Preclinical RA Archives | Rheumatoid Arthritis Warrior

Possible Rheumatoid Arthritis

Our family’s testing for possible rheumatoid arthritis This article is part 2 to RA Runs in Families. My daughters and my friend’s family members were being tested for possible rheumatoid arthritis. The imaware™ at-home RA test checks for three antibodies that occur with RA / RD and asks other questions related to RA diagnosis. When the RA test reports are ready,...Continue reading      3 Comments » Read more

Early RA Screening Matters

Real hope in early RA screening Every day my email box and social media streams are filled with “exciting” news of promising RA breakthroughs and so-called cures. But rarely is there news that I know will make a difference—either to investigators studying rheumatoid disease (RD) or to people living with RD (PRD). Today, with regard to early...Continue reading      5 Comments » Read more

Prevent RA Just Like Cancer

Could methotrexate prevent RA? Several studies presented at the American College of Rheumatology’s (ACR) Annual Scientific Meeting in Chicago last fall are investigating how to prevent RA. One poster in particular, from the Netherlands’ group, presented startling results as they re-analyzed data from the PROMPT trial. They concluded that a one-year course of methotrexate could prevent RA or delay its development.1 I...Continue reading      7 Comments » Read more

Arthritis Prescreening Like Minority Report

Arthritis prescreening is like Minority Report with Tom Cruise …Or is it? When I read Dr. Scott’s creative newspaper column, comparing rheumatoid arthritis prescreening to Minority Report, the sci-fi flick about punishing crimes before they happen, I didn’t know where to begin. I love movie analogies – there are a bunch of them on this blog. But Dr. Scott...Continue reading      11 Comments » Read more

15 Early Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis

The significance of early symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis In 2009, I asked people with rheumatoid disease (PRD) to list the first symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis they had experienced. Over 800 people have commented, simply listing their first symptoms. There are also dozens of Onset Stories on RA Warrior. Our experiences with early symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis...Continue reading      37 Comments » Read more

Preclinical Rheumatoid Disease: There Are No Joints in the Lungs

My mom used to read to me John Godfrey Saxe’s 19th century version of a famous Indian legend, The Blind Men and the Elephant. I’m certain it contributed to my zealous love of evidence. Over the last couple of years, interacting with thousands of people with Rheumatoid disease, I came to the conclusion that only...Continue reading      57 Comments » Read more

Rheumatoid Arthritis Research Using Marmosets as Subjects

Why a new preclinical model for Rheumatoid Arthritis research? Based upon “increasing knowledge of the pathogenesis of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA),” more possible treatments are being developed. However animal models are required to evaluate the safety, effectiveness, and toxicity of many new potential RA treatments. Rodent populations with RA-like disease are created by something called collagen-induced arthritis or...Continue reading      4 Comments » Read more

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