The Appointment with Doctor Perv | Rheumatoid Arthritis Warrior

The Appointment with Doctor Perv

gardenI wish this RA really were a lie.

  • What kind of mother would fake not being able to put on her child’s socks?
  • What kind of mother would make her children cook dinner, wash the dishes and clean the house so she could live out her dream of feigning illness?

Certainly not the same mother who carried the heavy burden working 18 hour days for 20 years to care for her family, her neighbors, and her church.

The beginning

The sign in the waiting room said, “Dr. __ does not carry liability insurance.” The walls were peeling. The posters were faded. The floor was dirty. There were not computers or modern equipment to be seen.

After 45 minutes, the single employee told me to leave my 2 adult daughters in the waiting room because, “We won’t bite you.” Katie Beth said we’d prefer to stay together. They eventually gave in.

After Doctor Space Heater, I’d never see a doctor alone again. What if someone had not been with me that day? I don’t think any woman should be alone for an appointment. Twenty minutes later, he came in and sat down.

The middle

Very briefly, I described my 5 years with RA, listing the treatments I’d tried, my symptoms, drug allergies, and lab scores.

The rheumatologist said that by looking at me he can tell I do not have “any form of arthritis.” He pulled and tugged at numerous joints producing loud cracking sounds that even Mary Khris could hear (she wears powerful digital hearing aids). I asked Katie Beth, “Did you hear that?” She said, “Yes!” And he looked at her and said, “No!”

He pulled and twisted my right fingers, wrist, and arm and both legs forcefully. I refused to wince. All of my joints are tender to touch, but that wrist has not hurt this bad for months.

He said “The only medications that you need are Advil and Tramadol. I’ll write you a prescription for Tramadol.” I said, “What does that do?” He said, “Makes your pain go away.” I asked, “Does it treat the problem though?” He said, “YES!”

The end

He said “Your joints do not hurt. You just need to relax.” He placed his hands in an inappropriate place and held them there for several seconds. When I moved away, he said to Katie Beth, “Is she always like this?” Katie Beth answered, “Only because you are incredibly rude. Let’s get out of here.”

It took a couple of minutes to get out of there. He kept insisting that I let him see my spine and asking whether I had an eating disorder. I told him that I had no idea why he was behaving this way, but we could not stay. His only employee, his wife, was staring through the doorway with a look of disbelief. I wonder how many times she’s seen this.

We give doctors a screen name on this site to protect them and us from whatever we might need to be protected from. We protect the innocent and the guilty. This one time, I wanted to print his name. I won’t do that today. Instead I’ll make a formal complaint to the state department of health. If that information becomes public, I’ll provide my readers with a link to that information.

For now, he’s Doctor Perv.

The future

We’ll move on, my girls and I. They’ll never go to a doctor alone.

Eventually, I will go to another rheumatologist. I admit it’s very hard to keep encouraging patients to seek care when the majority of the letters I receive tell negative stories of how they are treated. But we’ll continue to celebrate and promote good doctors and advances in rheumatological care. One project we’ve begun is a Recommended Doctors List to be published on the new Rheumatoid Patient Foundation website. If you know a good rheumatologist, please send us the name and contact info. (For now, you can also leave that information here as a comment on this post. The new email for the RPF will be up soon.)

Tonight I received an email with VERY good news for the RPF. We received a grant that we had applied for to help finance some initial programs. So far, I’ve spent my own money and the blog’s money to cover expenses for the RPF. This is another important step toward seeing our goals become reality. And it confirms to me again that we are going through doors that God is opening. We will not give up.

Recommended reading

Kelly O'Neill

Kelly O'Neill (formerly Kelly Young) has worked about 12 years as an advocate helping patients to be better informed and have a greater voice in their healthcare. She is the author of the best-selling book Rheumatoid Arthritis Unmasked: 10 Dangers of Rheumatoid Disease. Kelly received national acknowledgement with the 2011 WebMD Health Hero award. She is the president of the Rheumatoid Patient Foundation. Through her writing and speaking, she builds a more accurate awareness of rheumatoid disease (RD) aka rheumatoid arthritis (RA) geared toward the public and medical community; creates ways to empower patients to advocate for improved diagnosis and treatment; and brings recognition and visibility to the RA patient journey. In addition to RA Warrior, she writes periodically for newsletters, magazines, and websites. There are over 60,000 connections of her highly interactive Facebook page. You can also connect with Kelly on Twitter or YouTube, or LinkedIn. She created the hashtag: #rheum. Kelly is a mother of five, longtime home-schooler, NASA enthusiast, and NFL fan. She has lived over fourteen years with unrelenting RD. See also https:/

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144 thoughts on “The Appointment with Doctor Perv

  • May 20, 2011 at 6:25 am

    OMG!!! i can’t believe that doctor did something like that…this kind of doctor should really be reported to the authorities…

    anyway, i do hope that you get to find a new doctor soon…

    God bless always. 🙂

  • May 20, 2011 at 6:45 am

    What worries me most, Kelly, is the precedent for healthcare and physician behavior this sets for your innocent children. So much for the world of Disney they may have grown up with. Regarding your own care, however, Im forced to ask the inevitable Q, what next?

