Research on Rheumatoid Arthritis Archives | Rheumatoid Arthritis Warrior

Sleep Problems in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Taking on sleep problems in rheumatoid arthritis I take pictures of posters at ACR meetings to help remember things I want to study more or write about for you! Two posters this past ACR were about sleep problems in rheumatoid arthritis. Sleep is one of those RA / RD topics people never stop asking me about. In...Continue reading      Make a Comment » Read more

RA Bone Mineral Density Predicts Mortality

RA bone mineral density may be another indicator of the mostly hidden disease activity of rheumatoid disease (RD). Investigators studying patients in Texas have made some landmark observations. RA bone mineral density may be associated with mortality A session at the most recent scientific meeting of the American College of Rheumatology explored how RA bone mineral density...Continue reading      5 Comments » Read more

Rheumatoid Arthritis Problems, Anyone?

Two kinds of rheumatoid arthritis problems There are two kinds of rheumatoid arthritis problems. There are the ones caused directly by the disease—like fatigue, pain, or weakness. And then there are the problems that are caused by those—like not being able to play tennis or break dance anymore—or being chronically late. (Anyone else dealing with RA...Continue reading      12 Comments » Read more

What Causes Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain?

Why ask what causes rheumatoid arthritis pain? Today we answer a letter from a reader that raises key questions about living with rheumatoid disease (RD). Why is it so painful? Why doesn’t treatment take away pain? Why isn’t the pain dealt with? In part, the answer is found in another question: What causes rheumatoid arthritis pain? Until...Continue reading      24 Comments » Read more

Arthritis Prescreening Like Minority Report

Arthritis prescreening is like Minority Report with Tom Cruise …Or is it? When I read Dr. Scott’s creative newspaper column, comparing rheumatoid arthritis prescreening to Minority Report, the sci-fi flick about punishing crimes before they happen, I didn’t know where to begin. I love movie analogies – there are a bunch of them on this blog. But Dr. Scott...Continue reading      12 Comments » Read more

Rheumatoid Arthritis CRP Levels

Why look at rheumatoid arthritis CRP levels? C-reactive protein, commonly called CRP, is a protein that can be produced by the liver in response to other immune activity, especially the increase of IL-6. CRP can rise quickly in response to many inflammatory conditions such as infections or injury, helping clear out dying cells or bacteria. Blood tests for...Continue reading      26 Comments » Read more

Rheumatoid Arthritis Clinical Trials: 10 Facts

How do Rheumatoid Arthritis clinical trials work? Clinical trials are research studies that test medications, devices, or procedures that may be used to treat a disease. Sometimes already approved medications are also tested in new ways. Rheumatoid Arthritis clinical trials not only help to create new treatments, but also help develop better ways of managing the...Continue reading      3 Comments » Read more

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