Guest post on RA Warrior Archives | Rheumatoid Arthritis Warrior

A Plateau in RA Treatment Progress?

A patient’s look at RA treatment progress In this provocative guest post, RA Warrior welcomes Dana Symons, who asks whether we’ve reached A Plateau in RA Treatment Progress. If you’re like me, you’ll wonder why other news outlets haven’t asked these questions. But first, Dana is the talent behind many RD awareness graphics provided by the...Continue reading      8 Comments » Read more

Rest in Peace, Danita

In the past year, three people I knew of passed away due to causes related to Rheumatoid disease. We’ve known for a long time that statistics on rheumatoid related deaths are under-reported because the disease is often not mentioned in death records. But statistics are not the point of this post. It is about one...Continue reading      28 Comments » Read more

Seeing Light and Shadows in Groundhog Day and RA

TODAY, February 2nd,is the first Rheumatoid Awareness Day. Read more below about how you can be involved. Amateur actress shares Groundhog Day's special place in her heart My sweet friend Steph, one of the bright treasures that I have gained from living with this disease, sent me a story in an email yesterday. I'll hope you'll enjoy it...Continue reading      2 Comments » Read more

A Doctor-Patient Covenant: Medicine’s Future Found In Its Past

The following article was written by David Biundo to his friends and fellow patients. The message came from a conversation he had with his doctor. I hope you’ll find it inspiring and enlightening as I do. The challenge of being believed One of the challenges that many patients with chronic illness face, is the treatment they receive...Continue reading      16 Comments » Read more

Trust and Transparency with Disease Activity, Decisions, and Doctors

I know you’ll love this guest post from Dana as we see the collision of her experience with the disease, the measurement of disease activity by her rheumatologist, and the decision to change treatments. She conveys so well the process of making decisions about disease management.  This is the whole reason we want to be...Continue reading      23 Comments » Read more

My Dear Friend Renoir: a Poem on Life with RA

This poem is one reader’s sentiment about fighting Rheumatoid Arthritis after the model of Renoir. by Eveira Prados What a shame I felt and I still feel, When the contemplation of quitting invaded my mind. Thoughts that keep telling me, “What a mess!” “Is this real?” “How am I going to survive?” I took the liberty to write to you this humble letter, My...Continue reading      7 Comments » Read more

Good News for Us and a Reader’s Take on the Newspaper

We’re so fortunate to have readers who make such amazing contributions. That’s what makes us more of a community than just a website. Isn’t it great the amount of information and encouragement readers provide each other – and me – even by commenting?! This week we reached an extraordinary milestone on our Facebook page. Our membership...Continue reading      8 Comments » Read more

Excellent Rheumatology Care with a Horrible Rheumatoid Disease

RA Warrior is glad to welcome David Biundo to share some male perspective of living with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Over the last few months David’s rheumatologist has read and re-read his nuclear bone scan and various X-rays and MRI’s in order to carefully monitor the progression of David’s cervical spine Rheumatoid Arthritis. The nuclear bone scan...Continue reading      24 Comments » Read more

Fundamental Studies of Rheumatoid Arthritis Genetics & Genomics

RA Genetics 101: Glass half-full or half-empty? Part 3 This is Part 3 of a guest series on RA genetics by Robert West, Jr, PhD. Part 1 provided the introduction to RA genetics and Part 2 described the direct to consumer (DTC) genetics of RA. Here, I describe a dissection of the complexity of the heritable component of...Continue reading      5 Comments » Read more

Direct to Consumer Genetics of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)

RA Genetics 101: Glass half-full or half-empty? Part 2 In part 2 of this guest series, I present results of my own genotyping analysis provided by the direct-to-consumer (DTC) genetic testing company 23andMe, specifically with respect to the estimated lifetime risk of acquiring RA. To provide a somewhat balanced perspective, I also show the corresponding results of...Continue reading      14 Comments » Read more

An Introduction to the Genetics of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)

RA Genetics 101: Glass half-full or half-empty? Part 1 Please welcome Professor Robert W. West, Jr, PhD as a guest on the subject of Rheumatoid Arthritis and genetics. Professor West uses his expertise in genetics to teach Personalized Medicine and other courses to the doctors of the 21st Century. A recent article on Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) illustrates...Continue reading      19 Comments » Read more

RA is Tricksy: Wandering by The Two Towers

I hope you enjoy this little guest post from Dana. Her imagination wanders in a way that’s similar to some other fun trips we’ve taken with Goldilocks, the Princess and the Pea, and others. Please visit Dana’s blog; she’s been a great ally to our effort here for a long time and significant voice of...Continue reading      28 Comments » Read more

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