  • May 20, 2011 at 6:53 am

    I really don’t know what to say other than I am so sorry that you have had to endure this outrage. Thinking of you.

  • May 20, 2011 at 7:16 am

    Kelly, I just want to cry. I am SO sorry you went through this and I am so glad you had your daughters with you. I am shaking with anger. I hope and pray that you will find a doctor that is good and knows how to do his/her job.

  • May 20, 2011 at 7:36 am

    Oh no – Kelly, I am so sorry to hear your experience! I just cannot believe there are doctors out there like that — it’s a scary thought! I have had a few negative experiences with doctors, but have been very fortunate to have great rheumatologists. I would like to share the names of both of mine, in case anyone in Michigan is in need of a good doctor. The doctor who first diagnosed me, explained to me that this was a serious disease, different from OA and that we needed to treat this aggressively was:

    Dr. Steven A. Portney
    22250 Providence Drive
    Suite 200
    Southfield, MI 48075

    My current doctor I really appreciate for several reasons. On my first visit, I was in a bad flare – he took me at my word and helped me feel better. He takes a collaborative approach with me and doesn’t make me feel badly for not wanting to be on methotrexate. He is very kind, greets me by shaking my hand ever so gently, and is determined to do everything he can to get me in remission. Here’s his info:

    Dr. Andrew Head
    West Michigan Rheumatology
    1155 East Paris Ave. SE
    Suite #100
    Grand Rapids, MI 49546
    (616) 459-8088

    Kelly – I sincerely hope you find the right doctor who is compassionate, understanding and smart enough to be able to help!

    • May 20, 2011 at 8:35 am

      Thanks for the names, Dana!
      My first rheum was also very gentle. I stayed much longer than I should have because we were so friendly. She kept saying she had no idea how to treat my RA when it did not respond to Humira. I was on Humira over 2 1/2 yrs. Back then I didn’t know that if you don’t respond after 6 months, you prolly won’t. She didn’t know either I guess. She kept saying she was clueless about my RA. So she was kind and clueless. The last one was Dr. Smart Rheum who would have been horrified by this dork. This doc used to say, “So WHAT does RA look like?” when I’d tell what the other specialists had said to me. Too bad the bone scan made this doc say my case is too much trouble.

    • May 20, 2011 at 10:24 am

      Dana, you are right in my area. I have heard that office is great. I know 2 people that go to Dr. Martin who is in that practice and love him. When I got diagnosed they sent me to a Dr. by Blodgett Hospital. He really knows his stuff but he is a bit intimidating to me. I would love to touch base with you about your RA doctor. My friends who go there and are always trying to convince me to switch over. They have Lupus and Fibro so I wasn’t sure. Also, my dr. has seen me when I couldn’t even walk so you really hate to start over. Thanks for posting the name! It is always good to have a name!

      • May 20, 2011 at 11:19 am

        Cynde – so cool that you are in my area! Please feel free to contact me via e-mail: danasymons(at)gmail(dot)com. I’d love to connect with you. Dr. Head is one of the LEAST intimidating doctors I’ve ever met. He’s very mild mannered. His nurse is also great and will call in an Rx for you almost immediately! I have been going to that office for about 4 years now and have never had any problems. I have not met the other doctors there, but I believe it to be an excellent office, focused on research and helping patients.

        • May 20, 2011 at 11:54 am

          I am jealous. Two of my favorite girls getting together w/out me. Dana, you will love Cynde! Btw, you are both on my personal FB profile. 😉

  • May 20, 2011 at 7:51 am

    Oh, I’m so sorry! This is the worst! Please correct me if I am wrong, but aren’t you RF and anti-CCP positive as well as previously diagnosed and currently taking DMARDs for rheumatoid arthritis? What a quack. When I read the stories that everyone has on this site I can’t get over how many bad doctors there are out there.

    Here is a non-elephant joke for you – what to you call the guy (or girl) who graduated last in his class from medical school?

    Doctor! Ooops!

    What about your local group that you meet with? Can they recommend a rheumy for you?

    I love the idea of recommended rheumys! When I saw my first rheumy – bad experience! And when I went looking for a second opinion, well, how would I have any idea who would be good and who wouldn’t be? I ask my family doctor and she only said she wouldn’t recommend the other rheumy in town – she didn’t feel he was thorough. She said if it were her she would go to the city. I got lucky, but it’s a shame that you have to get lucky to get a good doctor. Your health shouldn’t be a lottery.

