Local Rheumatoid Arthritis support groups
The following are contacts for groups which meet in-person for RA or autoimmune arthritis support. Some of these Rheumatoid Arthritis support groups are affiliated with larger organizations. You should contact a group directly for more information about meeting times and places. Some meet regularly for coffee and others are more or less active than that.
The benefits of Local Rheumatoid Arthritis support groups
Meeting other people with similar experiences is always helpful. However, with a disease like RA, it is even more valuable. Imagine not having to explain how much it hurts or why you can’t do something or why you’re not better yet. Meeting members of a local Rheumatoid Arthritis support group is almost like meeting relatives at a family reunion!
Finding a Rheumatoid Arthritis support group
If you don’t see your location listed below, please check the comments page. Many people are leaving their names in comments, hoping to find others. Remember to use your email address if you click to Subscribe to Comments so any new replies will be sent to you automatically.
A new Rheumatoid Arthritis support group
If you are not finding local Rheumatoid Arthritis support in your area, maybe you can find one other person with RA and have coffee together. Together, the two of you make the beginning of a new group. Our friends at Arthritis Introspective would be glad to help you. Before you know it, you could be making an impact on the lives of others living with RA. Here is a link to receive their free training guide about being an independent support group facilitator.
If you begin a new group, you can announce it to other RA Warrior readers in the following ways: Send me an email so I can add you to this list and mention your group on Facebook and Twitter. Place a comment about your group on the comments page here so that anyone who has subscribed to comments will hear about it.
Peter Phoenix, AZ
Kevin Tucson, AZ
Susan Tucson, AZ
Marilyn Indian Wells Valley, CA
Denise Orange County, CA
Melanie Irvine, CA
Jena Santa Clarita Valley, CA
Rhea Napa Valley, CA
Francine Santa Cruz, CA
Catherine Sacramento, CA
Lauren Thousand Oaks, CA
Haydee West Los Angeles, CA
Karen Jacksonville, FL
Kelly Central Florida
Carol Largo, FL
Elizabeth Atlanta area, GA
Diane Elgin, IL
Donna Louisville KY
Mary Kay & Tammy St. Louis, MO
Karen Boston, MA
Stephanie Lake Tahoe, NV
Missi Schenectady, NY
Annette Dayton, OH
Angel Oklahoma City, OK
Cate Portland, OR
Mary Southwest PA
Rose Venango County, PA
Kate Rapid City, SD
(New leader soon) Houston, TX
Larissa Austin, TX
Nancy Northern Vermont
Amy Seattle, WA
(Restarting in near future) Milwaukee, WI
NOTE: If you would like to recommend another local RA support group for this list, please have the local group leader contact me directly. Thanks.
These are independent groups that we have listed for the benefit of readers. RA Warrior is not specifically affiliated with any of these groups. This list is alphabetical by state.
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anyone in League City, TX?
I’m in Hayward. I know there’s still a distance issue but we are alot closer than anything I have seen so far 🙂
It’s a bit far, but maybe we could chat via email for now? I was officially diagnosed with it in Sept, but had signs via lab work a few years prior. Having some issues with the methotrexate from lab work& side effects. My numbers have jumped up from just 3 months of taking it. I”m trying a new Rheumatologist today. Dr. Griffen in Vallejo.
I appreciate your time to talk with me.
I’m in San Jose, CA…was diagnosed in April this year. It’s been a tough year. Would love to meet others with RAD.
Hi Laura …I’m in Hayward
Hi Lacie:
I know it’s been awhile since I first posted my RA story back in July…I’m stll trying to figure out how this site works..In any case I’d really like to get a support group going here in the Bay Area. If interested please email or call me @ 415-720-0401.
Hi Lacie,
I am also looking for an RA support group in the area. I would love if spouses could attend and get some support as well.
I hope I have replied to the right person. I was recently diagnosed last April. I am looking for support in the East Bay and saw Hayward. Is this Hayward, Ca?
Was the support group in the bay area ever made?
I’m in Fremont California and would-be to connect with a support group or get one started in the area. How would I get something started?
Looking for group in or near Chico, CA
I have had RA for 9 years, along with fibro.
Please contact me. Thanks
Looking for a support group in East Bay Ca. Brentwood area. Would love to have someone to talk to.
Whooops went to the wrong person .. sorry. TRICIA I’m in Hayward I know it’s still a distace but it’s closer than anyone else I have seen so far ….
Hi Janet, it would be great to know someone so close by. Here’s my email, so we can figure out when to talk. Take Care, Tricia miketricia@sbcglobal.net
HI Janet, I just saw this from you again. How are you? Still in Oakley? Do you have a busy schedule? Mine is, but we could always email, or chat by phone. Let me know if you’re interested. Tricia P.S. not sure if this lets you see my email or not…
Hi F-J:
My RA was just diagnosed 10 days ago after 6 months of hell (symptoms started slowly in Dec-Jan and then accelerated in Mar-April. Spent May-June undergoing all sorts of tests while trying to manage excruciating pain…thank god for Prednisone which has provided some relief.)
I live in Oakland, so would lIke to hear your story/compare notes, etc.
I just saw your note .. sorry for the delay. Here’s my email address … LacieSmiles2@aol.com
Hi Lorraine
I live in San Francisco and was diagnosed in February. I was having excruciating pain in my hands and wrists. I’m on my third Rheumatologist, and have been on various medications with varying results.
