Is there a cure for Rheumatoid Arthritis?
Touchy subject: a cure for Rheumatoid Arthritis
It seems like the there are thousands of the websites about Rheumatoid Arthritis which tout one cure or other. One of them must be real, right? I wish.
The other day someone became particularly angry with me after I typed this: There is no cure yet for RA. I’m sorry. I wish there were. People really want to believe there is a cure for Rheumatoid Arthritis. At my first rheumatology appointment, I asked whether there might be a cure. When I read my chart years later, it sounds like he thought I was a nut.
A food to cure Rheumatoid Arthritis
No, there is no food to cure Rheumatoid Arthritis. Wouldn’t that be great if we could eat yummy berries or fish instead of taking shots? Everyone I know would rather drink juice and swallow fish oil than take medication.
Nutrition is still important for RA’ers. We can use diet as one more weapon to fight inflammation. However, there other reasons: RA’ers are predisposed to several conditions which can be combated in part by nutritional methods. Examples are heart disease and osteoporosis. Look for more nutrition posts soon.
A medicine to cure Rheumatoid Arthritis
We are seeing some AIDS patients living for decades. Most of us know someone whose cancer has been cured. Could it be that medical science has just done so much in our lifetimes that we expect a cure for Rheumatoid Arthritis to materialize soon?
I’ve never read a science or medical abstract which uses the word cure. So, I asked a friend who is always current on research for Rheumatoid Arthritis treatments to give me an opinion on RA cures. My friend said that we are decades away from a cure, especially since we do not yet understand how Rheumatoid Arthritis begins.
Are some people cured of RA?
What is so confusing is that Rheumatoid Arthritis has at least four possible courses. It may remit completely for a small percentage of people and never return. RA may flare and remit alternately without progressive damage or with increasing damage and disability. Or, RA may flare in an uninterrupted fashion, creating more damage all the time.
It is almost impossible to tell what causes a remission in someone whose Rheumatoid Arthritis remits anyway. If Rheumatoid Arthritis has been cured, then it will not return. And more significantly, if any substance could cure RA, it would work on the severe unremitting Rheumatoid Arthritis which has no natural remissions. These RA’ers can show only modest improvement even on disease modifying medicines (DMARDs).
Is this cynicism about an RA cure?
This site is written by a person living with Rheumatoid Arthritis who wants to see this disease eradicated from the face of the earth. If there were a viable cure, I would want to know about it and be cured. I believe there are at least two real problems with mistaken beliefs about an RA cure:
1) Some people do not treat their Rheumatoid Arthritis as they put their faith in a false cure, so they suffer greater permanent damage from RA.
2) As long as the public is confused about what RA actually is, what it is like to live with it, and what treatments and cures are available, it will remain difficult to educate the general public or obtain widespread support for a greater movement to find a genuine cure for RA.
In other words: It would be better for us if the world heard this: Rheumatoid Arthritis is a horrible incurable disease that causes irreparable damage. Let’s find a cure.
Recommended reading:
- A happy post about vitamins: Fun Ways to Fight Rheumatoid Arthritis
- How do we make the distinction: Are Natural Remedies Better?
- First of a popular series: Should Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Exercise?
- Barriers to Rheumatoid Arthritis diagnosis: What Makes Diagnosing Rheumatoid Arthritis So Difficult?
I have wasted so much time reading and googling this especially after hearing about someone whose RA went away. This has only been going on for 6 months for me and I am having more trouble with incredible fatigue than pain right now. Not that I am not in pain but this fatigue is shutting me down and I have 3 jobs and can’t afford to take a time out. I have only been on Methotrexate about 6 weeks so its not working yet but 90percent of the people I discuss this with are certain that I am doing something wrong and get angry if I am not willing to try something. I am actually taking a ton of supplements etc but don’t plan on ditching the meds because I have read enough and talked to enough docs to see that would be incredibly stupid. I realize this is off topic but have been dying to ask other RA’ers if this fatigue ever goes away? Will the Methotrexate work for it as well (i realize it makes it worse the day after) and also do other people feel this even when their joints are not so bad? I feel like I have the flu everyday and its making me and my husband crazy. I apologize for the offtopic question but loved the post since it does come up a lot in my conversations with my family and acquaintances who all seem to know someone who was cured of their arthritis.. i think they are confusing RA and Arthritis but am tired of explaining.
