Unrelenting RA - Persistent disease Archives | Rheumatoid Arthritis Warrior

RA Surgery — 10 Questions Answered

This week I had my second RA surgery, after 13 years of living with severe, unrelenting rheumatoid disease that does not respond to medications other than steroids. I definitely asked my surgeon lots of questions. But, this second time, I knew even better what to expect by what I had learned last time. I hope these Q and A...Continue reading      15 Comments » Read more

5 Rheumatoid Arthritis – RA Flare Facts

RA Flare – fact or fiction? If you want to laugh out loud, just Google RA Flare. No, not right now. Finish this first. Anyway, the topic of RA flare produces some very silly and contradictory discussions. For example Web MD offers How to Prevent Rheumatoid Arthritis Flares. If only. So today we approach one of the most...Continue reading      88 Comments » Read more

5 RA Facts Everyone Needs to Know

Driven to uncover RA facts My search for facts about Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) led me to build this website. So many questions. So much misinformation, blame, and confusion out there. It all contributed to my passion for uncovering RA facts and making them clear. I didn’t feel ready when I started writing this blog in 2009. There...Continue reading      16 Comments » Read more

Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain Persists

This is Part 3 of a series on Rheumatoid Disease / Rheumatoid Arthritis pain. In Part 1 we looked at the role of pain in the disease. Part 2 examines a popular study on Remaining Pain and poses 12 reasons that current explanations for Remaining Pain are wrong. In Part 3, we’ll see that the...Continue reading      4 Comments » Read more

10 Things I Wish I Knew 10 Years Ago About Rheumatoid Arthritis

Why wonder about 10 things I wish I knew 10 years ago? January was my rheumaversary. Yes that’s a new word. But it’s pretty clear what it means. Over the past few months I’ve been pondering what it means to live a decade with unrelenting rheumatoid disease. What does my future hold? There is so much...Continue reading      25 Comments » Read more

Chronic Pain vs. Recurrent Acute Pain in Rheumatoid Disease

An honest examination shows pain related to rheumatoid disease may frequently be better described as recurrent acute pain than classic chronic pain. Is “chronic pain” the right way to describe Rheumatoid Disease pain? According to the National Institutes of Health, chronic pain is “any pain lasting more than 12 weeks. Whereas acute pain is a normal sensation...Continue reading      28 Comments » Read more

Not Actual Size – Rheumatoid Disease Is Not as Advertised

Sometimes my #rheum disease and my silly sense of humor get all twisted together into a goofball smoothie. Anyone who’s spent time with me can attest to my devotion to silliness. I’ve been daydreaming about how food ads remind me of RD. I hope you’ll enjoy a little humorous diversion. Laughter makes a great defense...Continue reading      8 Comments » Read more

Rheumatoid Symptoms Persist Despite Treatment: a Study in Juveniles (JRA / JIA)

In spite of treatment advances including biologics, children affected by Rheumatoid Disease still experience pain, stiffness, and fatigue that impacts their ability to function. The disease may not be as “controlled” as many doctors presume. This may not be news to you as a patient or caregiver, but as these researchers point out, it needs...Continue reading      5 Comments » Read more

Juggling Life and a Chronic Disease Like Rheumatoid

Usually when someone hears I have five children, they ask, “How?!” My answer is always the same: “One at a time.” They span about 15 years – it’s not like there were five toddlers at once. Actually, there was never more than one in diapers at a time – so my mom had it much...Continue reading      25 Comments » Read more

Remaining Pain with Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment

A common problem: remaining pain with Rheumatoid Arthritis Remaining pain with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) has been a topic on RAW since 2009. We've discussed how people manage the common “leftover” symptoms such pain, fatigue, and stiffness while being treated for rheumatoid disease. Leftover or remaining pain is the subject of an interesting abstract reported at the recent...Continue reading      30 Comments » Read more

Mascara, Antibodies, and Soup: All I Know about a Disease

I always thought living off fresh smoothies and homemade soup along with regular exercise would keep me strong. And surely working hard and caring for others makes one too busy for chronic illness. All I know is that I woke up one morning and my toes were pointing out in odd directions because the joints were...Continue reading      39 Comments » Read more

It’s Just Pain, Right? No, Dr. No, It’s Not

No, it’s not just pain A letter from a fellow warrior reminded me of something I’ve been wanting to blog about since last summer. Today was technically my last day in the clinical trial. They were supposed to call me to check once more for adverse events because it’s day 210. Everything happens on a certain...Continue reading      26 Comments » Read more

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