Please contact me if you’d like to compare notes – I don’t know anyone who has RA, and it’s hard to communicate what it’s like to be living with it. Most people think it’s ‘just’ osteoarthritis and have no idea how it affects your body and spirit.
If there are any RA Warriors in San Francisco or nearby please contact me.
Hi … did you ever see my comment to you?
I guess I just don’t understand how to find past posts (even thought one came in my mail today) so I went through every single one. I live in the Bay Area (No CA) and while I attempted to connect with someone she said I was too far away. But I now saw one from San Fran and Oakland. I’m in Hayward … so I’m here if anyone is interested ..
I’m sorry Lacie. At the top and the bottom of this page, there is “Click here to see newer comments” to take you to another comments page. They can’t all fit on one page.
Not sure this reply is getting to you as I just thought I sent one? I’m new to this site but live in Oakley and thought that was pretty dang close!! Let me know if you want to talk. I too have RA along with a few other issues.
I noticed your comment on RA and live in Pearland. I am interested in meeting with you or a support group. Let me know if you are interested.
My Name is Bonnie Turner, email byt1@peoplepc.com. I am definitely interested in joining a support group near me. I live in Missouri City, so Pearland is pretty close.
Opps, hit wrong reply button as I scrolled down. I meant to hit the one below so disregard….sorry!
Hi everyone! My name is Lynne and I live in Danville, CA. I would love to be able to get together with you and have a new support group. I’m sure we could find a central place to meet or move around so that it’s easier on some people who really can’t drive. I was diagnosed with RA almost 5 years ago and am currently on weekly Enbrel/Methotrexate injections. I’m sort of feeling better, but Kelly’s article today on ‘leftover pain’ really hit home for me! (Thank you so much Kelly!!) My email address is: gr8at2d@gmail.com and I would be happy to organize something if people are interested! All the best!! Lynne
I live in Alamo and am interested in a support group. I was diagnosed about 13 years ago.
I am a grandma with RA in Dickinson, TX.
I noticed your comment on RA and live in Pearland. I am interested in meeting with you or a support group. Let me know if you are interested.
Hi Patrice,
I just found this website. I live in Bellaire. Have you found anyone to meet with?
Anyone is Washington County PA?
I am in Gig Harbor
I’m in Pittsburgh and I’ve been looking for a group
Trish I’m in bethel park/castle x shannon area. Been diagnosed for 5 years almost, will be 64 in few days. Hoping you’re still in line to create a group. I Sure am.
Anyone in Luzerne County, PA. Scranton/Wilkes-Barre area?
Please reply
Anyone near Bellevue/Seattle WA?
I was diagnosed in March 2012, so this is still new to me. I’m in the Seattle area and would love to connect.
Hi Corrin,
I live in Bellevue, WA and would love to connect with you! I was diagnosed with moderate-severe RA in 2008 and I’ve been looking for a support group since my family moved to Bellevue in 2010. I’m hopeful that you still check the comments page since your posting is 2 years old and if you do, PLEASE email me at juliechong92@yahoo.com.
hey guys my name is erik hutchens im 21 just found out i have RA back in december from Rogers, AR
Hey, Erik. I’m 22. I was diagnosed when I was 18. I’m from NJ.
Looking for someone in Southern NJ to talk to, have RA, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue, really at the end of my rope.
Hey Erik, I’m 34 and in Fort Smith, Ar
Hello…. is there anyone out there from buffalo ny area? i was diagnosed 3 months ago and i getting worse everyday. i would love to talk to others….
Hi there. I live in the Buffalo area and would like to have someone to talk to as well. I’ve been treating my RAD for two years now and am starting Orencia in a few weeks. You can reach me at:
Hi Amy, I am in Lewiston, NY which is pretty close to you. I am new to RA and would like someone to discuss things with. Please email me if interested. Thanks Andrea
If you all in the WNY area are interested is starting a local group, let me know ican try to grt it started. Dar
Hello, I live in Getzville/Williamsville and was diagnosed with RA last year (2012)about this time. Am on 8 pills of Methotrexate and humira biweekly. I hope we can connect. Were you able to find other people from the buffalo area? I only discovered this site about a month ago and found your post.
Thanks. Mickie
Are you all from thr Buffalo area interested in starting a local support group? Is so, let me know I can try to grt it started, Dar,
Let me know when you do. Thanks.
Looking to join a group. I live in Lancaster NY. Leave a reply if there is a group or not. Would love to start one or join one. Bonnie
Hi, I’m newly diagnosed severe RA and live in the Buffalo area (T.Tonawanda). I’d be interested in a support group so please keep me posted if you get one started. Thanks.
anyone in Arlington or Mansfield Texas?
Chicago area – Bolingbrook Illinois. Anyone want to start a group?
Hi Lisa,
I live in Naperville and my daughter lives in Oswego. We both have RA. What are your thoughts on starting a group in our area? I have thought about it myself. Do you have RA? Thanks, Michele
Good Morning Ladies, I’ve been looking for a support group as well in the area. I have RA as well as Fibromyalgia. I live in Naperville. Have you connected about starting a group? Would love to get together with someone who understands. Let me know.