Hi Francesca, My RA also started primarily with severe fatigue and stiffness. I did not have much joint pain until almost a year after my initial diagnosis. The fatigue did get better, but it wasn’t until after my doctor added a biologic to the methotrexate that I was already taking. The fatigue has not gone away completely, and I still need to rest more than I did prior to RA, but my energy level is much, much better. Keep working with your doctor, and do everything you can to care for yourself. Best wishes to you.
Why do people get so upset at us about this. I really believe this could change with better public information about RA. I hope…
The fatigue: for me, I found that the Mtx. is what really fights the fatigue. I’ve had opportunity to see what it’s like with and without this and that… and for me, without methotrexate, fatigue is MUCH worse. Six weeks is not long enough to get all the improvement you will get from this dmard, but when will you be adding another one? That may help more, too.
Also, there is a good discussion of this on Dec. 19 on my Facebook page. Did you see that? I’m sorry this is so hard. 😕
thanks Kelly, I just read the facebook discussion. My next appointment is in 3 weeks and we were going to decide (after doing labs next week) whether I should increase the Methotrexate (am only taking 15mg) and/or add Humira. My rheumy has a preference for that option but we are trying to figure out how I can afford the copays. I think I found a way to get them reduced but would rather increase the MXT if in fact I start to see it working. I thought it was working till this Sunday but I guess i jumped the gun and just was getting a little break. My joints are really not bad. The first pain I had was in June and it did spread to just about everywhere in a short time but prednisone has gotten me through the worst of it. Am off it now and I am only having mild pain in my fingers, wrists, feet and knee with some occasional pings in my ankles.. I wonder if those momentary pains are even related since they only last a few minutes and are nothing like the way this started.. I get weird muscle contractions in my hands and sharp stinging pains as well which don’t really seem consistent but I guess I am learning to accept that everyone is different. My doc told me to stop trying to squeeze my symptoms into fitting the textbook RA as an excuse to question the diagnosis which I keep trying to remind myself to do 😉
The symptoms you describe do sound familiar. The pains may be shorter in duration because of the medicine. It would probably be much worse without the medicine. I like what your doc said about symptoms. That is a good sign about him. Someday, there will be answers about why the disease manifests itself in slightly different ways in different bodies.
You are doing the right thing by fighting. Merry Christmas. :present:
Hi Francesca,
Your doc is right, you can’t fit all the different types of pain and fatigue into textbook examples. Most, but not all of the pain I have now, after 13 years, is kind of different from the pains I first experienced. I am one who has been a chronic progression with some short periods of “remission” (I’ll say with less fatigue and less pain, but never really gone away completely). For me, those periods were drug-induced remissions I’ll assume, because when I did try to go off prednisone and/or MTX, it all came back. I remember the terrible achiness and even a sense of burning/stinging skin in my hands, and not being able to shake hands in the first few years.
I am with Kelly, that they will not find a cure any time soon and for the reasons she’s stated. It’s also because there are too many factors (genetic and environmental) that go into causing RA, and it can be different causes for different people, it’s just that it ends in a “relevantly” “common” end result of inflammation, fatigue, joint pain and damage, and for some extra articular damage. The beginning is not the same for everyone, the end is not exactly the same for everyone, and this will make it close to impossible to come up with a cure for everyone. There is perhaps even and emotional component in the cause, I believe, for at least some – it may lie in how one handles stress and maybe how much they internalize it, and how this physically manifests.
