Patient advocacy Archives | Page 2 of 4 | Rheumatoid Arthritis Warrior

Sample Size: 1 of Every 100 RA Patients in U.S. Are Members of Our Facebook Page

Transparent objectives of a patient community As the author of this blog, I’m completely transparent about why I’m here: Stunned at learning what so many RA patients endure, I committed to doing everything possible to change that. The 3 specific goals have been the same for 3.5 years on the About Page, as created during the first...Continue reading      18 Comments » Read more

The Powerful Health Care Role No One Really Wants: Being a Patient

The valuable knowledge of patients with diseases like RA Today, Katie Beth and I flew home from San Francisco where I spoke three times this week: There was a presentation about the value of patient input with chronic conditions like rheumatoid disease, a panel discussion about e-patients and e-docs at Digital Pharma West, and an informal address...Continue reading      17 Comments » Read more

Energizing E-patient Engagement – Collaborations that Count

This blog is not about me because it’s always been much more than a way to share my own journey. This blog tells OUR story – the true story of Rheumatoid disease, the people who live with it, the fight to cure it, and the process that patients have entered to participate in improving our...Continue reading      6 Comments » Read more

Leaving It All on the Field: Not the Safest Choice But Maybe Best

Sightseeing, small steps, and sleep I’ve spent most of the last 3 weeks lying down with ice on my neck, or taking extra meds for the back spasms. The night before the FDA tofacitinib hearing, my back got so bad that I was about 90% certain that I would not be able to attend. My little...Continue reading      12 Comments » Read more

Dear Warriors and Friends

The past three years are positively beyond anything I could have imagined. Do you have a moment? When I started blogging, I had dreams of this website. But it could take forever to learn enough about “code” to manage it… We’ll save the rest for another day, but do you realize has at least 630 pages?...Continue reading      10 Comments » Read more

Kelly Young Wins WebMD Health Hero Award

WebMD magazine chooses Kelly as 1 of 4 “Champions of Care”! Look what I found on my dresser when we got home from Chicago last night! The new WebMD magazine with yours truly in it! You can click on the images to enlarge and read the text or read the story on the WebMD Health Hero honorees...Continue reading      49 Comments » Read more

Mayo Clinic Video Interview: Patients at ACR Scientific Meeting

Some of you may be puzzled about what I’m doing in Chicago. So here’s a brief summary and a video interview with Mayo Clinic News Blog telling why patients are interested in a scientific meeting like the ACR Scientific Meeting. What happens at the American College of Rheumatology Scientific Meeting? “The ACR/ARHP Annual Scientific Meeting will be...Continue reading      11 Comments » Read more

Video: Rheumatoid Patient Foundation Gives RA Patients a Voice

This week, the Rheumatoid Patient Foundation (RPF) conducts our first exhibit at the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Annual Scientific Meeting. Beginning tomorrow, we’ll present our video The Faces of Rheumatoid Disease to doctors, researchers, and industry attending the ACR meeting. We’ve also prepared other materials that we’ll be sharing with you in the coming...Continue reading      1 Comment » Read more

Behind the Scenes Video: Patient at a Social Media Conference

Telling it like it is. On camera. It’s uncomfortable. It's very hard to talk about harsh pain. Why does pain seem so embarrassing? I even gave birth in quiet agony a few times because of that. 3 aspects of RA that are difficult to discuss It’s hard to talk about pain, so most of us are pretty private...Continue reading      4 Comments » Read more

The Path of Mercy in Medicine: A Tale of Two Doctors

Physicians enjoy a unique position in our society with unique opportunities to make a difference in others’ lives. With that powerful role, they can choose between a path of mercy and a path of nonchalance. They can be a tool in the hands of God or they can just be a tool. There was the woman...Continue reading      12 Comments » Read more

Living with (RA) Rheum Disease Is Already Multitasking

Where have you been girl? As this post goes up, I’m in a chair with an IV getting my second Rituxan IV infusion. It’s hard to write about myself, but I really need to keep you informed about what’s going on. Couldn’t someone else report about it for me? None of my kids were willing to...Continue reading      18 Comments » Read more

News Flare! 1st Rituxan Infusion! WebMD Award! and More!

First Rituxan infusion Monday, I spent 8 hours with an IV for my first Rituxan infusion. It took a longer time for various reasons, but it seems I did fine. So far my only noticeable side effect has been a fierce headache. Still. It’s difficult to describe how grateful I am for those who sat with me...Continue reading      35 Comments » Read more

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