Layna, I am in Elgin. WE meet the second Tuesday of every month. WIll you be willing to come to Elgin, Rt 59 to Shoe Factory road. 10 mins. from there.I am also on facebook RA Elgin. Please email me or go to facebook to contact me if you are interested.
To the ladies in the western suburbs. I live in Geneva and work in Aurora. Would love to meet up with any or all of you.
I live in Minooka its a little south from Joliet. I have RA & my nieghbor battles it as well. I would love to be park of a support group that’s in the area.
I live in Oswego and have been batting RA since a young age and for over 20 years…would love to begin a support group! m1395@aol.com 🙂
I am in Elgin, Illinois. Also have a fb page RA Elgin.
Hi Margo,
I’m Layna,
I have RA as well as Fibromyalgia & live in Naperville by Fox Valley Mall. I’m looking to start a group and another member I’ve contacted might want to get together. Let me know if you’re interested. Here’s my email: lsweeney66@aol.com. Take care.
Hi, I live in the Buffalo area, but am not sure how far away Geneva is. It would be nice to at least have someone to text and talk to. My name is Amy, email is ashorsegal@verizon.net.
I am in Elgin, Illinois. Also have a fb page RA Elgin
I live in Naperville and was looking for a group as well.
I’d love to find a group near the Chicago area. If anyone is interested, email me at abby.lantz@yahoo.com!
I noticed your question about someone in the Leaque City area from 2010. I live in Pearland and would love to meet with you if you are still interested or if you know of a group mtg. that would be great also.
Looking to start a group in WNY. Any one in the Buffalo or south of the city?
I live in Houston, TX. Was diagnosed in 2000. Have been on every med they make for RA and now Im going the natural holistic route.
I was diagnosed with Systemic RA a little over 4 years ago. I live in Appleton, WI. I’d love to start a support group if anyone is interested!!
Hi, my name is Emalie. Im 26 years old and living in Las Vegas. I just medically retired from the Air Force. Ive had alot of trouble dealing with RA. No one seems to understand, Id like to chat with someone who does. 🙂
Hello, I understand your frustration. I was diagnosed in 2010.I lost my job of 22 yrs. .this has been a very mentally painful experience for me and my family. I’ve been on meds that didn’t agree with my system. Hang in there and the best thing to do is find a good rheumatologist. I have good days and bad .but I wont give up and neither should you.
Hi there,
I’ve been symptomatic for the past 4 years and it’s getting worse. Would love to find someone who gets it. Doesn’t seem to be any support groups in the KS/MO area. Email me if you want to connect: tjdavies71@comcast.net
Hi in Jess I haven’t been officially diagnosed yet but it looks like that’s where it’s heading , anyone near conshohocken pa?
I live near Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Is there a support group in the area?
I have been misdiagnosed for over 20 years and only started medication in the last 6 months. I live in Elk City OK which is in the middle of nowhere. No doctors, no support groups, and no aid. I am struggling horribly in this area. I would love to start a support group here! So If you live near here or actually live here, let me know by email and let’s get one started! Thanks 🙂
Anyone here live in Austin, Texas?
Round Rock!
Anyone in Western PA
I have been looking for someone or a group in or outside of the Pittsburgh area. There is nothing here.
Hi Racheal, I live in Pittsburgh, 5 mins from South Side.
In Pittsburgh Area.. Carnegie.
Howard I’m in Castle Shannon.
I live North of Pittsburgh, about the Cheswick exit on RT. 28… mpatt76@gmail.com
Not sure if you are the Rheumi from W. PA.
I live in W. PA.
If you want to communicate, please contact me at:
Lisa – Tried to reply to you yesterday, but via my phone I have trouble telling which comment I am replying to. I am in western PA, north of 80 and would like to join or start a support group with others in the area. Let’s connect. Kelly can forword my email to you.
Let’s try this: my email is leslietuk @ gmail. com -just take out the spaces and drop me a line.
Anyone around Tyler, Tx?
Leean, I’m in Tyler, TX! I’d love to start or participate in a local support group. 🙂
Hi both of you from tyler, I am in Hallsville, Texas, that is between Longview and Marshall.
Hi y’all from Tyler, Texas ~ I’m in Lindale and would love to get together!
Hey Becky & Deana! School is starting next week, so I’ll finally have a bit of free time to try to get together. You can contact me at a w a m i b a @ g m a i l . c o m (without the spaces, of course)and we’ll see about getting together! 🙂
I would love to meet others from Rhode Island. I am in Newport. There has got to be others on the island!!
Please e-mail me with this link or find me on facebook.
I haven’t found one in my area, would be very willing to help get one started. I live in Portland, Maine.
For some reason I can not get the link or address for the lady in Tucson AZ Can you help me?
The link shows that her email address is xxxxxxxxx. Hope this helps!
Thank you Lisa, but had to edit out the address. I promised them I’d not “publish” email without their permission. I sent Donya the address. :mail:
Good morning, Donya. The email address is in a link so that the spam spiders won’t be able to grab it off this page and use it. When you click on her name, your email program will open with the address already in place. Just click “allow” and it should work. I’ll send you the address just in case.
