to teach Personalized Medicine and other courses to the doctors of the 21st Century. A recent article on Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) illustrates...Continue reading      19 Comments » Read more

Rheumatoid Arthritis Genetic Discoveries

I got a link to a short interview called GeneTalk with 23andMe: Rheumatoid Arthritis with a key researcher on RA and genetics. Even though it was just an overview, the topics were fascinating. Free sign up may be required to read the full article, but I’ll quote it directly here. Are there genes that bring a...Continue reading      24 Comments » Read more

Rheumatoid Arthritis News Articles, Vol. 3: Syk inhibitor, CVD Risk & Diabetes Link

3 hot Rheumatoid Arthritis news articles: RA pill, cardiovascular risk guidelines & more! 1 - An oral Spleen tyrosine kinase (Syk) inhibitor for Rheumatoid Arthritis A recently published study evaluated the effectiveness and safety of a pill being called R788 for the treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis. R788 inhibits Spleen tyrosine kinase (Syk), an important immune signaling modulator,...Continue reading      17 Comments » Read more

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