RA is a very, very complex disease or process – not as simple as wear and tear, bone rubbing on bone like many think. It can be very disheartening on many aspects, but just keep working with your doctor to find what combination of medications and other interventions will work for you. You have to have a good working relationship with your doc as this is a life long process to deal with.
Hi Kelly,
I think that people get angry because they do want there to be a cure for this darn disease. I also can see where they are coming from as I watched my grandmother battle RA. While she did not have the advances we do now, and with me recently being diagnosed, I am hopeful I will not have to go through the pain and inability to function as she did. I find your website and post very helpful. You are a REAL person who has gone through so much and I really appreciate you writing about your life with RA. I can only hope I will be as strong as you are should my disease get much worse. Thanks you for speaking from the heart as those of with RA really need a “warrior” like you!
Thanks Rosie. :-))
My grandfather had RA, too. I wish he had had the medicines that we have. It will be even better by the time our grandchildren come along…
Hi all. I came across the following two papers. They will make your eyes glaze over, but it you can skim through the harder stuff to read the conclusory sentences, you will still glean a good understanding of the fact that RA is a different disease process (subtypes of RA, or “phenotypes”) and thus why it’s so hard to find a cure for it. If there’s someone out there who can summerize these in layman’s terms that would be great!
Discovery of distinctive gene expression profiles in rheumatoid synovium using cDNA microarray technology: evidence for the existence of multiple pathways of tissue destruction and repair (2003)
Transcript profiling towards personalised
medicine in rheumatoid arthritis
An interesting take on the pathogenesis of RA in the following abstract.
I wonder if, in the full paper, whether they address the sex difference in RA (mostly female), the role of hormones and perhaps pregnancy and reaction to fetus in females with RA:
Is rheumatoid arthritis premature osteoarthritis with fetal-like healing?
Hi Chelsea, I’m sorry I’m a little behind in posting comments & replying since I took a couple days offline for Christmas. I look forward to checking out these articles. The topic is very timely with what I plan to post this week. Thanks. 😎
That’s o.k. Kelly! When I first posted it, I didn’t see the screen where it said it was awaiting moderation, so I wasn’t sure if it took, until I saw it again this morning when I went to re-post it. Thanks for taking the second one out. Looking forward to your next post!
Hi Kelly,
I hope you and your family had a great Christmas. I was hoping for your permission to use this article on a future blog posting on my daughters site as I feel the information would be very interesting to many of the readers. I would hope then I can lead more people to your site so they too can become more informed. My husband and I had a great discussion around how people are well meaning yet ignorant when it comes to the “cure” topic. I feel this article could be very helpfult to the readers of my daughters blog.
You can answer here or email me directly.
Thank you for your time and for all the thought, research adn time that goes behind your postings… I draw much encouragement from your site.
With love, T.
Teresa, go ahead and email me with the details. kelly @ rawarrior .com without those spaces. Thanks. 😎
Francesca, I was diagnosed when I was 28yrs, that was 1993. Methotrexate was just coming into the picture so my rheumy wasn’t very keen on prescribing it. Fatigue was an issue then just as it is now with meth & Orencia and the other meds. You are totally right in that it affects different people in different ways. I’m sero-negative for the RA factor in my blood, I’m the only one in my family, past & present that I have been able to find with this. Getting support then was as hard as it is now….even with surgeries. The big plus that I have found is that it can make you a stronger person as you figure out what works for you(sometimes to a fault if you ask some of my friends lol!!). I know you will find your “groove” or rhythm if you will(good,bad or other), it will just take time.
Good advice, Becky. Thanks.
I’m suffering with RA and i use methotaxeta, pls if thereis any medicine i can change, i’m suffering, joint pain, and always ESR is high.
Hi Doreen, If methotrexate is not enough, most doctors will add another treatment. Most people with RA are using combination treatments. Please tell the rheum doc what you can’t do & what your pain levels are. Together with the test results that will indicated whether you need to add another treatment. Have you asked your doc about this?