Garden City SC ****I would love to participate in a group. Must not meet in the morning though! I would never make it. lol!! No, really I’ve looked for quite awhile and thought of starting one, I just dont know if I’m capable or even feel like taking that on. Maybe that’s why there arent more groups out there. None of us feels like going to one! lol again.
hobart, Indiana — if there is a group out here.
I am in Gig Harbor. would love to connect with someone in the area.
Hi Deb,
I live in Bellevue, WA and would love to connect with you! I realize your posting is over 2 years old, but I’m hopeful that you still check the comments page as I’m only 45-50 minutes drive from Gig Harbor. I was diagnosed with moderate-severe RA in 2008 and I’ve been looking for a support group since my family moved to WA in 2010, so anyone who lives in the greater Seattle area and is interested in meeting up, PLEASE email me at juliechong92@yahoo.com.
Anyone live near Tacoma, WA? Would love to join a support group in the local area.
I live Henderson and have had RA for over 25 years. If you want someone to talk to don’t hesitate to contact me.
Sorry Diana I meant to reply to the post below yours…
Diana! I live in Federal Way, I’d love to get together with someone that understands!!! I don’t really have much of a support system up here, and am having a really hard time with this disease!
Olympia, WA Hi Juli, Diana and Deb? have you gals connected? Can I join in?
are you still in Tacoma – I would love to connect – I’m in Gig Harbor
Anyone in the Las Vegas, NV. area want to start a group or already have one? Would Love some fellowship! :rose:
I am in Henderson and have had RA for over 25 years. Feel free to contact me if you would like to talk.
:rotfl: Teresa, I’m so HAPPY to meet you that words escape me, don’t tell my kids lol! I’m as giddy as a school girl right now :laugh: Who’s your rheumy? Do you know any one else w/RA who might want to join a group? Put in a friend request on FB and we can exchange info easier. God Bless You! :rose:
I have sent a request to this webmaster asking them to forward my email address to you. Unfortunately I dont have enough information to locate you on facebook.
Teresa, I forwarded your email to Alice. :chic:
Hi! I live in Las Vegas! I’d love to be part of a group!
would like to start a support group in las vegas. Im 29 years old, I’ve been diagnosed for the last 8yrs, recently divorced, my wife thinks I’m biploar..LOL just doesn’t get it, ‘EVERYDAY IS A CHALLENGE’. rigocabrera@live.com
Geez I hope RA doesn’t turn me bipolar! lol I will be visiting LV in November. Did you find a group or were you able to put one together?
Teresa, my name is Tom and I’ve had RA for 44 yrs.The last 20 yrs have been a nightmare, Need somebody that’s going thru what I am to talk with, I live in Mt.Vernon In. Your post said that you live in Henderson. Please tell me that it’s Henderson Kentucky. I really need to find someone close to me to talk with. Praying for a good response. Thank you for your time, Tom.
I live in North Las Vegas and I would love to talk to someone I suffer everyday. I was diagnosed with RA in 2001 and I suffer alone my family does not understsnd the pain I am in and my boss wants to know when am I going to get over it. I am tired of explaining just need an ra friend
Patty – wish I lived closer – I am in the same- except I am out of work. I do hope you find someone to comizerate (spelling??) with.
Hello Patty. My name is Ray. I’m sorry, I do not live near you but I can tell you that I do know what you are going thru. This is a disease which will be with us for the rest of our lives.My wife has been telling me for the past 15 years to quit working because of my RA. but I said that “as long as I can move I will keep working”. I have had RA for the past 24 tears/years since I was 33. I have told my family and some of my co-workers that this could very well be my last year to work. I live in Orange County,Calif. If you would like we can chat over email – rmartinez15@socal.rr.com. I have never done anything like this before tonite when I found this website. I hope you will try to have a nice day,Bye!
I will be in Las Vegas for a month Dec6-Jan 5, 2010. I have heard that the weather will be better for me.I now live in Michigan. I would like to talk to someone whom knows if Las Vegas is RA friendly, or more so than Michigan. Also if you know of a good Ortho doctor.
Thank you
Dx: 1985
Is there Anyone from around the Lexington Ky area that has a support group? I would be very interest in finding one close to Lexington! Thanks
Anyone in Beattyville Kentucky?
Hi Vicky,
Did you ever get a group started in your area?
Would love to find a group in the Seattle area.
I’m in Riverside CA and would love to find others here
Anna! 🙂 Lauren and I run a support group here in SoCal and Riverside is included. We’d love to have you join us! There’s an OC meetup scheduled for tomorrow afternoon if you’re interested. Hope to see you soon!
Hi Mel.
Whereabouts in SoCal do you meet? I am in San Juan Capistrano and desperately need a Support Group. I want to change my Rheumatologist.
Hope to hear from you.
Riverside, CA here too!
I live in Murrieta CA and would love to connect with someone! tarynclawson@yahoo.com
I’m in Destin, Florida. Have only met one other RAer in real life. Would love to meet others near here.
Hello, Kim, I live in Gulf Shores, AL and have had Rheumatoid Arthritis for 50 years. I was diagnosised when I was 16. Please contact me if you want to talk futher. I have had numerous joint replacements etc. but have been able to work all of my life. I am now retired.
Hello Kim! I live in Crestview FL and also am looking for others in the area. I too have only met one person in Crestview with RA.
Hi Donna!
