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Sleep Quality Affects Disability in Rheumatoid Arthritis

The relationship between Rheumatoid Arthritis, sleep, and disability A small study in 2009 confirmed “Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) negatively affect women's sleep.” It’s no surprise that Rheumatoid Arthritis impacts the sleep of many patients.  Most patients could tell you why: pain, medication side effects, and emotional frustration or depression about chronic illness, chronic pain, and...Continue reading      16 Comments » Read more

The “Can’t” Question with Rheumatoid Arthritis

If someone has a broken leg or a sprained ankle, there is no question about whether he can walk the dog or run in a race. Rheumatoid Arthritis pain and weakness is invisible to the naked eye, but it’s similar to an injury in some ways. Sometimes, the injured person can’t do the same things...Continue reading      60 Comments » Read more

Rheumatoid Arthritis Muscle Wasting: Rheumatoid Cachexia

Wasting time on Rheumatoid Arthritis muscle wasting? Rheumatoid Arthritis is famous for bone erosions and joint deformity. That’s bad enough, but RA doesn’t stop there. Rheumatoid Arthritis is a systemic disease which can affect all organs and systems in the body. One of the first RA symptoms I experienced was extreme weakness in muscles and tendons. As...Continue reading      62 Comments » Read more

Do You Love a Rheumatoid Arthritis Patient?

Dear friend of a Rheumatoid Arthritis patient: Last year when I wrote my first memo to Non-RA'ers, I tried to explain in simple words what it is like to be a Rheumatoid Arthritis Patient (RA’er). I thought that if I explained Rheumatoid Arthritis in terms of injuries and illnesses that are familiar, it would be easier...Continue reading      24 Comments » Read more

Rheumatoid Arthritis Disability Makes Things Difficult

Rheumatoid Arthritis makes certain things difficult. From what I can tell, the classic list is opening doorknobs, jars, or buttons.  I have found many more things to be difficult than that, so I thought I’d modernize the list a bit. Got any more ideas? Rheumatoid Arthritis disability makes things hard. No one thinks about...             Peeling a...Continue reading      134 Comments » Read more

Working and Rheumatoid Arthritis

Working and RA: Rheumatoid Arthritis is a thief. It steals so much from our lives. Very often that includes the ability to make a living. There are ripples out from this one issue into every other area of life. Here’s a short list I bet you could add to. Self-respect Standard of living Health coverage Relationships Loss of your productivity to family,...Continue reading      106 Comments » Read more

Should Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Exercise, Part 2

  Should Rheumatoid Arthritis patients exercise or not? There was a bit of a backlash to the Part 1 blog post to this series on exercise and Rheumatoid Arthritis. A few people even unsubscribed. But, staying out of trouble is not a goal of this blog. Truth-telling is. Specifically, what I have challenged is the kneejerk “Use it...Continue reading      35 Comments » Read more

To Tell the Truth: Will the Real Rheumatoid Arthritis Please Stand Up?

Swimming with dragons This RA Warrior is a dragon slayer. There is one particular dragon who is my arch enemy. It is the mythical version of Rheumatoid Arthritis. I imagine that as it deceives people about Rheumatoid Arthritis, there is less concern about whether a cure is needed for the real RA. The mythical version of RA...Continue reading      26 Comments » Read more

24 for Rheumatoid Arthritis Warriors

I wanted to do a "24" segment on RA to show what it’s like to live with it 24 / 7. I wrote this down a couple months ago, but I saved it for today because I wanted to post it right after the joint protection article. We Live With Rheumatoid Arthritis 24 / 7 Here is...Continue reading      13 Comments » Read more

Love of Challenge & the Rheumatoid Arthritis Speed Limit

RACE YA! At bedtime, the race is on. As soon as the pajamas are on, my four year-old declares, “Race ya!” He expects to win, but he still wants me to try. I think he wants me to almost win. Some days, I can oblige. Other days, he protests, “You are too slow!” That’s when I cannot...Continue reading      5 Comments » Read more

How Rheumatoid Arthritis Impacts Lives

 What kind of an impact does Rheumatoid Arthritis have on a life? It seems impossible to explain all the impact that Rheumatoid Arthritis has. On a good day like today, I can hardly believe what I have been through myself - although I have lived it. This video bears out my memories. It has been real....Continue reading      12 Comments » Read more

A Message from a Young Rheumatoid Arthritis Warrior

Wait, hope, pray, and… Hello, everyone. My name is Katie Beth Young and I have a few words for those with AND without a Rheumatoid Arthritis diagnosis. You might have read my mom’s post called The Me Before Rheumatoid Arthritis. Next month, I’ll be 17 so I remember the stucco days. I remember the landscaping, the hundreds...Continue reading      19 Comments » Read more

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