    Hope you find a good one soon!

    • May 20, 2011 at 8:29 am

      Yes, Leslie. I am sero-positive w/ high anti-ccp (>250). Yes, I’ve been diagnosed 5 yrs. That one seems to be a biggie. The always correct you if you say you’ve had symptoms for __ yrs. Only “diagnosis” counts usually, even if you tried to get dx’ed for yrs.

      • May 23, 2011 at 6:30 am

        What a jerk! Sue him, Kelly.

        By the way, I’ve read loads about how bad your RA is. If with an anti-CCP >250 it’s this bad in your case, I shudder to think where I could be headed, with an anti-CCP >500. I am sero positive and my CRP is climbing too.

        • May 23, 2011 at 10:05 am

          “>250” is the highest some labs show. I just depends on the lab. Once it’s that high, it’s not really as relevant HoW high. It’s just a sign that there’s lots of “it” there.

  • May 20, 2011 at 8:54 am

    So sorry to hear about your horrific experience with yet another quack. I too am searching for a new rheumatoligist. I would name my previous one Dr. Condescending. All he would do during visits was look at my hands, listen to my heart, and tell me I was doing fine, that all my other symptoms (fatigue, vision problems, lung issues, etc.) were not due to the RA. I see my PCP next week and we will discuss my next move. She has known me for over 12 years and knows I’m in trouble with this disease. She will treat my RA the best she can, which I know will be 100 times better than Dr. Condescending. She does have a referral for a woman rheumy in Colorado who I hope to see soon–I’ll let you know how that visit goes. I’m optimistic that a woman rheumy will have a bit more compassion. Anyway, keep the strength and remember: RA is the ultimate test of patience.

    • May 20, 2011 at 9:13 am

      Sue, if it hadn’t happened to me, I’d have a hard time believing it. KatieBeth proofread the post to make sure I got his words & mine exact. This is what happened, adding in about 20 more condescending accusations of me faking RA.
      I really hope that your new referral works out great. We are such an optimistic group (people with RA).

  • May 20, 2011 at 8:57 am

    I really and truly have no words…..I’m so sorry Kelly.

  • May 20, 2011 at 9:14 am

    What a terrible story, and difficult journey you’re on. I am sorry you are hitting such walls. I went to the wrong rheumatologist for 18 years and am paying for it with joint damage that could have been prevented with proper care. My current MD isn’t perfect but at least he’s treating my RA and the treatments have made a big difference. I’ve lived with this for 20 years, with 20 years of constant pain, but never had the insult added to the injury in the manner you did.

  • May 20, 2011 at 9:22 am

    Hi Kelly-
    I am horrified! But good news… I have just gotten a line on a great rheumy here in the Central Fl area from a patient! I have not scheduled an appointment yet but think we both should. Look for an e-mail from me. – Suzy

  • May 20, 2011 at 9:22 am

    So sorry you had to go through this. Its terrible. I have a very kind, caring Rheumatologist. Dr. Davud Makover in Boca Raton, FL. Great guy, very understanding. I am very fortunate.

  • May 20, 2011 at 9:27 am

    I am surprised you made it past the waiting room. You are very gracious and obviously open to where God might be leading you in your treatment.

    Been on Humera for a while and starting to think that it isn’t working like it used to. Love my rheumy but wondering what next?

    Thanks for this blog. It has provided both a great source of information but encouragement as well.

    You bless my day

  • May 20, 2011 at 9:33 am

    What a horrible experience!
    I was very fortunate to find my current rheumie when I relocated. Even though there’s a long waiting list in the area, he worked me in so that I could continue my Remicade treatments. That alone made me appreciate him, but he’s very compassionate. He’s also certified in pain management, so he’s much more willing than my previous rheumatologist to do steroid injections of the more problematic joints (like hips) and to prescribe pain medication when you need it.
    Dr. P.A. Saway
    2145 Highland Ave S # 200
    Birmingham, AL 35205-4015
    (205) 933-0320 ‎

  • May 20, 2011 at 9:43 am

    I must be incredibly lucky to have the Dr I have. He’s fantastic.
    Allan H Morton
    30101 Hoover
    Warren MI 48093-6528

  • May 20, 2011 at 9:43 am

    Kelly, that is just the sickest office visit I could think of! I am sooo sorry for you and so grateful your girls were with you! My continued prayers are with you!!

    I have a great rheumy, listens and asks and is always gentle. Looks you in the eye too! His name is:

    Dr. Eric Kenny
    Lynchburg, VA

  • May 20, 2011 at 9:45 am

    Kelly no one should have to go through the multiple unexplainable incidents that you have had to experience.