I realize your post is from years past, but please drop me a line if you are still interested in meeting. I am in Shalimar.
Wishing you the best,
Hi Kim! I’m in Panama City…and like you have never actually met another with RA
Hi, Kim! I know this is an old thread, but I’m in Pensacola!
I realize your post is from years past, but please drop me a line if you are still interested in meeting. I am in Shalimar.
Wishing you the best,
Hi Southerners. I live in Pass Christian, Mississippi on the coast. Anyone close?
Diagnosed RA June 2011. Would like to talk. I live in Gulfport, Ms. I have thought of starting an RA Support Group.
LaPorte, Indiana. Anyone close by me? The only group I know of is 30 miles away in another time zone!
Hi Jamie, I am in North Judson, Indiana. I know it is a stretch, about a 40 minute drive, but I would be willing to drive to meet or we can chat via email.
My email is wrightj7913@aol.com Just put your name and rheumatoid arthritis or something in the subject line so I know who it is. Thank you!
I’m in Gulfport, Mississippi. Not exactly Destin, but somewhat close.
Hello Terri,
I am in north MS, near Memphis, I wish we were closer. I would love to start a group here locally. I could really use some others who understand. We can still email if you would like.
Thanks, Hope today is a good day for you!
I am in Memphis. How close are you? I would love to meet up with you!
Leslie, did you ever get a support group started in Memphis?
I am an hour away from Memphis Tn. Would like to meet others with RA.
Terri, I am in Gulf Shores, AL but have a daughter who lives in Biloxi so I am often there visiting her. Let me know if you want to talk some time.
I also live in the area. Is there anyone else?
i am also in your area. Olive Branch MS
I live in Gulfport ,Ms. Would like to talk. Diagnosed RA June 2011. RA WARRIOR
I would love to get a RA support group started in Rochester, NY. Anyone interested?
I’m in Buffalo. Do you have a group yet? I’d be interested in maybe meeting halfway.
I have had RA since the age of 16. I’m 39 now and my RA is progressing rapidly. I live in staten island new York and would love to chat with people in the tri-state area about RA. Even would consider starting a support group myself
I’m sorry to hear about RA getting worse. Good luck finding some RA friends soon. :-))
Hi Marcella,
I am 35 years old and was diagnosed with RA in July. I don’t know anyone who is experiencing RA like me. I live about an hour north of NYC. I would love to chat!
I live in the hudson valley and would love to start a support group for people with ra
I live in Rockland County and would love to be a part of a RA support group.
I live in Dutchess county. I was wondering if uou ever got a group started.
I am interested if you have or wish to start one.
Dutchess is pretty close to Rockland County. Let me know if you want to meet. I also sent a reply to Joanne. May the 3 of us can get together.
Hi Joanne,
What town do you live in? I’m in Stony Point, NY which is near Nyack, NY. I would love to meet to talk to you and see if we can get a support group started in the lower hudson valley.
I would love to be a part of an RA support group. I live in Rockland County, NY. please respond.
Hi, I live in New York City and would love to connect with other RA-ers in the area.
Hi Cindy, I live in NYC,and was also looking for others to talk with about RA. I’ve had it now for 3yrs and 2months now.
i live in staten island new york first time i saw this posting i myself is looking for a ra support group
Hi I love in Staten Island too. I have RA and would love to join a group.
Hey. I am in Staten Island also. I was diagnosed February (2013). I can’t believe how my life is now compared to a year ago. Support groups don’t actually seem to exist. have you found any near SI. I found 1 in bklyn and the facilitator was terse at best.
I can’t get to Peter’s email addy thru here for Phoenix – if possible can you send it to me please?
Pamela, I’m sorry if it did not work. I’ll email it to you. 🙂
To anyone else: It works like this: if you click on the name, your email program will ask you for permission to open to send the email to the person. Then you can see the address also. I’m working on a better way, but this is supposed to provide them with some security for their addresses.
I would love to know more about the san diego CA group…I am in that area and would love to attend or speak with someone about it, but the LAUREN link does not work for me… 🙁
Nevermind…I figured it out…sorry…it didnt work like the post said…but I did get it.
I know this is an old post but I thought I would try. I live in Murrieta and would love to connect!
Huntsville,Texas here.I would definantly be interested in getting to know more folks in my area.Well Texas is rather large,so I’ll say folks in Texas in general..but the closer the better.
Wondering if anyone is in the Boston, MA area? I’m frustrated by the lack of support groups. Thanks!
Hi Amanda – I live 50 iles South of Boston in Swansea, Ma
South Shore, MA. I’m really interested in switching doctors and would love to hear first person/patient accounts on some good doctors (or which doctors I should run from).
Hi Margaret
I’m also on the South Shore (Hingham) and have severe RA & would love to start a support group.
Now what?!
Hi Margaret,
It looks like Amanda and Cindy may not have subscribed to comments so they didn’t see your reply.
If it’s okay with you, I can send both of them your email address, letting them know they can contact you if you like. Let me know. That has worked out for several people.
Sorry! Kelly is right, I’m not subscribed to comments. I’m in Framingham and found a group that met this week in Peabody. I got the email contact from the list above. I’m not sure if they always meet on the North Shore. I was unable to go to the meeting though. I have seen doctors at St. Elizabeth’s in Brighton and Brigham and Women’s in Boston. Kelly passed on your email so I’ll send you a message directly.
