Rheumatoid arthritis fatigue Archives | Rheumatoid Arthritis Warrior

25 Tips to Manage Rheumatoid Arthritis Fatigue

Tips to manage rheumatoid arthritis fatigue (UPDATED 2016) Rheumatoid Arthritis fatigue is a real tangible physical symptom of RA.  I’ve read so many frustrating articles about how to manage Rheumatoid Arthritis fatigue that sound like the writers can’t articulate exactly what it is. Maybe I’ll help them out since person with rheumatoid disease (PRD) knows firsthand… Rheumatoid Arthritis fatigue...Continue reading      75 Comments » Read more

Rheumatoid Arthritis Sleep Issues

If you have RA, sleep is a big deal Johns Hopkins’ Rheumatoid Arthritis treatment information page says Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) patients “often need over ten hours of sleep a night, or eight hours a night and a two-hour nap during the day.” (Gee, do you think so?) Seriously, there’s plenty of evidence that RA fatigue and...Continue reading      50 Comments » Read more

What Is it Like to Have Rheumatoid Arthritis? Part 2: Why Don’t They Tell You?

The Usage Principle makes living with Rheumatoid Arthritis hard In the Part 1: The Usage Principle, we discussed a phenomenon which is a daily issue for many people living with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Perhaps you noticed that blog post was unusual in that it did not have footnotes or links to studies which discussed the subject.  I...Continue reading      77 Comments » Read more

What Is it Like to Have Rheumatoid Arthritis? Part 1: The Usage Principle

A dirty little secret of RA: The Usage Principle Certain aspects of Rheumatoid Arthritis are invisible. It’s hard to track with an invisible illness. But lucky for y'all, I know what living with RA is and I’m willing to tell the secrets. So, if you don’t have RA , prepare to have your eyes opened. And if...Continue reading      127 Comments » Read more

What Causes Rheumatoid Arthritis Fatigue?

What Causes Rheumatoid Arthritis Fatigue? (UPDATED 2016) Rheumatoid Arthritis fatigue is a weariness that rest cannot cure. It is tiredness without the benefit of the pleasure of activity. Over 90% of RA patients report fatigue as a symptom. It is counted second only to pain as the greatest difficulty of living with RA. "Unlike normal fatigue, pathological...Continue reading      103 Comments » Read more

Severe Rheumatoid Arthritis Can Leave You Stuck in Orbit

Severe Rheumatoid Arthritis can get you stuck. We who live on the Space Coast follow the Space Shuttle like most towns follow their local high school football team. When there’s a launch, people run out into the yard, climb up on their roofs, and cheer like it’s July 4th. What are fireworks compared to a giant...Continue reading      18 Comments » Read more

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