Rheumatoid Arthritis Clinical Trials Archives | Rheumatoid Arthritis Warrior

Rheumatoid Arthritis Clinical Trials: 10 Facts

How do Rheumatoid Arthritis clinical trials work? Clinical trials are research studies that test medications, devices, or procedures that may be used to treat a disease. Sometimes already approved medications are also tested in new ways. Rheumatoid Arthritis clinical trials not only help to create new treatments, but also help develop better ways of managing the...Continue reading      3 Comments » Read more

Xeljanz Rejected by European Medicines Agency

EMA rejects Xeljanz authorization Late yesterday, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) rejected the Pfizer’s application to market Xeljanz (tofacitinib). The EMA application was refused because the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) “adopted a negative opinion” on approving Xeljanz, stating they were unconvinced its risks outweighed benefits. Last November, the FDA approved the 5mg...Continue reading      29 Comments » Read more

Rituxan Decision: Serving Humanity or Taking Care of the Patient (Me)

This is one of those rare posts about my personal medical journey, a Professional patient post. That’s kind of a warning in case I use the word “I” too many times to be polite. It’s crunch time. No one can decide but me. About a year ago I hit the end of the line with my rheumatology...Continue reading      116 Comments » Read more

Life of a Professional Patient, Blog#7: Radiofrequency Ablation with RA?

Radiofrequency ablation has nothing to do with RA. Unless RA pain from the spine is real. Warning: This is one of those personal posts. It was an unusual week. Monday: We drove to Orlando for Roo’s hernia post-op appointment. It’s all good. I wish every doc were so skilled. Tiger saw his Fairy Godmother (hearing aid specialist). I wish...Continue reading      6 Comments » Read more

New Way to Report Response in RA Clinical Trials?

Untangling a possible replacement for the “familiar” ACR 20 describing treatment response in clinical trials for Rheumatoid Arthritis Special thanks to Jay Sprinkel for assistance with this post. Although he may be more known for the humor he provides to our Facebook group, Jay is a retired marine biologist who specializes in statistics. He is also...Continue reading      15 Comments » Read more

Using CRP in Criteria for Rheumatoid Arthritis Clinical Trials

To people with an incurable disease, clinical trials signify the possibility of a cure. Perhaps my suffering will end one day. Someone is looking for answers. Someday my prince will come. Research matters to patients Most patients I know read with interest headlines about their disease. They trust medications that have been recommended to them because of effectiveness...Continue reading      47 Comments » Read more

Tofacitinib / CP-690550 aka Tasocitinib Succeeds in Pfizer’s 2nd Phase 3 Trial

A new name and new milestone for tofacitinib Pfizer announced Friday that CP-690550 tofacitinib (formerly tasocitinib) met its goals in its second phase three clinical trial for moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis. Tofacitinib is a JAK 3 inhibitor, an oral treatment for RA with a different approach than current Biologic RA treatments. According to Pfizer, over 4,000...Continue reading      14 Comments » Read more

New Rheumatoid Arthritis Remission Criteria

One of the most fascinating things at ACR last November was the multi-presentation session on the last day focusing on creating Rheumatoid Arthritis remission criteria. We literally sat on the edge of our seats and took notes about the assorted characterizations of RA remission that have been used concurrently over the last couple of decades,...Continue reading      17 Comments » Read more

The Beginning of an RA Clinical Trial Journey

An RA clinical trial coordinator tests my talents I’ve always had some special talents. Like …making things look easy …making strangers smile ...keeping secrets. More superpowers? Sometimes, I can make everyone mad at once…with a clear conscience …and everyone’s best interest at heart. It’s not easy, but I manage. My most special skill? Just look at the genius...Continue reading      30 Comments » Read more

All I Want for Christmas Is My CRP

I thought I’d finally gotten out of Rheumatoid Arthritis / CRP purgatory, but I was wrong. I got an early Christmas present after I got back from the ACR meeting, I got a certified letter from my rheum doc. It said I couldn’t have any more Actemra infusions because my insurance company would not pay properly. It...Continue reading      35 Comments » Read more

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