Could you give me Amanda and /or Marie’s e-mail address since they live in the vicinity of my daughter–one is within an hour and the other is probably only a half hour away. You have my permission to give my e-mail address to them both as well….not sure if they’re still interested since these comments are from 2010, but it ‘s worth a try! Thanks!
Hope all is well with you….Violet Dagdigian
Amanda, I’m from southern NH (Salem)!! Can’t find anyone too close to me…
Hope I am doing this correctly….My daughter lives in Lowell, MA area, but it’s my 14 yr. old granddaughter who has JRA. They have been to many doctors in the Boston area, and I’m sure my daughter would be happy to e-mail you about some of their experiences and other helpful hints for you. In the same vein, she would welcome any feedback others may give her on both RA and JRA experiences and doctors because her daughter will be approaching adult age with this RA soon!
Kelly has my permission to give you my e-mail address, and I will forward your note to my daughter, and you two can go from there! Others in the Boston area are also welcome to make the contact–and a support group with any of you would also be very welcome!
I see that I responded to Amanda, but you are closer to us in distance since you are in Salem, NH….please read the note I posted to Amanda because it certainly pertains to you as well. Sorry….I’m rushing and my accuracy is not here today!
I live in Bedford, NH (outside of manchester)
I was going to ask my rheum to start asking patients if they would be interested in meeting others too. Perhaps you could do the same?
Is there any ra support groups in the Houston, TX area?
I’m in Katy and hoping to find others. I know a woman in Friendswood w/ lupus who has a group but she lives an hour away – not really a good drive either. would like to find closer RA friends.
My daughter is newly diagnosed with R.A.. She lives in Katy. She has been having trouble for years but no doctor could give her any answers. Finally diagnosed 3 months ago. She is on methotrexate and steroids. She is in extreme pain most days and about to lose her job as a teacher in FBISD. She really needs a support group, or someone else who knows what she is going through. Please email me.
Hi Laura, I sent Janny your email address. I hope she will contact you. Good luck to you both. ♥
I live in Houston TX and would love to meet other with RA and meet up for a group or just support I have been only diagnosed for about 5 months now and as everyone else has already said “no one understands”
Newly diagnosed in Maine…anyone else from up here?
Hi Sarah…I am a RA Warrior from Winterport Maine!
How about anyone from the Bangor Maine area?
I live at the very top of York County,in Cornish, minute to Oxford County and 15 from NH border….anyone in this area? I have one other friend interested from Springvale, about 30 minutes south of me…thinking of starting one of my own here. We all “hibernate” out here. Thinking a group that combines education/experience stories and socialization would be great out here.
Anyone interested or have resources to start one?
Maryanne- I am in Waterboro Maine a few towns over from Springvale.
I would love to start a group or get together with one. My email is daniellel99@hotmail.com. I would love to set something up.
Nice to see people in TX looking for groups. I’m in San Antonio. Just diagnosed after 9 years of symptoms. I have so many questions.
Don’t hesitate to ask questions. It is a heck of a change to have a diagnosis but we are a reasonably happy group.
I’m in San Antonio, too. Did you ever find a support group?
Linka, I was just diagnosed with RA and am living in San Antonio. I would love to talk to someone else with RA.
Anyone in the Norman, Oklahoma area?? I’d love to join or start a support group around here! 😀
FYI: Norman is close to Oklahoma City, just south of OKC in fact. Please reply if you’re interested!
I’m in Tulsa. Not too close to Norman, but not too far either.
I also live in Tulsa, Oklahoma! Would love to be involved in some sort of support group!
Tulsa, Oklahoma?
Hi Dee, I’m pleased to meet you! I meant to reply to you directly, but left a reply to everyone instead. My website is http://www.arthritisintrospective.org/ss014ok.htm and my email is hteaton @ gmail .com
Hope to hear from you, and please know that you’re more than welcome to join my group in Norman! We haven’t even had our first meeting yet, so you haven’t missed a thing. 😉
anyone in or near monroe new york.
Hi Suzanne,
Just found your post hope you are doing ok! I have been looking for someone in the area too and am pleased that I found your post. I look forward to chatting with you! 3 plus years with RA and Fibromyalgia. Some days are just unbearable but I am fighting the good fight as I always say:) that seems to have become my motto!
Hey all,
Anyone from around Virginia Beach or Hampton Roads area??
New here and looking for fellow warriors.
Is there a support group for RA in the Denver area?
Hi Shelley-I am in the Hampton Roads area! Lets talk!
i’m looking for a few ones for Denver Metro , Colorado.
We’ll find a building downtown with handicapped access so we all have access 🙂
I mostly seek someone to relate to, i am 12 years into diagnosis, and figuring things out would be wonderful – so write me 😀
Has a support group fo RA been formed in the Denver area?
Anyone near Valley Forge PA?
Hi Denise,
You’re in Valley Forge and I’m up the turnpike from you in Souderton. Diagnosed 3 years and doing ok on Remicade infusions. Mom/teacher-4 sons. Maybe we can chat.
I am in the exton area.
Hi Linda,
My name is Joan and I am looking for a support group to get together with. I have had RA for 8 yrs. and don’t have anyone else to share stories, concerns, etc. with. I live in Lower Pottsgrove, Montgomery County, Pa. next to Limerick Township.