    I’m inbetween Chicago & Milwaukee and have an amazing Rehumatologist we still don’t have mine “under control” but she is supportive and gets that she can’t fix it but she can help us with symptom management and empowering us to be active partner in determining what and when we are ready to try a new treatment. Hoping you and everyone else finds the Dr they need. My RA is Sero Negative but her answer is you are clinically presenting with RA regardless of this test or that so that is what we are going to treat.

    Dr. Mehjabein Khan
    6308 8th Ave
    Suite 2000
    Kenosha, WI 53143

  • May 20, 2011 at 9:50 am

    So sorry this happened to you. Please, if this ever happens again DO NOT TAKE IT! Slap his/her face and get the heck out of there – do not let him/her hurt you. So glad you are reporting him.
    I have a wonderful rheumy – knowledgeable, compassionate, caring, and doggedly determined to help his patients. His name is Dr. David Chesner; his group is Rheumatic Disease Associates with offices in Willow Grove, Doylestown and Philadelphia, PA. I cannot recommend him highly enough. I would travel across country in a covered wagon to see him. God bless you all.

  • May 20, 2011 at 9:51 am

    Oh. My. God.
    I’m glad you’re reporting him. Imagine what it must be like to go through that as your first time visiting a rheumatologist. My rheumy has a terrible bedside manner but at least he treats my disease, my pain, and doesn’t molest me.

  • May 20, 2011 at 9:51 am

    I am so sorry you had to endure this, and thank god your daughters were with you!! My first experience with a rheumy was very similar and I am also sero-positive with high anti-ccp and was told nothing was wrong with me (even though I had visible swelling)after he squeezed several areas on my body, some in a places NO ONE should be squeezing and then offered me a cortisone shot .. in my butt..It took me over a year to even be willing to try again, but I knew something was wrong with me no matter what he said. My Internist is who finally put a name on it! Anyway, I have gone through my share of horror story doctors, but have finally found one who is fantastic on every level. For those in the Dallas, TX area he is:

    Zoran Kurepa, MD, PHD
    190 Civic Cir
    Lewisville, TX 75067-3424 or Dallas ofc: 8144 Walnut Hill Ln
    Dallas, TX 75231
    214-540-0616(new patient number)

    • May 20, 2011 at 10:01 am

      Thanks for adding your doc Stacey.

      I have read so many letters about this, but it always still shocks me. It shocks me that you went thru that. And me too. My knees were a bit swollen but he said, “Oh NO they are NOT.” I am thin. My knees are not fat; they are swollen. I never thought I’d finally have visible swelling & have them deny it’s there. The last doc used to point out swelling in all my joints that wasn’t very obvious w/out palpating (rheum squeeze test). Knew the stuff better I guess.

      How can they say nothing is wrong w/these high test results even if we WERE lying about the stiffness, weakness, and pain.

  • May 20, 2011 at 9:53 am

    Your experience troubles me so much….and I find it so hard to comprehend how a doctor like that can even maintain a practice. Thank you for not giving up–but we know that you would never do that! The “recommended doctor list” is a great step in the right direction for you and so many others in need….how great it is that you received the grant at this time—a booster shot at the right time!
    As several other Warriors have said, there are some skilled and compassionate doctors around, and this list will help all who need to make a change… always, even when you’re in need yourself, you are helping others! Hope you will get the help you need soon–perhaps as a result of getting this list extended! Thinking of you!

  • May 20, 2011 at 9:54 am

    Kelly Im sorry you had to go thru that! Im so sick of these so called doctors! This makes me horrified! So glad you take your kids with you and they use thier voice..good for them! Hope you find another doc. that is educated about this disease. One that doesnt take advantage of you! I mean really do we have to worry about being groped in the office on top of the physical pain we endure? Hang tough lady! Thanks again for this!

  • May 20, 2011 at 9:54 am

    Wow Kelly, I hope you can find someone soon. Maybe do drive bys and check out the waiting rooms first? My rheumy is wonderful. She is compassionate and stays up to date (she was at last years ACR conference). For those in the Reno area:
    Dr. Julie K Thomas
    Arthritis Consultants
    Reno, NV

    • May 20, 2011 at 10:03 am

      Yes, I was thinking of walking into waiting rooms to see if there are strange signs or peeling paint. Not a sure way. I try to be open minded. But it hasnt worked so far.

      • May 25, 2011 at 3:00 pm

        Someone on a group on facebook recommended asking nurses. And her suggestion really does make alot of sense. They work with doctors and know the ins and outs. I would start with your gp or internist nurse. And then scope out from there. If you have seen an orthopedic doctor, ask those nurses. You probably can call the offiices and ask by phone. Unfortunately for me, I have not kept one doc here in my new home yet. I have been going to the “emergy care” type places this past year here. I will probably call those nurses. Hope this may give you a decent ra doc to see. Geeezzz…this shouldn’t be so darn difficult but it is….it truly is!

  • May 20, 2011 at 9:57 am

    Here is the name of my doc in the Chicago area, as you requested.