Here is a link to a page that might help you. Click here.
dear kelly: about minocycline.1.please go to the roadback foundation and get their info.look into their statistics in their harris polls.their sucess rate is very high.2.go to his article on minocycline and ra,he has 59 diseases may be caused by sites rheumatoid arthritis protocol 90 references.4.go to 4.go to +mycoplasma and autoinmune could be your cure,it looks like it really could be mine.i couldn’t move my right thumb after 2 cortisone injections.after the first dose of 100mg it started moving at my will see, minocycline acts on the mycoplasma,please give your readers a fair chance with this med.look into the work of dr thomas mcpherson brown,he cured 10000 people who had ra with minocycline.
I work in Mexico and I CURE, yes you read well, I CURE any kind of ARTHRITIS. I prescribe diferents kind of Antibiotics for 3 Month, yes 3 Month, because this is the time when my patients are CURED.
There are many patients with chronic arthritis that can be cured with 3 month of antibiotics.
I treat Lyme disaease for 20 years and I see many patients with Arthritis and at the moment they are CURED.
All my patients with Arthritis have Lyme disease, and not all my patients with Lyme disease have arthritis.
You can send to me any kind of patients with Arthritis an I can cure them, maybe 90 % of them.
Dr. Lazo,
Ph. xxx-xx-xxx-xxx-xxx in Mexico, Tijuana.
and in Calif. xxx- xxx-xxxx
Why are the bloody cures always “decades away”….? 🙁
My mom has RA and it has been more than tough. I want to raise money f0or RA and don’t have a clue on where to start.
Stephanie, I’d recommend that you join (membership page coming soon!) the Rheumatoid Patient Foundation at We are the first non-profit charity just for RA. Please stay in touch since we will be helping folks do just what you said – to raise awareness and funds for a cure for RA. The whole reason that the foundation was formed was to help patients and care-givers come together to do what was too hard to do alone.
Hi there, here are some thoughts, based on my previous health research in general – as I am going to research RA as someone in our family has it.
These are just general thoughts, but with 2 pertinent refs included.
Perhaps various different things cause the general symptoms of RA. Why should this be just one disease? Or, it may be that different substances cause the RA reaction in allergic/susceptible individuals. RA has been cured by rejection of all dairy products it seems, and this material seems authentic, consdering everything in it:
So this method may not cure everyone – but it seems worth trying by everyone.
Also – what is needed is something to get the body to reverse what it is doing. There is likely to be a trigger that starts the body doing RA (as it were) – and it is dairy products in some. Perhaps look at what you are doing. What things do you eat all the time? Dairy, soy, additives, various forms of sugar, grains, acid fruits, commercial foods, processed meat, polyunsaturated oils, and anything, actually? Is your blood pH acid (conducive to inflammatory) and not alkaline? Perhaps some people’s systems cannot stand acid blood… Combine that with something else, or lack of something such as vitamin D3 and you may get RA…
What should you be getting that you’re not? vitamin D3 (it’s now one of most important hormones in the body)? One could go thru all the vitamins/enzymes/minerals etc in turn and take a course of them to see if any had a positive effect. One could do this, after having got the blood pH alkaline. See Wikip on Vitamin D3 and RA:
Some people’s systems just cannot take the abuse that others can. Some people may have to eat and alkaline (anti-inflammatory) diet, plus keep vitamin D3 levels up, plus avoid dairy products maybe – or even eat cococnut butter and raw nuts to get the good oils, etc.
These days the normal diet is an abusive one, meaning that we live on commercial foods that are denatured, fractionated, chemical-laden, acid producing and totally cooked and this is raising degenerative disease in general. People susceptible to RA may not be able to handle this imbalanced, malnourished bodily environment, and this may lead to various things being able to trigger RA. As well as RA being able to be triggered by certain specific things like dairy in some people.
