Jackie Evancho, O Holy Night Video & Voices of Angels | Rheumatoid Arthritis Warrior

Jackie Evancho, O Holy Night Video & Voices of Angels

The mysterious Jackie Evancho

Jackie Evancho O Holy NightLast night, we watched Jackie Evancho singing O Holy Night on The Tonight Show. I kept thinking, “This doesn’t make sense.” Over the years, people have examined whether her singing is a hoax – it’s easy to see and hear why. Her mouth seems to barely move as she is a channel for this powerful ethereal sound.

Of course the sound is not what we expect and the more extraordinarily she sings, the more mysterious it is. I sat there and cried thinking about how little of life we can understand. This is the voice of an angel that God has placed in a child. There is no logic or genetics that can explain this.

I thought about Mary and how she asked the Angel, “How can this be?” She knew the facts of life and the plan did not make sense to her. But that did not matter at all in the end; it was still the reality she would live.

Making sense of the voices of angels

There are a lot of things in life that do not make sense, some of them harsh. I could make a list, but you know what I mean. Even though those things hurt, I’m somehow comforted to consider how much does not make sense. It forces me to realize that there is someone else who gives voice to the angels and it makes sense to Him. There is a scripture that says that His ways are higher than our ways. Aren’t we glad? That was especially obvious listening to Jackie Evancho.

Note: I think Jackie Evancho gets better all the time; this recording is from last year. But if you missed her on The Tonight Show last night, the video below will give you a taste.

Recommended reading:

Kelly O'Neill

Kelly O'Neill (formerly Kelly Young) has worked about 12 years as an advocate helping patients to be better informed and have a greater voice in their healthcare. She is the author of the best-selling book Rheumatoid Arthritis Unmasked: 10 Dangers of Rheumatoid Disease. Kelly received national acknowledgement with the 2011 WebMD Health Hero award. She is the president of the Rheumatoid Patient Foundation. Through her writing and speaking, she builds a more accurate awareness of rheumatoid disease (RD) aka rheumatoid arthritis (RA) geared toward the public and medical community; creates ways to empower patients to advocate for improved diagnosis and treatment; and brings recognition and visibility to the RA patient journey. In addition to RA Warrior, she writes periodically for newsletters, magazines, and websites. There are over 60,000 connections of her highly interactive Facebook page. You can also connect with Kelly on Twitter or YouTube, or LinkedIn. She created the hashtag: #rheum. Kelly is a mother of five, longtime home-schooler, NASA enthusiast, and NFL fan. She has lived over fourteen years with unrelenting RD. See also https:/rawarrior.com/kelly-young-press/

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11 thoughts on “Jackie Evancho, O Holy Night Video & Voices of Angels

  • December 16, 2010 at 8:19 am

    I was reduced to tears. Such a beautiful voice and from one so young. God truly is no respecter of persons. He chooses whom He will entrust with such talent. Thanks for the post and for the reminder that there is one whose ways are not our ways and that He does truly have our best interest at heart. I find comfort in this. Even when I don’t understand and when the pain and struggles of this life with RA are too much, I take comfort in knowing that He indeed has a plan and purpose for me even in this, and that somehow He is working it out for my good. Have a blessed day Kelly.

    • December 16, 2010 at 8:26 am

      What a good way to put it – “entrust a child”! Bless you too, Cammie.

  • December 16, 2010 at 9:15 am

    Beautifully said Cammie!
    I could listen to this child sing all day.
    Thank you Warrrior Princess for your heart,your words and this post!
    A VERY MERRY and BLESSED CHRISTMAS to you, and all of my RA FAMILY.
    Love in Christ, Connie

  • December 16, 2010 at 10:27 am

    I love this child’s voice, and it touched me as well. Sometimes there are no explanations for “beauty” of this sort–but we have to have faith because of the comfort given us as we hear this child’s innocence and love come out in her voice.

    I also found much comfort in your message this morning, Kelly…. You, too, have such a way of boosting all our spirits, just by putting our particular situations in perspective and helping us understand that sometimes we can’t understand life’s mysterious ways….But we must all go on with hope for better days ahead. Every new year brings with it the hope of a fresh beginning!

  • December 16, 2010 at 12:12 pm

    As my priest says, “God alone knows, and He isn’t telling!” He knows just how our afflictions will contribute to the salvation of the world, but He doesn’t tell us. Maybe it’s because retaining our faith is part of what we need to do.

    May God have mercy upon us. Slava Isusu Christu! Glory to Jesus Christ!

    This child’s voice has the potential to bring thousands back to God. I will pray that it happens!

  • December 16, 2010 at 8:45 pm

    Thank you, Kelly, for this beautiful reminder of what Christmas is about. I had heard Jackie on Christian radio a couple times this week with her beautiful delivery of O Holy Night and it made such a difference in my day and my attitude. Her music ministered to me as did your insightful comments. I pray that you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and that God might bless you with some relief of pain in 2011.

  • December 18, 2010 at 10:55 pm

    This is truly moving and inspriational.
    I recently viewed a new song circulating YouTube, by Becky Kelly called “Where’s The Line for Jesus?” and found it beautiful as well. I hope to be able to have my own copy of the beauty in life in these songs that is music so wonderful to hear. Thank you for sharing.
    I believe music is one of the worlds little known caregivers.

  • May 24, 2011 at 10:51 am

    Who is this little girl? I am having a goosebumps and joy with tear. Her angelic voice touches my unhealthy heart to become a strong and healthy one. I thank you so kindly for posting this.
    May GOD protect and watch over from falling down like Britney Spears. Amen

  • November 6, 2012 at 2:03 pm

    The voice of an Angel. Truly a gift from God. As a former professional singer of sacred music, I know it takes years to develop a voice that can do justice to “O Holy Night”. Yes, this is a gifted Angel sent by God.


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