Prednisone and Rheumatoid Arthritis Archives | Rheumatoid Arthritis Warrior

Impact of One Shot for RA – 10 Signs

Has a shot for RA ever rocked your world? I had a strange experience arriving for church Sunday. I woke up, got dressed, even fixed breakfast, and then somehow arrived fifteen minutes early. Why did it seem like I had all… the… time… in the world? It went back to last Thursday when I got a...Continue reading      44 Comments » Read more

Prednisone Dosage Case Study

Prednisone dosage varies Last time we discussed the varying positive and negative effects of prednisone, and some strategies for finding a workable dose. Prednisone dosage varies significantly, from 5mg to 60mg, even for similar conditions. One reason for that is the varying response in patients. Doses vary because effectiveness and side effects vary significantly. I know...Continue reading      39 Comments » Read more

Prednisone Effects: Your Results May Vary

Prednisone effects can seem miraculous. But does it work for everyone? At what dose? And at what cost? Here are some basic facts on prednisone and links for more information on specific questions you may have. Desired prednisone effects Prednisone and similar corticosteroids like prednisolone are extremely effective at reducing inflammation in most people. Steroids are considered...Continue reading      21 Comments » Read more

Why We Need More Potassium and How to Get It

Recent studies show potassium supplementation may reduce pain for some patients. The use of corticosteroids is another reason people with chronic illness may need more potassium. First some very basic background information. If you’re trying to lower sodium, you may need more potassium In order for cells to function properly, potassium must be higher in concentration inside...Continue reading      6 Comments » Read more

Is Prednisone Over-Prescribed?

Reading the headlines you may wonder: is prednisone over-prescribed? Sensational headlines are not new. But I did a double take when I read Steroid Over-Prescribing Persists in RA. My natural reaction is to defend patients: “Steroid overuse? Who would take steroids unnecessarily? This is just another side effect of pharma ads leading the public to believe RA...Continue reading      26 Comments » Read more

Steroid Injections for Rheumatoid Arthritis: 5 Questions

1. Why steroid injections for rheumatoid arthritis / disease? When joints are persistently inflamed, despite whatever therapies or systemic treatments are used, steroid injections for rheumatoid arthritis have been helpful for many people with rheumatoid disease / arthritis (PRD). For example, my wrist and back of hand joints have been swollen since I had to drive several...Continue reading      14 Comments » Read more

Prednisone Versus Prednisolone: the Same for Everyone?

Whether medicine is personalized or not, patients are It’s fascinating how drugs are metabolized differently in different people, with different side effects and varying levels of benefit. But, prednisone is one thing we hear works the same on everyone. Is that right? Prednisone works well enough on most Rheumatoid patients that it’s used by some doctors as...Continue reading      96 Comments » Read more

RA News Vol. 8: Predicting TNF Response, Prednisone Increases Remission, New Mayo Clinic Heart Disease Risk Study

Brief rundown of 3 recent RA news articles that could make big impact 1. Simple urine test may predict who responds to TNF biologics! British researcher Dr. Sabrina Kapoor noted that the metabolites which are a result of the effects of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) on metabolism should be present in the urine or blood of patients....Continue reading      6 Comments » Read more

When You Can’t Get Off Prednisone

We often hear people talk about how hard it is for them to stop taking prednisone. As a matter of fact, many comments come from people with a new prescription saying how quickly they hope to get off. Others say they’ve taken it for years and they’d like to stop if only they could. Prednisone can...Continue reading      125 Comments » Read more

Joint Injections for Rheumatoid Arthritis

This blog is called Rheumatoid Arthritis Warrior because we have to fight. I know I’m not the best warrior or the only warrior – I just know that is what we have to do: fight. Actually, through this blog, I meet other warriors who inspire me every day. I feel like my own fight is...Continue reading      63 Comments » Read more

Prednisone Uses for Rheumatoid Arthritis

This is the fourth post in a series about modern approaches to prednisone uses for Rheumatoid Arthritis. Please read the first post, Prednisone Dosage for Rheumatoid Arthritis, here at this link. Does prednisone have a disease modifying effect? Is it a double-edged sword? What's the greatest risk of prednisone use that you may not have...Continue reading      21 Comments » Read more

Prednisone Side Effects

Can prednisone side effects occur even with low doses? This is the third post in a series about approaches to the use of prednisone for Rheumatoid Arthritis. Please read the first post, Prednisone Dosage for Rheumatoid Arthritis, here at this link. Do prednisone side effects occur even at lower dosages? How quickly do they occur? Do...Continue reading      69 Comments » Read more

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