Rheumatoid Arthritis awareness Archives | Page 3 of 8 | Rheumatoid Arthritis Warrior

Invisible Illness Awareness Video

Positively Real: Keeping the Discussion Real without Sugar Coating Everyone with an “invisible illness” owes such a debt to Lisa Copen, founder of Invisible Illness Awareness Week. She has done so much to provide support to people with “invisible illnesses” like Rheumatoid disease. I don’t know if she coined that term, but she certainly popularized it. This...Continue reading      6 Comments » Read more

Win a Pentax Camera! While You Spread RA / RD Awareness!

The PRIZES! FIRST Prize: Pentax Optio RS1500 Digital Camera 2 SECOND prizes: one of 2 $25 iTunes Gift Cards The CONTEST! What’s the contest about? For years, people who live with Rheumatoid Disease (PRD) have suffered because of confusion that RA is just a type of arthritis. Extremely low research dollars for RA Need for accommodations in employment situations Lack of understanding...Continue reading      1 Comment » Read more

We’re Warriors So Fighting On Is Just What We Do

August. We were exhausted and happy after a successful exhibit at the Rheumatology Nurses Society annual meeting. Five minutes later, I realized I was still buried in Rheumatoid Patient Foundation (RPF) projects preparations for the RPF’s next exhibit at the American College of Rheumatology Scientific Meeting in Washington, D.C. in November. And, then the hard drive...Continue reading      14 Comments » Read more

What If Rheumatoid Disease Were Recognized, Properly Funded & Medically Understood?

Just think. What if you told people you have RA and they actually knew what that meant instead of dismissing it? What difference would it make if Rheumatoid Disease had comparable NIH research funding to understand what causes RA? What if there were treatments that worked for all RA patients? What if newly diagnosed RA...Continue reading      17 Comments » Read more

What RA Is Like: Heavy Armor Hindered Medieval Warriors

Researchers at Leeds in the UK studied how medieval soldiers were affected by the weight of the armor (approximately 40-50 kg or 80-90 lbs). Researchers wore replicas of European armor while monitoring oxygen usage. The subjects’ breathing was more frequent and shallow as they used twice as much energy just to move around. “Being wrapped in...Continue reading      22 Comments » Read more

Woman’s Day RA Is Destructive, but Phil & Venus Have Cred

In 2009, I first encountered something I called “the PR problem” with RA. For three years, I’ve disagreed with Woman’s Day magazine over whether the Woman’s Day version of RA is correct. On the blog, we’ve had discussions about various other fallacious articles on RA (some listed below). WebMD magazine offered a similar article last winter...Continue reading      37 Comments » Read more

The Powerful Health Care Role No One Really Wants: Being a Patient

The valuable knowledge of patients with diseases like RA Today, Katie Beth and I flew home from San Francisco where I spoke three times this week: There was a presentation about the value of patient input with chronic conditions like rheumatoid disease, a panel discussion about e-patients and e-docs at Digital Pharma West, and an informal address...Continue reading      17 Comments » Read more

Mind-boggling! – Aftermath of Tofacitinib FDA Hearing Part 2

After the FDA Arthritis Advisory Committee (AAC) hearing earlier this month for Pfizer’s new oral treatment for RA,  tofacitinib, we looked at the four distinct votes of the AAC and some of the ways the media responded to them. They ranged from serious to pitiful to laughable. But there’s more.     3 news bytes that might...Continue reading      14 Comments » Read more

20 Replies to Things Not to Say to an RA Patient

Replies to things not to say to an RA patient (UPDATED) Every day, I hear from many people living with Rheumatoid Disease. This post about things not to say to an RA patient was a response to a request from a dear reader about one of the most popular posts on the blog, 20 Things Not...Continue reading      113 Comments » Read more

Aftermath of the FDA Vote on Pfizer’s RA JAK Inhibitor, Tofacitinib

After the tofacitinib FDA hearing, the votes are in, false perceptions persist, and patients still need relief. Some estimate that tofacitinib could be approved by the US FDA within a few months after mixed votes and mostly inaccurate press reports. It’s fitting this discussion takes place as rawarrior.com begins its fourth year of reporting the patient...Continue reading      44 Comments » Read more

Consumer Reports’ Absurd Best Buy Rheumatoid Arthritis Drug List

RESPONSE TO Consumer Reports Health Best Buy Drugs; Evaluating Prescription Drugs Used to Treat the Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis: The Biologics Warrior to Washington: Next week, I’m going to D.C. to make an oral presentation to the “Arthritis Advisory Committee” at a hearing about a new Rheumatoid Arthritis treatment, tofacitinib. I want you to know why...Continue reading      47 Comments » Read more

The Confusion of a Smile

If you have RA, you’ll probably just nod your head as I share this private experience. If not, you may just scratch you head: huh? It’s all good, right? Well, mostly… I mean, a lot of living with RA is actually hard or disagreeable, but we smile anyway. What are you gonna do, right? I smile a...Continue reading      44 Comments » Read more

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