I’m in Philly!
I’m from Southern NJ but go to college in Philly. I am trying to find support in the area.
Hey Melissa and Regina,
I know these comments are from a while ago but I am also in college in Philly and would love to connect.
I am also in Philly!!! Would love to meet up with others w/ arthritis.
Hello there! I am not really close but closer to all the other listings! I live in West Creek,NJ, close to Long Beach Island,NJ. I haven’t seen anyone from NJ yet!
I mean closer THAN all the other listing!
Hi Lynn,
I live in NJ about 30 minutes from you and recenly diagnosed. Would love to hear from you.
Hi Diana, just found your post. I would love to meet/talk with you. I live in West Creek, a small town in between Tuckerton and Manahawkin. Where are you located? I received an email from a Melissa in Philly but that is too far away. I was diagnosed around 1 1/2 ago and am struggling! Email me and we can talk!
Hi Lynn, have you and diana and karen connected here in new jersey yet? I’d like to connect if I may…I hereby give kelly my permission to provide you with my email address.
Diana, Lynn, and Candee,
I live about an hour and a half away from where you all seem to be, but that is much closer than anyone else I have seen on here. Did you all manage to get together? I am on my 4th year of RA and finally facing the reality of it all. So, now I am trying to find others to talk with.
I will check back soon to see if you posted.
Kelly, you have my permission to give my email address to Diana! Thanks!
I’m from North Jersey in Elizabeth but I see no other NJ residents. I realize this msg is several years old but hopefully somebody’s still here. I’m 42 yrs old & was diagnosed at age 9. It’s been a long run. I’d love to talk to others & offer support. Email me at prnena626 at yahoo.
I’m from North Jersey in Elizabeth but I see no other NJ residents. I realize this msg is several years old. Hope you are better. I’m 42 yrs old & was diagnosed at age 9. It’s been a long run. I’d love to talk to others & offer support. Email me at prnena626 at yahoo.
Hey everyone in the Philly area! I’m setting up a dessert night in February. It will be just off the 76. Email me and I’ll send you the Evite. My email is my name (JUST ONE S in Melisa!) at gmail.com. No spaces, periods, or underscores.
Hi Melisa, not sure if you are interested in still meeting others with RA in the Philly area, but I am certainly looking for some support!
Anyone in the Lynchburg/Roanoke/Charlottesville, VA area???
I am in richmond Va
I live in Portsmouth, VA. I was recently diagnosed with RA in November, 2013. My rheumatologist has not begun to treat my RA yet. I’m taking something for pain. I had other issues to take care of first. When I go back to her on 4/16/14, I’m hopeful that treatment will begin.
I’m 26 and in Gloucester, va. Would love some people to talk to about RA.
Anybody on Long Island?
I’m on Long Island – Smithtown area. I would love to be part of a support group. I was diagnosed a year ago, but am just seeing this post now.
Nancy, I am in the Smithtown area as well! I was diagnosed last July. I have not heard of a local group, but was thinking of starting a Meetup group and seeing if it took off at all. I know there is a NYC Hidden Disabilities group but that is a hike from here. Please contact me – you should be able to e-mail me since I am signed into my Google account.
Kelly, can you pass my message along to Nancy via e-mail in case she didn’t see it?
Santa Fe, New Mexico?
I grew up in the Santa Fe area!!! Hi!!!
Hi Mella
I realize I am a year or so late, but I was dx about a year ago. I guess I am ready to share. Please let me know if you have found other RAers in the Santa Fe area.
Thanks, Janet
Virginia Beach/ Norfolk Virginia??
if you are willing to drive to richmond we have regular get togethers
I can’t seem to be able to contact you Erica. I would like to visit with ithers in the Virginia area.
Please email me..
Carvsh at gmail dot Com
Reno, NV. Looking for others in the greater Reno area.
Anyone here in Baltimore, Md.??
I’m late to the party, but about 20 minutes south of Baltimore. Are you still around and have you found anyone else close?
Anyone in good ol’ Britain??!
living in north of scotland…have had ra for 5 yrs
Sara, we have lots of members in Britain, but I haven’t heard of a local group yet. Are you already looking around in the Facebook members? Several are from UK.
Hi Sara!
I realise I am very very late, but I am also from the UK (Norfolk). I am 22 and have been diagnosed for 5 years. Would love to hear from anyone in England 🙂
I need lots of help. Anyone in Slidell La or close by with a local group, please let me know!! Thanks
I LIVE IN Gulfport,Ms. Diagnosed RA June 2011. Would love to talk to you. I have played with the idea of getting RA Support Group started here.
I’m in Dothan Alabama. Would love to hear from others here!
Detroit, MI here… could travel to Monroe, MI, Flint,MI or even Ann Arbor, MI…
I’m in Ann Arbor and go to Detroit and Rochester Hills, MI often. I have had a really rough time of it. Have had RA for 12 years – never known anyone else going through this. So thankful to find this site. I would be so grateful to meet even just ONE person. Feel free to email me at Zanna.Pillars@gmail.com to get in touch. Thanks, Jenni!
How about anyone near Manchester New Hampshire?