    Patrick T. Schuette, M.D., F.A.C.P.
    9000 Waukegan Road Suite 200
    Morton Grove, Il. 60053
    Phone (847) 375-3000
    Fax (847) 929-1139

  • May 20, 2011 at 10:11 am

    Like so many others who have posted their shock and sorrow, I will ad mine as well. We’ve known each other (electronically) for several years now and I feel for you as I would feel for any family member. And this was the new doctor whose appointment you were so excited about? If so, what a let down!

    Any way, here are two wonderful rheumatologist in the south:

    Dr. Glenn Parris
    989 Lawrenceville Highway
    Lawrenceville, GA 30045
    Phone: (770) 962-1616

    Dr. Alan Brown
    2860 Tricom Street
    North Charleston, SC 29406
    Phone: (843) 572-4840

    I wish you peace, love and understanding.


    • May 26, 2011 at 1:31 pm

      I live very close to Dr. Parrish. (Dacula, GA) I have considered more than once calling him. He is on my insurance. I tried Dr. Elliott (DO NOT DO IT) and I currently go to Dr. Niclolas Tiliakos (actually just returned to him). I am afraid that he will retire soon, so I am glad to have another Dr. to contact.

  • May 20, 2011 at 10:33 am

    Kelly, i am so sorry you had to go through that. What an awful doctor! I feel like i have been so lucky with the rheumatologist i have been seeing. He has been great about listening to me and even though i don’t have a “typical” presentation, treating me aggressively. It’s Dr menachem kohen in Haverhill, MA.

  • May 20, 2011 at 10:40 am

    It’s amazing how many of us go to see rheumatologists who decide there is nothing wrong.
    I had an amazing rheumatologist in Portland, OR, but I had to move 20 months ago. I’m still heartbroken over leaving her behind.
    Dr. Mollie Thompson
    NW Rheumatology Associates
    I worked up the courage earlier this week to make an appointment with a fourth rheumatologist here. I feel like Goldilocks, but if I figure I’ll give it one more shot. The idea of not hearing something different makes me want to cry, though.
    I so wish I had someone who could go with me to this appointment. I came very close to calling my mom to see if she’d fly out, but that’s a large burden to place on her shoulders.
    Thanks for all the great information you provide!

    • May 20, 2011 at 10:55 am

      Yes, it’s a very common theme what you wrote, “It’s amazing how many of us go to see rheumatologists who decide there is nothing wrong.” Hope we can see this change. Good luck w/your new one. Do you have a friend who can go with you?

  • May 20, 2011 at 10:49 am

    This is so terrible. I am so sorry for you! This is wrong on so many levels. I am proud of you that you have filed a report. Your efforts will help others for the future.

  • May 20, 2011 at 10:53 am

    I am so sorry that you had to go through that Kelly. I have to ask though, Did you check him out with the Board before you made the appointment? The majority of physicians that do not carry insurance have so many claims against them they can no longer afford the premiemes. Thank goodness you had your girls with you.

    • May 20, 2011 at 11:03 am

      No, the woman (his wife) was so helpful on the phone, I was not at all suspicious. I guess I have to do that from now on. Live and learn.

  • May 20, 2011 at 11:16 am

    I am so sorry you had this experience. Its truly not fair, the malpractice some of these “doctors” force on their patients. (My former PCP walked out of the room when I told her I’d self – referred and what the rheumatologist had diagnosed).

    I have an excellent rheumatologist and I would recommend their practice to anyone in my area:

    Arthritis Specialists of Northern Nevada
    Dr Steven Atcheson, Kimberly Morris APN
    93 Bell St
    Reno NV 89503

  • May 20, 2011 at 11:31 am

    This whole thing horrifies me. I went over 10 years trying to get a Dr to help me – only my PCP knew something was wrong, and he even got frustrated at the specialists who just blew me off. Until I found a woman rheumatologist, who treated me, despite negative blood work. And then bloodwork did come up positive, she added Mtx. And she never discounted the pain or fatigue I felt. So for anyone in NJ, here is her practice – she has a woman partner who is also good.

    Deborah Alpert, MD
    Meridian Medical Associates, PC-Rheumatology
    2240 State Rt 33
    Neptune, NJ 07753

    • May 20, 2011 at 11:55 am

      Thanks, Yvonne. I’m so glad you finally found her. Maybe she can help others.

  • May 20, 2011 at 11:42 am

    So sorry to hear about your dr experience…. I love my doctor. Her name is Dr. Kathryn Hobbs at the Denver Arthritis Clinic in Denver, Colorado.

