Win a Hoodie in the Newsletter Contest! | Rheumatoid Arthritis Warrior

Win a Hoodie in the Newsletter Contest!


Hang in there: there’s a point to this contest!

Last spring, RA Warrior held a contest which promoted the idea that we are warriors fighting a disease. I designed an avatar modeled after Wonder Woman to use to enter the drawing. We had hundreds of postings of the contest on Facebook, Twitter, and blogs. There is no way to measure how many people learned about RA through the contest, but there were many cool stories. (See the contest winner story here: Yay, Jamie!) 😀

The the focus of this contest is helping new people become aware of what we are doing in our community & helping them learn more about supporting loved ones with RA (YOU!)RA skeleton t-shirt

1st things first: the Prizes!

First prize will be a Hoodie (hooded sweatshirt) or T-shirt from the RA Warrior store, your choice. Second place will be an RA Warrior Drinkware item (mug or cup) of your choice.

There are some fun designs suitable for fall and Halloween season, so you don’t have to wait. You can order something and still enter the contest for a chance at another item!

How to enter

To enter the contest, get anyone new to sign up for our newsletter, The Spear. It should be easy. The Spear is currently a short quarterly email so they won’t feel over-committed or spammed. If they read it, they will get some nuggets of what’s going on with RA Warrior and be tempted to learn more.

For more chances to win, get more people to sign up! You can make as many entries as you want! Just send me one email before midnight EST November 15th listing the names of those who signed up for the Newsletter. We’ll have a drawing on or before November 19th. (It may take me a few days to confirm all of the entries. And I’ll be arriving back)

Signing up for the newsletter is an easy 2-step process:

  1. Fill-in email & name spaces on this newsletter form page.
  2. Click on the confirmation email that arrives immediately after that.

Together we can do more!

I’m glad for the opportunity to write the blog and send out a newsletter, but I can only reach so many people by myself. Together we can cast a very wide net. Good luck in the contest!Warrior woman RA t-shirt


Send ONE email to by the deadline of midnight November 15th naming everyone who you helped to sign up for The Spear newsletter. They must have clicked on the confirmation email.

Recommended reading:

Kelly Young

Kelly Young is an advocate providing ways for patients to be better informed and have a greater voice in their healthcare. She is the president of the Rheumatoid Patient Foundation. Kelly received national acknowledgement with the 2011 WebMD Health Hero award. Through her writing, speaking, and use of social media, she is building a more accurate awareness of Rheumatoid disease aka Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) geared toward the public and medical community; creating ways to empower patients to advocate for improved diagnosis and treatment; and bringing recognition and visibility to the Rheumatoid patient journey. In 2009, Kelly created Rheumatoid Arthritis Warrior, a comprehensive website about RA of about 950 pages and writes periodically for other newsletters and websites. Kelly served on the Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media Advisory Board. There are over 42,000 connections of her highly interactive Facebook Fan page. She created the hashtag: #rheum. Kelly is the mother of five, a home-schooler, Bible teacher, NASA enthusiast, and NFL fan. You can also connect with Kelly by on Twitter or YouTube, or LinkedIn. She has lived over nine years with unrelenting Rheumatoid disease. See also

9 thoughts on “Win a Hoodie in the Newsletter Contest!

  • Pingback: Tweets that mention Win a Hoodie in the Newsletter Contest! | RA Education | Rheumatoid Arthritis Warrior --

  • October 30, 2010 at 11:07 am

    I just tried to get someone to sign up so I could win one, and they told me they would buy me one for christmas! Keeping my fingers crossed…

    • October 30, 2010 at 12:23 pm

      That’s so funny Michael! I hope you get both! :rainbow:

  • November 1, 2010 at 8:28 pm

    No matter what, I’m planning on ordering a couple sweatshirts for Christmas too, Kelly, but I told my daughter and my husband to sign up for the newsletter as well. I ordered T-shirts for my daughter and granddaughter for summer use, and now it’s time for the heavy duty stuff!

  • November 5, 2010 at 5:42 am

    I need to order a tee-shirt or two. Wondering tho, what about us guy warriors? Don’t we get our own avitar? Maybe something with a rod and reel or a boat or a football. 🙂

    • November 5, 2010 at 10:50 pm

      Bud, there are some that are more plain for guys already in the store. But I’ll work on something more exciting for you. I liked Tom’s gladiator a while back but we’d have to design our own since he borrowed it from a game.

  • November 16, 2010 at 11:52 am

    “WE” need all the help we can get to raise awareness of this ongoing “disease”. This lady has single handely done more in the last year than otherwise. There is a world of patients out there who are just coming out of the woodwork, “me too” seems to be the battle cry. I saw a ditty the other day that said: “The pain reminds me that I am still alive!”….works for me.


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