Drugs don’t treat the cause, and may possibly even lock the system into it’s RA regime because they don’t treat the cause.
If the cause is complex, then it needs a complex investigation, and this can only be up to the individual, as the drug companies will have no interest in it.
Sandra, thank you for your post. I have had RA for 12 years, was diagnosed with severe rheumatoid. For years I was reasonably careful with my diet but while I improved I would still flare. It wasnt until I cut dairy out of my diet that I became mobile again. I get an occasional flare now but I can usually trace it back to dairy slipping into my diet. I also suspect sugar (oh no) is a problem for me. My belief is a certain number of those with RA can be completely cured by diet. Just wish everyone could be. Well worth a try though.
Almost anything is worth a try.There are cases of reactive arthritis or food sensitivies in which the symptoms mimic RA. Sometimes, an RA “cure” can be traced to this. Sadly, there is not a “cure” for RA but a small percentage do have remissions which must be heavenly for them. Sadly, there are also not able to be duplicated by copying whatever lifestyle changes others found helpful.Millions keep trying – someday we’ll know why – and what can stop the unrelenting kind of RA.
My wife has lived with RA for 5 years now. It is a terrnible disease. Her RA is getting progressively worse. No one can understand what it feels like to live with constant pain all the time. People with RA are on meds all the time. These meds lower the bodies immunities in order to slow the progression of the disease. If the individual gets a cold or infection, due to the low immunity they are taken off all RA meds and they start all over. Most people without RA think it’s just arthritis, and all you need is an asprin! I wish that were true. The public needs to be educated. That’s as.Important as finding a cure. RA’ers live long with no pain.
Thanks for being here for your wife Marc. We are working on that kind of awareness here too!!
The people without RA are don’t understand us. It feels foot and arm joint’s are burning. And aspirin is too old medical kind. I have it and it’s no use. My leg has bruise from little fire. Korean traditional medical there has fire and needle curing RA. Asians are suffering this disease too much. Because it’s cold. I think my tooth is bad and after throat has sick. Throat sicked it means leg, arm, all joints, heart, liver and lot of damages all over your body. I have taken my throat’s little meat. I don’t know this is English what are you said. I am living in asia. So be comfortable and love your wife and don’t cancel your marriage your wife. Or you will be loser. Find until your wife cure. I am bad at english so I can’t write my think. Take a running way to your wife. It helps your wife to move a lot. I wanna take one but i haven’t money. So bye success.
There is a cure for RA it has been done at many institiutions, bone marrow transpant with chemotherapy drug infusion. High risk and high reward. This is from the Ottawa Hospital.
Actually I’ve read that scientists are working on a way to regenerate your bones and joints. If this works then there is only a matter of time before they discover how to regenerate cartilage and anything else that arthritis has and can damage. I’m only twenty-five, actually just turned twenty five in December, and I actually used to think that I was invincible. That arthritis only occurred in the elderly. How very idiotic I was. If I’d known that I could have had arthritis I would have had it diagnosed when I was eighteen, when the pain in my wrists started.
My name is Davaa. Now I am 21 years old. I have been suffering and paining this disease for 11 years. My foot starts to pain 10 years old. I have went many hospitals. 2 years i have a deccilin and 4 years peniccilin g. Everyday is so painful to me. My foot and arms have paining. It’s very hard to go to school. I have traditional pills and golden needle, silver needle on my throat and full over my body. Other peoples cured this painful disease. But my disease isn’t cure. What am I do now? In my apartment i make a lot of crying noise. I am very shying for my apartment peoples. And my university’s outside there has a chair. I always sitting there and suffering and crying. But people going near me I have stopped my crying and suffering. Lot’s of medical doctors are wanted money. But I haven’t much money. Please doctors cure the patients disease. If that patient cured after I will work for your money my eternal life. So doctors don’t be so money kind of thing. I want to cure this disease. I am very angry and selfish now. Pain makes me crazy and I am hating around of peoples. I wanna cure. And I will cured. I believe this. So don’t give up. Fight your disease. Oh my god what will i do now? Tell me. Aliens came and filtering my body. I am thinking too much this kind of crazy things. I am too talkative then sorry bye.
