Men with Rheumatoid Arthritis Archives | Rheumatoid Arthritis Warrior

Men with Rheumatoid Arthritis Carry a Heavy Burden

Study recognizes needs of men with Rheumatoid Arthritis A study of 30 Rheumatoid patients indicated that men with Rheumatoid Arthritis may not get the support they need. From my vantage point, I agree. Let’s take a look at the findings of the study, “’It Gets Me Down Every Single Day’: Are Men with Rheumatoid Arthritis Getting...Continue reading      32 Comments » Read more

Hey Superman! Does Accepting Limitations Make Us Weaker?

Katie Beth and I got in Monday night from a weekend with other warriors in Houston where I was able to speak about being an empowered patient. That immediately followed an e-Patient Boot Camp talk in Orlando with e-Patient Dave. Preparations and traveling drain so much time and energy that I haven’t been able to...Continue reading      17 Comments » Read more

A Doctor-Patient Covenant: Medicine’s Future Found In Its Past

The following article was written by David Biundo to his friends and fellow patients. The message came from a conversation he had with his doctor. I hope you’ll find it inspiring and enlightening as I do. The challenge of being believed One of the challenges that many patients with chronic illness face, is the treatment they receive...Continue reading      16 Comments » Read more

Excellent Rheumatology Care with a Horrible Rheumatoid Disease

RA Warrior is glad to welcome David Biundo to share some male perspective of living with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Over the last few months David’s rheumatologist has read and re-read his nuclear bone scan and various X-rays and MRI’s in order to carefully monitor the progression of David’s cervical spine Rheumatoid Arthritis. The nuclear bone scan...Continue reading      24 Comments » Read more

Men and Rheumatoid Arthritis: Video PSA

Why a video about men and Rheumatoid Arthritis? This video PSA (public service announcement) is something that I have wanted to finish for months because the story about men and Rheumatoid Arthritis has not been told. I also believe that telling the story of men and RA will help everyone who lives with RA by creating...Continue reading      46 Comments » Read more

Rheumatoid Arthritis News, Vol.5: Men & Mortality, Vitamin D Research, New RA Meds

Here are a couple of the Rheumatoid Arthritis news articles that have caught my eye recently or, in some cases, caused me to roll my eyes. More Rheumatoid Arthritis news worth mentioning 1) Big news w/Rheumatoid Arthritis in men:methotrexate fights mortality A study published last month found “men with rheumatoid arthritis were more than twice as likely to...Continue reading      12 Comments » Read more

Incidence of Rheumatoid Arthritis Increasing, in Women Especially

Recent study finds more Rheumatoid Arthritis – Women Harder Hit Science Daily reported this spring that Mayo researchers found an increased incidence of Rheumatoid Arthritis, especially in women. “Between 1 and 2 million Americans suffer the effects of RA, a chronic inflammatory disease that targets joints and which contributes to work-related disability, increased morbidity, and shortened...Continue reading      18 Comments » Read more

How Rheumatoid Arthritis Impacts Lives

 What kind of an impact does Rheumatoid Arthritis have on a life? It seems impossible to explain all the impact that Rheumatoid Arthritis has. On a good day like today, I can hardly believe what I have been through myself - although I have lived it. This video bears out my memories. It has been real....Continue reading      12 Comments » Read more

Friend of Rheumatoid Arthritis Warrior Shares Her Heart

I am so lucky to know a dear lady who sends me letters of encouragement about this blog. She is the widow of a man who lived with RA. I always wish everyone had an opportunity to hear some of her clever and uplifting words, so today I am sharing some of them with you. I...Continue reading      9 Comments » Read more

Do Men Get Rheumatoid Arthritis, Too?

Do Guys Get RA Too? I have always thought how wretched it is that Rheumatoid Arthritis comes along in the prime years of a woman’s life. She’s either chasing small children or climbing a career ladder. It is heartbreaking that at the time when life is the most demanding, she is disabled. There are no accommodations....Continue reading      30 Comments » Read more

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