Hi kathy – I am in Hooksett! email me – 🙂
Kathy, I’m in Salem! Email me at mariealevesque@yahoo.com
I live in Epsom NH outside of Concord and am interested in support…
Hello Deborah,
I am 2 hours outside of Raleigh in the Greenville, NC area. Perhaps we can chat. I was just diagnosed with RA.
Hi Kathy, I’m in Haverhill, MA, and head up that way often. You can email me at kischagirl at comcast dot net if you want.
How about the Raleigh, NC area? I always see fliers for lupus and fibro, no RA groups. I would love to meet with people.
Hey, I live in Four Oaks, NC and wanted to start a group. This is a really hard disease for many people to understand, and we need to stick together. I may have to stop working due to the pain and not finding the right medications after 3 years and it would be nice to have people to talk to.
Jeanie, let me know if you want me to send Mary your email in response to her comment. 🙂
Do not live close, live in Gulfport, Ms. We could talk if you like. I was diagnosed June 2011 with RA. People who do not have the disease do not understand what we are going through. Email me and we can give our phone numbers then if you like.
I live in Wake Forest, NC. Very close to Raleigh. I have had Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis since I was 18 months, just turned 22 and currently having a very bad flare along with other health issues.
Anyone in San Jose CA?
Im not in San Jose but I’m in Hayward. (not that far actually) and maybe there’s a half way point? Let me know.
Hey Lacie, I’m over the hill in Reno. Feel free to contact me on face book, I’m easy to find, Lisa Glavish.
Hello again,
I never heard back from that girl who was looking for someone in Tyler, TX, but I would love to start a group here in East Texas. Would anyone be interested in joining me for coffee somewhere?
Lisa, do you mean Leean? I can send her your email if I have your permission to do that? She can just reply if she wants. I also see Robyn is in Woodlands TX (below your post).
Tyler isn’t that far from Round Rock… or Austin for that matter… maybe we could find somewhere central to meet?
Kelly: Yes, Leann! You have my permission to send her my email address so she can contact me! 🙂 That would be awesome!
To the others: Tyler, TX is in north east Texas, halfway between Dallas & Shreveport, LA. We’re four hours from the Woodlands and Round Rock, which would make support group a bit of a drive for everyone. That being said, I have family close by to both and would be happy to meet up with anyone out there when I go out to see them!
done! email sent. 😀
Anyone in Greenville, SC or the Upstate? Our 7 year old daughter has JRA
I’m not in SC, but I’m close. I live in Gastonia, NC. I am newly diagnosed and don’t know a ton about RA yet
Haley Im in the charlotte nc area and I’m in the same boat you are! Newly diagnosed and don’t know a soul in the area with this disease if you want you can email me anytime bugsy110@gmail.com! 🙂
Here’s a soul in the area, I’m in Kannapolis, NC. 🙂
Feel free to email: jwheat@gmail.com
I live in Fayetteville NC 🙂
Hey Kaysi!
I’m Samantha and I live in the Greenville, SC area, up by Furman. I was diagnosed last year and I was wondering if you’ve found a support group around the area.
I am also in SC and have not been able to locate any support groups. Did you ever find any?
Lakewood,California area
Hey chicks! I’m in The Woodlands, Tx…I’ve been looking for a support group and so far have not found any….if anyone is intrested in starting a group I would be more than happy to help!!!
Robyn, just saw your post on RA Warriors. I live on the north end of Lake Conroe. Have had RA since late teens and now almost 49. Would love to have someone to meet/talk with!!! I am in The Woodlands ALL the time. Doctors hospitals, and I ride with my youngest to MOCO several times a week. Please contact me.
Have you found a ra support group? I live in Magnolia and would love to find one. I was diagnosed with ra in May 2012.
Hi, I live in Morrisville,have RA for many years And will be going to a new Rhuemy on 9/8. Maybe we could talk too.:))
I live in a small mountain town called Arnold in California. I was diagnosed with RA five years ago. The pain and fatique are causing me to isolate with severe depression. Four years ago I was a rock climber, backpacker, avid hiker and cyclist. Now I can barely perform household duties. I feel alone up here, and often like I’m loosing my mind to insanity. But reading this website, I see my symtoms are like many people who suffer from RA. I’d love to talk to other “victims” and would treasure group support meetings. Anyone out there in Calaveras County who would like to get together? Thank you and I really do “feel your pain”.
Hello Susan, My name is Ray. I have had RA since 1990. Yes, I do know what you are going thru and I understand how terrible you feel. I am 57 yrs. old now. I remember when I was first diagnosed and all the different meds I had to go thru before the Remicade, Humira and Enbrel came along. Some people don’t understand how RA makes a person feel really old. I feel as though I am 90 instead of 57. I have felt this way for the past 24 years. I do try to make the best of my good days. but I am aware of the cons of over doing it so I have learned over the years to use a ‘Move Smart” type of system of how you move your body and do things., I can’t remember what it’s called right now. I learned many years ago that cutting back on salt, caffiene, sugar and not eating pork definitely helps to not have too much pain. I don’t know if any of this will help you. I hope you can benefit from others knowledge. This is the first time I have ever done this. I was always taking my illness on the chin and accepting my fate as it was.I hope you try to have a nice day. Bye!
Good Morning, If you are still on this site, would like to discuss living with RA. Please use my facebook page (friend request) Thanks