Three Fortune Cookies: What We Hope the Future Holds
Fun fortune cookies for the New Year
Amanda at WEGO Health created a challenge of three fortune cookies of hope. I’ve taken her up on the fortune cookie challenge for the RA Warrior community. Here are three fortune cookies I came up with last night. I’d love to hear one or three from you! Comment box is below.
Three hopeful fortune cookies for RA Warriors
Roll your mouse over the happy frosted fortune cookies to read the messages. I don’t usually make any New Year’s resolutions, but I am a big fan of Hope on the other hand. Last week I also enjoyed reading the Great Expectations of Donna Cryer for her future in health advocacy. Just some New Year’s inspiration in some sweet fortune cookies. Enjoy over coffee.
Be sure to check out the diagnosis question & blog carnival challenge.
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“Next year will be free from prednisone!”
At least that is what mine would say if I had a say in it.
good one.
Pingback: Recap: January HABC 3 Fortune Cookies | WEGO Health Blog
Kelly, you have done a wonderful job here for all of us. I know, I sure missed you when you were not here. Thank you with all my heart.