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The Beginning of an RA Clinical Trial Journey

An RA clinical trial coordinator tests my talents I’ve always had some special talents. Like …making things look easy …making strangers smile ...keeping secrets. More superpowers? Sometimes, I can make everyone mad at once…with a clear conscience …and everyone’s best interest at heart. It’s not easy, but I manage. My most special skill? Just look at the genius...Continue reading      30 Comments » Read more

Do Doctors Surprise Patients with Surgical Procedures?

Some surprises are routine Last month, I read a blog entitled “Patient-Centered Care Should Minimize Post-Surgical Surprises” by Jessie Gruman. Her article haunted me; I contemplated how I might guess what the right questions are to ask to avoid medical surprises. Actually, it seemed from her post that it might not matter too much whether I...Continue reading      34 Comments » Read more

Joint Injections for Rheumatoid Arthritis

This blog is called Rheumatoid Arthritis Warrior because we have to fight. I know I’m not the best warrior or the only warrior – I just know that is what we have to do: fight. Actually, through this blog, I meet other warriors who inspire me every day. I feel like my own fight is...Continue reading      63 Comments » Read more

Life of a Professional Patient, Blog #5; Little Victories

Lately I wish each day were 3 days long. After a morning of correspondence, blog replies, Algebra, English, and Greek lessons, I went in for my latest back injections. The kids were frustrated because I wouldn’t eat lunch. My stomach was too nervous to eat. Last week, I wrote about the spine procedure I was having done...Continue reading      32 Comments » Read more

Would RA Awareness Make a Difference? The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

My polite warning: this post is about the author. The good I went for my third Actemra IV today. Easy peasy. The head nurse does a great job. No pain. No blood. The first Actemra IV, she told me stories of patients who were helped by Actemra during their first 5 days! It gave me a hope. The...Continue reading      52 Comments » Read more

My First Actemra Treatment

Actemra is my fourth Biologic treatment My first Actemra treatment was two weeks ago. I never dreamed I’d be going for my fourth different kind of Biologic treatment. When my first rheum doc said I’d feel much better soon with Humira, I believed it. When the Rheumatoid Arthritis continued to progress, the doc seemed as disappointed...Continue reading      50 Comments » Read more

Another New Rheumatoid Arthritis Drug for Me?

Warning: this post is about the author. Decision about a new Rheumatoid Arthritis drug The blog is going up a little late today. I couldn’t write last night no matter how hard I tried to stay awake. A long day on the road and a talk with my doctor about starting a new Rheumatoid Arthritis drug ended...Continue reading      89 Comments » Read more

Rheumatoid Arthritis Medicine and Christmas Cookies

Holiday Plan of a hysterical woman: Wednesday: Get Orencia IV. Experience immediate miracle. Thursday: Go Christmas shopping all day. Friday: Decorate the house & put up the Christmas tree. Stay up all night to make lots of homemade gifts. Saturday: Mail the gifts. Write Christmas cards. Make cookie dough. Sunday: Bake cookies & decorate. Deliver to friends. Monday: Wrap all the...Continue reading      19 Comments » Read more

The Life of a Professional Patient, Blog #4; Continuing to Fight Rheumatoid Arthritis

Obligatory warning: this post is about the author of this blog… The author This is the blog post that I didn’t want to write. For about half of those who read this today, this will be the first time you’ve visited the blog. To you: This is not a typical blog post. This blog is about fighting Rheumatoid...Continue reading      35 Comments » Read more

My RA Methotrexate / Enbrel Test: How Well Do Methotrexate & Enbrel Work on Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis?

My “dangerous” RA research? These last few weeks have provided me with an opportunity to measure the success of methotrexate and Enbrel at treating Rheumatoid Arthritis. Although I was an accidental guinea pig, I have been interested in to learn all I can from this test. How much worse would my Rheumatoid Arthritis symptoms be without...Continue reading      49 Comments » Read more

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