I have read through all these comments and comments on other websites, and they really can bring a person down. I’m 38, with two young children and was diagnosed 4 years ago, although my symptoms started 5 years ago.
Currently I am in a flare and it’s been this way for months. I don’t eat diary (never really did), I don’t eat a lot of meat, I do eat a lot of fruits and vegetables and have tried cutting out gluten. I exercise and am not overweight. Doing all this have I been cured? Nope. I wish…I wish I could eat to make myself feel better. I wish I could exercise to feel better…I’m trying not to dwell on feeling terrible, no one really understanding this disease and fighting fatigue.
Anyway, I’m praying for a ‘cure’ and not googling RA anymore. I need my sanity.
Jen, if you have two nails in your body removing 1 will not fix the problem….using diet and alternative involves more than giving up dairy, gluten and eating fruits and veggies….you have to detox, heal your gut, take the right supplements, get rest, get toxins and stress out of body, eat organic, get tons of nutrition in the form of juicing…and address ALL THE ROOT CAUSES before you will get well! I did it 17 months ago…doing great…still have RA but NO MEDS not even NSAIDS and I continue to get better…RA is a disease as are all life style diseases, of mal nutrition and toxicity…the gees load the gun but the environment fires the trigger…heal yourself from the inside, take care of whats wrong and what has gone wrong….it does work….and it does require you to be fairly vigilant.
Ive just read through your website,and I thought that I would like to share information of cure which we both konw about rhuematoid arthrits. I ve tried countless time for chinese accupuncture,fasting,take UC2 collagen and so on,but all of these didnt work for me. Currently I go to see a doctor to get my arm injected named Noirotropin once for two days.To build up antibody once for two days by injection is resulted in constantly flared my finger disappered,stiff finger also.Non specific antibody injected once for two days can eradicate from your unusual antibody. Is there any similar treat in your country? if yes,I d like to know. Im not sure if my unusual antibody wash away by building up non antibody once for two days. But I thought there is a better way in progress country such as your country.Because my country’s medical treatment is still behind. But this medical treatment which Im doing now is taken up in your country,and dramatically resulted for a lots of people,or not so efficiently worked for a lots of people,I should be better off from this treatment,maybe,,,But I ve read this docotor’s book saying a lots of patient phased through this rheumatoid arthrits by getting an injection named neurotropin over and over again.
Yes, I have the dreaded disease ra! You would have no idea how many propel do not know the effects! Not only the tower of terror! The pills! The sleeping to much then to little,
The fact I’m 63, can’t do things that I have waited all my life to do. On methotrexate does not seem to help. They are talking a out orincia…tried enbrel made me sick all the time!
Just tired of it! Wish I go to Lourdes for a miracle! Ps what did we all do to deserve this dreaded disease?
We did nothing to deserve this! Hopefully, we will find answers in our lifetimes so we will NOT see another generation suffer. And I’m not giving up on that miracle either!
I googled a cure for RA, I found this article. I had many conditions including RA diagnosed, all of them seem, for me to be resultant from celiac or coeliac disease. Gluten free, and the RA is gone, the migranes stopped, the ibs, the neuropathy stopped, the sleep apnea ceased, constant itching stopped, malnutrition issues like vitamin deficiencies changed, irregular menstrual cycles became regular, and predictable, and hypothyroidism ended, I was taking more than fifty pills a day, using a tens unit, getting regular injections. Life was awful. For me, and hopefully others will as well, ending gluten in my diet ended my suffering. I am not a medical professional, and it is beyond weird that gluten reduction, then cessation has cured so many conditions for me. But, for me, there seems to be an answer. Gluten was killing me. 11 physicians, over fifty pills a day, nothing worked. Gluten free has made me pain free, medicene free, and I feel wonderful! Has this happened for anyone else? It does not seem possible after all the pain, that it could just be gluten, but I have no pain now.