  • May 20, 2011 at 11:54 am

    Kelly – you are a hero for so many of us. Many, many thanks and God bless you and your beautiful family.
    I am with rheumy #6 now and I will be staying with her. She understands us!!!
    Suzanne Enloe-Witaker, D.O. (specializing in RA)
    San Bernardino Medical Group, Inc.
    1700 N. Waterman, San Berdo, Ca 92404
    909-883-8611 ext 12202

    I highly recomend her to anyone in So. Cal. And, she takes Medicare payments!

    • May 20, 2011 at 11:56 am

      Jana, so glad #6 is the keeper! I know it’s wearying to find someone to treat you! Thanks for sharing her.

  • May 20, 2011 at 12:03 pm

    I’m SO sorry you had to go through that, and GOOD FOR YOU for reporting him!!!!

    I, too, just fired my rheumy. After only 5 visits, they had confirmed 2 appointments for the wrong date/time, resulting in me driving 45 minutes with a 1 year old and a 3 year old, only to find the doors locked and all the lights turned off. Never once was I offered an apology. One appointment, I went all the way there only to find out they didn’t have my test results so I was rescheduled. And one appointment, they couldn’t find my chart and the doc kept getting up and leaving the room to help them look for someone else’s chart. After all these visits, x-rays, bone scans, and blood work, he STILL didn’t have a diagnosis for me after nearly 6 months. I had to call the lab that developed the Vectra DA test so THEY could explain what my test results meant, because my rheumy didn’t feel the need to. *sigh*

    I’m not a mean person by any means, but I truly wish that every last one of these doctors could live a YEAR with RA. Maybe THEN they’ll realize that this isn’t a game.

    Best of luck to you in finding someone to treat your RA that isn’t a complete dufus. *Gentle hug*

    • May 20, 2011 at 12:15 pm

      Thanks for sharing Lisa. Yes, yesterday I was imagining that he could have my RA for only a few days. But you are right, that might not be enough time to change such a dark heart as that. I also wish it were “safe” for us to post the names of those who are awful so others wouldn’t be hurt. But we will focus on the postive and try to help each other find the good ones.

      • May 20, 2011 at 9:36 pm

        yes, sadly this is true for so many intereactions full stop. The bad get protected, but we can at least promote those who do good!

        We have a case in the news right now about a doctor has his wife practice nursing on his patents. Luckily enough complaints came in that he has been charged and is now awaiting trial. It seems unbelievable but he really thinks he has done no wrong. Your latest experience is sadly all too common.

        Both my GP and specialist are good and have been proactive. Not much use for anyone not in Auckland NZ though.

  • May 20, 2011 at 12:08 pm

    How awful. I can not believe this guy is allowed to practice- No Insurance- that alone should disqualify him. Doctors are supposed to be compassionate and listen to their patients. I hate it when you they assume you are tense, have an eating disorder. Please. I know I am very thin and weigh 90 pounds and have to work hard to hit the 100 mark- But that doesn’t make me anorexic.

    Glad that you had good news with the insanity of Dr. Perv. How wonderful that the grant came through. I am sure it is not a lot of money- grants being grants- but how wonderful to receive something- Just the fact you got the Grant tells me you are on the right track. I know how hard it is to qualify. Congratulations.

    The very best RA Doctor I ever met is a younger guy- he studied at the UW and did a study of the first biologics. This doctor gets it. He even told me 6 years ago that Xray wasn’t going to show much but thought an MRI would show more. He is a speaker for the Arthritis Foundation

    Dr. Kent Ta
    Minor and James
    Swedish Hospital
    Seattle, WA

    I would recommend him over anyone.

  • May 20, 2011 at 12:15 pm

    Kelly – I forgot to say CONGRATS on the grant for the foundation!! At least there was some good news this week 🙂 Hope that really helps to get things started. Looking forward to what the future holds, and know it will be brighter because of all that you are doing for RA patients and bringing us together so we can have a unified voice!

  • May 20, 2011 at 12:28 pm

    Wow. Sounds like my 3rd rheumy minus the touching. So sorry you and your girls had to sit through that.

    I love my #2 and 4 rheumies!

    Lynnette Tatosyan, DO
    23838 Valencia Blvd., Suite 260
    Valencia , CA 91355
    (661) 367-9200

    and a second office

    11600 Indian Hills Road, Suite 200
    Mission Hills , CA 91345
    (818) 838-4500

    My current rheumy only takes Kaiser HMO patients

    Swati Suresh Bharadwaj, MD
    13640 Roscoe Blvd
    Panorama City, CA 91402
    (818) 375-2000

  • May 20, 2011 at 12:33 pm

    Oh and as far as ped rheumies go Dr. Diane Brown at Children’s Hospital LA is wonderful. Actually all of the rheumies there are amazing but Dr. B was our favorite.

