Rheumatoid Arthritis awareness Archives | Rheumatoid Arthritis Warrior

RA Public Service Announcement Video

Announcing a new RA public service announcement Please watch my second-ever RA public service announcement, below! My mom always said to “make it short and sweet”—well this is short and serious. But hopefully you’ll feel the passion of my heart: 1) For people to recognize rheumatoid disease is more than arthritis—it’s a serious disease. 2) For people to recognize early testing...Continue reading      1 Comment » Read more

Rheumatoid Disease Awareness Expands

Years ago, texts with my daughter MK prompted me to dream of billboards for rheumatoid disease awareness. Wouldn't it be incredible to lay out the truth for people to see as they just drove by? I have a huge surprise for you if you have just a moment for rheumatoid disease awareness memory lane. It’s #RheumDay—a...Continue reading      20 Comments » Read more

RA Can’t Be That Bad – 5 Lies and 5 Replies

Ever heard RA can’t be that bad? Have you ever heard anyone say that RA can’t be that bad? Or more likely, is there ever a day when someone does not hear that RA can’t be that bad? Almost every day someone let’s me know they can tell I’m exaggerating how disabled I am, how bad...Continue reading      36 Comments » Read more

5 Reasons Disease Awareness Matters

Disease awareness matters because people just don’t know Disease awareness for “invisible illnesses” like rheumatoid disease (RD) can be pretty dismal. I’m the first to admit I had no idea what RD was when I was diagnosed. And, I’ve actually been stunned a few times by how little people with other invisible illnesses know about RD. Once...Continue reading      17 Comments » Read more

Rheumatoid Awareness Day Blog Carnival 2016

Welcome to the Rheumatoid Awareness Day Blog Carnival This Rheumatoid Awareness Day Blog Carnival is in coordination with the Rheumatoid Awareness Day Blog Challenge by the Rheumatoid Patient Foundation. Many websites and blogs participated in RAD and published about #theRealRD facts. If you’ve published a post for RAD that’s not included here, you can leave your...Continue reading      7 Comments » Read more

Rheumatoid Awareness Day 2016

February 2, 2016 is the fourth annual Rheumatoid Awareness Day. Happy Rheumatoid Awareness Day 2016 The theme for Rheumatoid Awareness Day 2016 is the real rheumatoid disease, abbreviated with the hashtag #TheRealRD. Seven facts illuminate the stark differences between the media version of rheumatoid arthritis and the rheumatoid disease that’s experienced by so many. Sharing these 7...Continue reading      9 Comments » Read more

Rheumatoid Arthritis Awareness Pin

The 1st Rheumatoid Arthritis Awareness pin is here! We finally have a Rheumatoid Arthritis awareness pin / Rheumatoid Disease pin to wear. The digital version has been very popular over the past few years, but many asked me to get them a “real” pin. It’s been a long road to get this just right, but I’m so happy...Continue reading      5 Comments » Read more

Not Actual Size – Rheumatoid Disease Is Not as Advertised

Sometimes my #rheum disease and my silly sense of humor get all twisted together into a goofball smoothie. Anyone who’s spent time with me can attest to my devotion to silliness. I’ve been daydreaming about how food ads remind me of RD. I hope you’ll enjoy a little humorous diversion. Laughter makes a great defense...Continue reading      8 Comments » Read more

Rheumatoid Awareness: Judgmental Eye Rolls Versus Help & Compassion

Treated like you’re fine when you’re not A comment this week by Lisa sums up one of the most important reasons we need awareness for Rheumatoid Disease, and one of the hardest to explain to others. “RD awareness would mean that I wouldn’t be treated like I am fine when I am not. It would mean that...Continue reading      25 Comments » Read more

Vicks Vaporub Cure for a Disease That’s In Your Head Anyway

I got something free with my Chinese food the other night when I went to pick up my egg rolls: advice. It was the end of a long, hard, day. I’d pushed myself hard to be moving at all with harsh stiffness and sharp pain in over a dozen joints. We’d been out that day because...Continue reading      49 Comments » Read more

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