I absolutely have gotten rid of 85% of my RA with diet, juicing and detoxing….17 months ago I weaned of meds and Juice greens, carrots, apples daily, take vitamins and coffee enema’s per Gerson and I don;t even take an NSAID now…do I still have RA yes, but I don’t need meds and I only have 6 joints involved whereas before I had 16…and was limping…..People can make a HUGE difference with dieting/juicing…so to say they can’t cure it takes away their hope to even try….anti-inflammatory diet, healing the gut,, vitamins, jucing and detoxing and getting great nutrition CAN MAKE A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE even if it’s not “cured”.
Having suffered RA for many years it is encouragement and joy to find fellow travelers willing to help. My Dr. is participating with local Univ. in genetic/T/stem cell research. Most of what is known re stem cells is a cancer derivative. Acknowledging the fact that diet, juicing, and med programs all have some vital assistance, it seems to me that RA is like a cancer that cannot be located. Thus, stem cells that fight cancer offer some hope. Why do not all RA sufferers get together and fund a cure apart from the political professionals. I for one am thankful my Dr. is looking for a cure, and not counting his money.
I asked a question here about trying ‘low dose Naltrexone’ and I see that my query is gone. There is not a trace of it. Can you please tell me where it is?
There are a few thousand spam emails per day. My guess is that if it had links about that topic in it, it went in the spam catcher.
No cure for RA? Really? Interesting that one can predict all things in the future.
Sorry to be long winded here but I find it quite annoying that we make absolute statements using scientifically as our ruler. SEE BELOW.
There is absolute evidence that RA can be cured along with cancer and many other man made diseases SEE BELOW
1. Earth:
Once upon a time, most people believed the theory that the earth was flat. Then a new theory came along. This new theory stated that the earth was a sphere. Most people believe this theory
In fact, the true shape of the earth is an ‘oblate spheroid’.
2. Centre of Universe:
In the A.D 100’s, a Greek astronomer named Ptolemy stated that the Earth was the center of the universe (geo-centirc). Copernicus had a different theory which was called the helio-centric theory, regarding the fact that the earth and the other planets revolved around the sun.
But, neither are the centre of universe. Infact, there is no “center” of the physical universe
3. Shortest Distance:
The shortest path between 2 points is a straight line…” is wrong… because it leaves off “… on a flat surface.” On a spherical object the shortest path is a curved path.
The only word I can think of in response to this comment: bizarre.
I’m not sure to what you intend to reply, but it is not this post which says, “there is no cure available yet, so let’s educate others about that, and find the cure.”
Dr. Joel wallach says he can cure RA in 2wks . What can you tell me about this dr that says everything can be cured but dr.s wouldn’t make money?
thank you for posting such a realistic view on our disease. I totally agree with everything you stated.
Have you followed the clinical trials by SetPoint Medical, regarding the use of vagus nerve stimulation to turn off the switch, so to speak, for RA? I have called the company and have been told that Phase II of the clinical trials will be starting soon….no date available yet though, as they are focusing on their Crohn’s disease trials at the moment.
A university in Switzerland has cured RA in mice, as of August 2014. Clinical trials in humans were due to start this year. Not a word since.
Too much money in treatment?
Clint Paddison is helping people using The Paddison Program. It is all diet based and radical as it is, working for thousands, it’s the real deal. You do pay a fee to purchase his program and book and that’s it. There is a forum if you want to pay extra. Lots of great information. He has a great TED talk, Clint Paddison! He has RA and is now symptom free so are all the people he is helping.
Have you followed up with this study? I just emailed the company. I could not find anything on their website. Thoughts?