Rheumatoid Patient Foundation Archives | Page 2 of 4 | Rheumatoid Arthritis Warrior

A World Where No One Suffers from Rheumatoid Disease

When you’re making any charitable donations, please remember the Rheumatoid Patient Foundation (RPF) is each of us helping all of us. The RPF Vision: A world where no one suffers from Rheumatoid disease. Finally we have an organization with the specific purpose of improving the lives of people with Rheumatoid disease. Much has been accomplished quickly over...Continue reading      7 Comments » Read more

Rheumatoid Patient Foundation Exhibit at ACR 2012

Mouse over slideshow to pause. [galleryview id=16 showPanels=true showCaptions=false showFilmstrip=true panelWidth=600 panelHeight=400 panelScale=nocrop transitionSpeed=800 transitionInterval=4000 fadePanels=true frameWidth=60 frameHeight=40 filmstripPosition=bottom pointerSize=8 frameScale=crop frameGap=5 frameOpacity=0.3 easingValue=swing navTheme=dark startFrame=1 pauseOnHover=true] << Back to ALL 2012 << Back to Gallery ...Continue reading      2 Comments » Read more

Happy Thanksgiving! Not Margaritaville, But Still Sunny

I’m thankful for you! I’m always grateful for this community and the difference you’ve made in the lives of so many people searching for support or who just need to know they’re not alone. Many of us have met in person, exchanged hugs and tears, and felt the bond that comes with living with Rheumatoid disease....Continue reading      8 Comments » Read more

Helping the Healthcare World Understand Rheumatoid Disease

The “don’t-miss-the-plane” rush is on. My suitcase is half packed. I have a fever and I’m not washing my hair today because my wrist can’t muster it. Yet, I’m going to get on that plane to D.C.! Why all this bother? I’ve received messages from thousands of precious people telling their stories and how this website...Continue reading      23 Comments » Read more

Win a Pentax Camera! While You Spread RA / RD Awareness!

The PRIZES! FIRST Prize: Pentax Optio RS1500 Digital Camera 2 SECOND prizes: one of 2 $25 iTunes Gift Cards The CONTEST! What’s the contest about? For years, people who live with Rheumatoid Disease (PRD) have suffered because of confusion that RA is just a type of arthritis. Extremely low research dollars for RA Need for accommodations in employment situations Lack of understanding...Continue reading      1 Comment » Read more

We’re Warriors So Fighting On Is Just What We Do

August. We were exhausted and happy after a successful exhibit at the Rheumatology Nurses Society annual meeting. Five minutes later, I realized I was still buried in Rheumatoid Patient Foundation (RPF) projects preparations for the RPF’s next exhibit at the American College of Rheumatology Scientific Meeting in Washington, D.C. in November. And, then the hard drive...Continue reading      14 Comments » Read more

Rheumatology Nurses Meeting

RA Warrior address and volunteers from Rheumatoid Patient Foundation at the Rheumatology Nurses Society annual meeting in August. Mouse over slideshow to pause. [galleryview id=2 showPanels=true showCaptions=false showFilmstrip=true panelWidth=600 panelHeight=400 panelScale=nocrop transitionSpeed=800 transitionInterval=4000 fadePanels=true frameWidth=60 frameHeight=40 filmstripPosition=bottom pointerSize=8 frameScale=crop frameGap=5 frameOpacity=0.3 easingValue=swing navTheme=dark startFrame=1 pauseOnHover=true] << Back to ALL 2012 << Back to Gallery...Continue reading      1 Comment » Read more

What If Rheumatoid Disease Were Recognized, Properly Funded & Medically Understood?

Just think. What if you told people you have RA and they actually knew what that meant instead of dismissing it? What difference would it make if Rheumatoid Disease had comparable NIH research funding to understand what causes RA? What if there were treatments that worked for all RA patients? What if newly diagnosed RA...Continue reading      17 Comments » Read more

Sample Size: 1 of Every 100 RA Patients in U.S. Are Members of Our Facebook Page

Transparent objectives of a patient community As the author of this blog, I’m completely transparent about why I’m here: Stunned at learning what so many RA patients endure, I committed to doing everything possible to change that. The 3 specific goals have been the same for 3.5 years on the About Page, as created during the first...Continue reading      18 Comments » Read more

Mayo Clinic Contest! 5 Ways Patients Can Make a Difference!

1) Rheumatology patients are teaching medical students in Britain! The biggest difference patients can make is to help the medical profession understand their conditions better. Patient instructors in rheumatology are instructing undergraduate and postgraduate medical students are viewed as “an excellent, relatively under-utilised, resource.” “They are especially effective at enhancing students' understanding of the impact of...Continue reading      9 Comments » Read more

Rheumatoid Arthritis Awareness Is about Medical Care, Not Sympathy

My Bear had an appointment to see his terrific pediatrician today again about his swollen finger joints. She was home with a cold, but we waited an hour to see an alternate. The fellow didn’t seem to welcome my questions or opinions. I was in the familiar context of my pediatrician’s office – 6 years with...Continue reading      18 Comments » Read more

We Refuse to Be Mislabeled: Updating Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) to Rheumatoid Disease (RD)

Three years ago, I saw Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) patients insisting that the name of the disease needed to be changed. They argued that until the “a” word is removed from the name, confusion about the disease will continue. When asked, I said that we could not wait around for that to happen; let’s work for...Continue reading      100 Comments » Read more

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