    4650 Sunset Bl.
    L.A., CA 90027
    (213) 361-2119

  • May 20, 2011 at 12:40 pm

    Oh, my goodness! And I thought I saw some horrible doctors over the years! I now have a WONDERFUL rheumatologist! She is a woman who is very sensitive, compassionate and treats me as if I am the expert on how I am feeling…and is willing to listen to all of my suggestions and questions…never rushes me or negates how I am feeling. Her name is Dr. Holly Lauther and her contact info. is : 412-831-1929 I don’t know what I would do without her! If anyone is near the Pittsburgh, Pa. area…I highly recommend her! God bless!

  • May 20, 2011 at 12:52 pm


    I am so sorry that you had to endure this kind of unprofessional and unethical treatment. You do not deserve this. I can only imagine how this doc would have treated someone like me – seronegative with normal sed rate and CRP.

    I am fortunate to have a wonderful rheumy in Bergen County, New Jersey. He is a great listener and is very kind and compassionate. He treats me appropriately despite my seronegative status. In addition, he is very modern and keeps up to date on the most current research. His office staff is pleasant and accommodating.

    Dr. Neil Gonter
    Teaneck Rheumatology
    1415 Queen Anne Road
    Teaneck, NJ 07666

    • May 20, 2011 at 12:58 pm

      Thanks Marie. I kind of feel like we can get a very ethical kind of revenge by sharing good doctors’ names. I would sort of like to send in a patient like you with Dateline cameras to see if he does it again. He claims that all kinds of arthritis can be seen by the eyes and he cannot see any of it on me in spite of my previous doctor who detected synovitis, effusion, and bursitis, etc. all over my joints.

      • May 20, 2011 at 2:29 pm

        Kelly – I am game for this expose’! I will be the “test patient”.

        I agree that sharing information on the good practitioners is the “best revenge”. It’s something that we can feel good about doing, and if someone is able to find a great new doctor because of your efforts it would be the icing on the cake.

        How is this guy allowed to practice medicine, with beliefs like “all types of arthritis can be seen by the eyes”? I have read many publications stating that the beginning stages of synovitis are often invisible. Like you Kelly, my swelling is often so subtle that it wouldn’t be noticable to others. I have a thin frame with small bones, and the swelling is proportionate. Therefore, it could lead an untrained practitioner to proclaim that I have no swelling.

  • May 20, 2011 at 12:57 pm

    Kelly, I wish I could say that I am shocked that doctors like this one exist, but I’m afraid I’ve encountered a couple in my years with this disease also. The best rheumy I’ve ever had is the one I’m using currently. She is great, not just on her own merits, but also because she has the BEST nurse I’ve ever known in any field & a wonderful receptionist & lab tech. They are a fabulous team and go above & beyond for their patients.
    Dr. Teresa Oglesby
    Mobile Diagnostics
    Providence Park
    Mobile, AL
    (251)633-8880 or (800)839-3190

    Kelly, I really do pray for you daily & thank God for you! I am praying that you find a great doctor that will work with you and will be able to help you – and soon!!!!

    • May 20, 2011 at 1:00 pm

      You have my sympathy that you have encountered this too. Thanks so much for taking time to put your doc on the list.

      • May 20, 2011 at 6:53 pm

        WOW! Some sort of database with all these “good rheumy docs” would be nice. I know it’s word of mouth, but it’s better than the resources we have now. Just a thought.

  • May 20, 2011 at 1:06 pm

    Wow, Kelly!!! I’m so sorry you had to go through that!! That’s just unbelievable that doctors can be like that. 🙁 I hope you find a doctor that treats you like the great person you are and who really is sensitive to what we are going through. I feel so lucky to have found a rheumatologist who really cares and is doing what he can to help me. He is booked months in advance and it’s hard to get in. That’s how good he is, but I’m sure he’ll take new patients if there’s a recommendation.

    Dr. Harry Klein
    Omaha Internal Medicine PC
    1805 N 145th St
    Omaha, NE

  • May 20, 2011 at 1:40 pm

    My heart and hope goes out to you Kelly. Have RA for 15 years, and treated aggressively with meds: pain meds, prednisone, mtx, plaquenil, and Enbrel. Still had extreme flares 1-2 times a year combined with serious infections: cellulitis, bronchitis/pneumonia, kidney disease/renal failure stage 3, but am still living a manageable life at 65 due to excellent treatment by my rheumy in Troy,Michigan and a kidney specialist in Sarasota, FL…thank you, GOD. Anyways, I live in Florida full time now and had a new patient visit with a local Rheumy (that was on my Insurance Company approved list, and he said: “I am not sure you have Rheumatoid Arthritis”. NOT GOING BACK! still Rheumy searching in Sarasota, FL.

  • May 20, 2011 at 1:53 pm

    My sympathies to you, Kelly. I can’t imagine the horror of that doctor’s visit–and with both your daughters there. It just doesn’t seem real…how could he exist? It’s 2011, for Pete’s sake. I’m furious on your behalf.
    I was diagnosed in July 2010, and have found wonderful support from both my PCP and my rheumy. I go to a doctor in the same practice as entry #23.
    Dr. Ami Kothari
    Illinois Bone And Joint Institute Ltd.
    9000 Waukegan Rd Ste 200
    Morton Grove, IL
    I’ve found such comfort and knowledge from reading your blog entries, and all the replies. I’ve been watching from afar, so to speak, and have only recently joined a discussion on your FB page. But I am working on my onset story, because like you, I feel it is important for us all to know that we are not alone in this RA world.
    I wish you peace.

  • May 20, 2011 at 2:36 pm

    How creepy is that! Glad you had your daughters with you. Report him right away.
    Sorry you are having such a hard time finding a decent doctor. I was lucky many years ago to find a great doc and now I am terrified he will retire and I will have to find someone else.

  • May 20, 2011 at 2:37 pm

    Hol. Ly. Shite. Thank God you had your daughter with you. God knows what he would have done if you’d been alone! Between the Dr. Pervs and Dr. Sadistics I’ve been to in my lifetime, I’ve learned to trust my instincts and first impressions.

    My unwavering advice to all patients is if you’re ever uncomfortable for ANY reason, *get out*. You don’t need to apologize or explain, just get out, still wearing your gown and with your clothes tucked under your arm if you have to.

    When we moved to our current city, I went to a new opthamologist. Now, who would think an eye doctor could be a perv? So this creepy old guy comes in, takes my glasses away from me (all other eye docs let me hold them), and proceeds to do a slit lamp exam with his knee jammed way up between my thighs. Since he didn’t touch me otherwise, I held my piece but you better believe I warned others against going, and never went back there again myself. Shortly afterward, the office closed without explanation. Coincidence? I think not…

  • May 20, 2011 at 2:40 pm

    OH, Kelly, my heart goes out to you. When we met last month for the Central Florida get together, I could tell just by the way you moved how bad your RA was. You had such difficulty using your knife and fork that it just looked painful. We did discuss our doctors that day. I really like mine. (Altho some of the girls had seen her partners and were not impressed with them) Here is her information:
    Dr. Laura Summers
    Central Florida Rheumatology
    3160 Southgate Commerce Blvd suite 30
    Orlando, fl
    I also like her PA, Michelle a lot. I have never had a problem with either of them.

  • May 20, 2011 at 2:41 pm

    OMG! I’m so so sorry! Please tell me your going to file Charged? I wish you had my Rheumy! She makes you bring a family member with you to your appointments. She’s says it’s for memory, some of us including me struggle with it. And she wants someone ekes opinion who sees you on a daily basis. She’s very smart. She believes you and she’s very appropriate. I’m in Dallas tho. I’m sorry I will be praying for you,

  • May 20, 2011 at 2:47 pm

    My current rheumie is a gem. Dr. Abigail Smukler, Toledo, Ohio, 419-479-5860. She’s younger and sees both kids and adults.

    If you’re in the Akron, Ohio area, the doctors at the Crystal Arthritis Center are very good. Of that group I can highly recommend Dr. Richter and Dr. Bacha. The only one I wouldn’t recommend is Dr. Goske – I saw him once and he didn’t listen to me.
    471 N. Cleveland-Massillon Rd
    Akron Ohio 44333
    (330) 668-4045

    At the Crystal Orthopedic Center, Dr. Gordon Bennett for foot problems.

  • May 20, 2011 at 2:50 pm

    Wow Kelly…I am speechless by the story of your new rheumatologist, and I’m so sorry that you had to go through that experience! 🙁

    The more I hear about the experiences of other patients, the more I realize how lucky I am to have found a great rheumatologist on the first try! On my first visit he spent almost an hour and a half with me (!!) carefully reviewing my family history, reported symptoms, a thorough physical exam, lab work and X-rays. On each visit since, he has continued to ask about how I’m feeling and how I think my treatment is working, examine each of my joints carefully but gently, and we make treatment decisions together. He usually notices more swelling in my joints than I do (by using the “rheumy squeeze test” as you called it)! I have been seeing him for just over a year, and we are working together to achieve our goals of clinical remission and prevention of joint damage.

    If anyone lives in the Atlanta area, I cannot recommend him highly enough:

    Dr. Jefrey D. Lieberman, MD
    2712 North Decatur Road
    Decatur, GA 30033-5910
    (404) 296-4911 ‎

    • May 26, 2011 at 1:39 pm

      I tried very hard to get into him. No new patients. First opening for the entire practice is January 2012. There are two additional Dr.’s coming in August, so there is hope. It is a very long drive for me, but to be with Emory Dr.’s would be worth it.

  • May 20, 2011 at 2:53 pm

    Just awful, sorry you have to go thru such things, people like that should be stopped, hope this one is…with your help!

    Take care Kelly, think of you often & miss all y’all much!


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